Wednesday, 16 January 2019

On These Testing Times

In today’s mail I received a 2019 Membership Renewal Second Request from the National Association for Gun Rights, which i will be responding to with a note which I have written, as follows:

“Sorry - I no longer have discretionary income -

“Please take me off your mailing list, to save you the expense - but

“Keep up the good work against the termites who are eating away at the foundations of this country, in their satanic attempt to bring it down.”


And after dispensing with a few other, similar requests for donations to their worthy causes which I likewise can no longer honor, I turned to reading a little further in the latest issue of Judicial Watch’s monthly magazine ‘Verdict’.  And speaking of termites…

…here’s an article - the monthly ‘Message From The President,’ actually - headed ‘Why Is The State Department Refusing To Disclose Soros’ Involvement in Macedonia?’  Starting out with a reprint of an op-ed by said president, Tom Fitton, in The Hill back in April of 2017, it is about how both the State Department and the USAID starting under Obama have funded - out, of course, of U.S. taxpayers’s dollars - the antics of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and its affiliates in, in this case, Macedonia.  Quote: 

“The USAID website reports that between February 27, 2012 and August 31, 2016 it gave [nearly $5 million] in taxpayer money to Soros’ Open Society Foundation — Macedonia (FOSM) in partnership with four local ‘civil society’ organizations.  The USAID…says the project trained hundreds of young Macedonians ‘on topics such as freedom of association, youth policies, citizen initiatives, persuasive argumentation and use of new media.’ 

“In February [JW’s newsletter] reported:      

“‘The U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros…Barack Obama’s U.S. ambassador to Macedonia…has worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.’

“Heres how the clandestine operation functions…The [OSF] has established and funded dozens of left-wing, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Macedonia to overthrow the conservative government…The groups organize youth movements, create influential media outlets and organize violent protests to undermine the institutions and policies implemented by the government.  One of the Soros groups funded the translation and publication of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals into Macedonian.  The book is a tactical manual of subversion, provides direct advice for radical street protests and proclaims Lucifer to be the first radical…”  (my emphases)  

So the termites are not just at work in this country.  And indeed, in another article in this same issue of Verdict they point out how the precise sort of thing, by the precisely same M.O., is going on in Romania and Albania as well.  The termites using our own money to do us in with.

How they must be snickering.  As they munch away…

As I say: It’s all coming to a head.    

So how well is your head screwed on, in these times of Great Testing, in and for our Finals?  What are you doing about it all??

And whose side are you on???  In

The End.

P.S. For whatever reason, Obama’s ambassador to Macedonia, one Jess L. Bally, has not been replaced by Pres.Trump.
     Pres. Trump needs to be asked why not.
     That’s something very practical that you can do.  In - as I say - these testing times.
     This.  Testing.  Time.  At
     The End
     of one 'reality'.
     And the Beginning of another.
     Part of The Real Thing this time.

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