Speaking of the (illicit) Obama administration, as I was in my recent blog on its funding of revolutionaries in several foreign countries, I have received in my day’s mail several bulletins - as in bullet-ins - on said war going on involving the domestic sector. Two of them had to do with the subject - the criminal subject - of sanctuary cities. One of them was from an outfit called Remember America’s Heritage that highlighted various headlines from the MSM:
Fox News: ’Showdown looms between Trump administration, sanctuary cities’
CNN: ’Sanctuary Cities Gird For Trump White House’
NBC News: ’Sanctuary Cities Vow to Protect Immigrants From Trump’(1)
TIME Magazine: ‘Donald Trump: Sanctuary Cities Plan To Defy President-Elect’
CBS News: ‘U.S. Cities Fight Back Against Trump’s Sanctuary Cities Stance’
Rolling Stone: ‘How Sanctuary Cities Are Plotting To Resist Trump’
to all of which President Trump has said:
“We will end the Sanctuary Cities that have resulted in so many needless deaths. Cities that refuse to cooperate wilt not receive tax dollars.”
So: Gauntlet laid down.(2)
The other mailing on this same subject was from Rick Santorum, Chairman of his outfit called Patriot Voices, which had a petition(3) and which added some additional information, such as that
“New York City alone gets $7.7 billion per year and Chicago gets $1.3 billion of our tax dollars”. He opines: “If that [No More Excuses!] means withholding millions of dollars of taxpayer money…if they don’t cooperate…
“…so be it.
“If that means bringing criminal charges against the likes of Rahm Emanuel and Bill de Blasio…
“…so be it.”
Indeed, Rick. Indeed.
And speaking of HUD Secretary Carson, he figures in another of my day’s mail. From Tom DeWeese, President of his American Policy Center, with a Petition to Dr. Carson as HUD Secretary,(3) it points out how
“In 2016, the federal agency Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Barack Obama announced the ‘Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,’ (AFFFH).
“This is the socialist left’s most radical assault on American citizens and local government.
“It’s actually worse than Obamacare!
“The AFFH Rule will destroy your property rights.
“The AFFH Rule will destroyer property values.
“The AFFH Rule will destroy whole neighborhoods
“And the AFFH Rule will virtually erase the very concept of Local rule by your locally elected representatives.”
How so?
“Here are the facts.
“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires EVERY community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regional to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood.
“HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much mere.
“If there aren’t enough of each category, HUD determines that there is an 'imbalance' and will force a massive shift to balance the breakdown of residents.
“This is social engineering at its worst…” (Emphases in original)
Indeed, Tom. Indeed.
Oh, I said that, didn’t I. Repeating the concerns of both Tom and Rick (and Kip Caudill, President of RAH before that). Concerns about the direction that the nation’s government was quietly leading it before the advent of The Donald on the scene; but with the same revolutionaries still in the bureaucracies. Eating away at the foundations of the country…
In sum: It’s very clear that the far Left has declared war on the United States.
So it’s Game On.
Oh - but one more thing. I see that the HUD business involves the carrot of federal monies to local communities. I’ve got an idea. Funnel the money saved from going to the sanctuary cities to those local areas that are looking to build up their neighborhoods along American lines. Not socialist-communist Identity Politics lines…
Actually, no, just being arch. Because the federal government is bankrupt, has no funds to pay for this social-engineering sort of thing. Is some $21 trillion - that’s trillion. As in TRILLION - in debt. Plus unfunded liabilities. Like Social Security.
Which is supposed to be a Trust fund. What happened to those monies? On, I see. That Fund has been spent by Congress, with IOUs put in its place. To be replaced by Federal Reserve notes with less and less value, under the (planned-for) economic forces of inflation. Which notes are debt notes to begin with…
What a mess…
We are lucky - very lucky - that the whole economic & financial system is going down. For a New Order of Things to take its place.
Of another kind, than the one planned for us - for a very long time - by tyrants.
A story out of the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39, setting up the larger conflict that became WWII, had to do with the socialists/communists taking over an area that included the taking of the young son of a leader of the opposition Nationalists (sound familiar??) as a hostage, and making various demands therefrom. The man’s message:
“Be brave, my son.”
Be brave, my brethren of the Light. Don’t let the satanic statists win this day. There is another day - a better day - on the other side of this dark terrain that we are momentarily passing through to get to it. Where we will all celebrate the ending of The Play.
And the beginning of The Real Thing.
(1) That, of course, should read: ‘’Sanctuary Cities Vow To Protect ILLEGAL Immigrants From Trump’
But what’s a little thing like a fact to get in the way of a headline by the Fake News.
(2) RAH is sponsoring a National Survey on Shutting Down Sanctuary Cities, the results to be sent to Pres. Trump and Members of Congress. The four questions:
1. Do you SUPPORT or OPPOSE cutting off federal funds to sanctuary cites that protect criminal illegal immigrants.
2. Should Donald Trump’s Attorney General prosecute liberal city officials who willfully violate U.S. law by creating sanctuary cities to protect illegal immigrant criminals?
3. Should Congress pass ‘Kate’s Law’ (named after Kate Steinle, who was murdered by a criminal illegal immigrant) which would impose mandatory minimum sentences on illegal alien criminals?
4. Do you agree with Donald Trump’s statement that ”Sanctuary Cities are a disaster. They’re a safe haven for criminals and people who shouldn’t have a safe haven. It’s just unacceptable.”
(3) The Petition is to Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary, and Matt Whitaker, Acting AG, reading;
“End Sanctuary Cities Now! As an American citizen concerned about the safety of our country, I hereby DEMAND that Sanctuary Cities be shutdown, and that they be defunded if they do not comply, and that the 2 million illegal criminal immigrants be deported immediately.”
Oh, but that's being 'racist'?
Bull. Shit.
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