Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Thanks, I Needed That

I just about went to bed (late) last night on a very downer of a note, and was saved from it at the last minute.  

The ‘downer’ was at the (valuable) web site Stillness In The Storm in the form of an article by Mike Adams, of Natural News.  (His an excellent ‘alternative’ health site, with a ‘conservative’ political twist.)  Mike gave chapter and verse on humanity’’s destruction of the planet, as good reason for our own destruction; which is, in any event, proceeding apace, at the hands of the Cabal/Illuminati, and their off-world ‘associates’.  At that point, I closed my computer down for the night, really feeling Mike’s ‘existential crisis,’ and wondering, myself, about our outcome, on this sorely put-upon planet.(1)  But something prompted me to open it back up and go check out a site that I usually do but, for whatever reason, forgot to do this time.  What a helpful nudge from ’the universe’ that was.

My ‘savior’ was in the form of some wishes for the New Year at Golden Age of Gaia by its ‘mentor,’ Steve Beckow.  A litany of ‘wrongs,’ but in the spirit of their being righted, and with a positive vision for the future.

Check them out.  They are both good, in their own ways.  As food for thought goes.  And as action can proceed from.    

And I post this on the end-of-the-year good advice from a friend, who appreciated a link that I recently recommended in these pages, and who pointed out to me the value of sharing with my ‘auditors’ sources of inspiration or valuable insights.  I ‘got it’: how we can each be ’extended eyes and ears’ for each other, ‘agents of change’ for each other, in passing on nuggets of value that we come across, each on our individual journeys, in this realm of Choice.

And speaking of.

I was reading today, in the sun, overlooking the ocean - to say, with that expansive view helping me to keep some ’balance’ in whatever I might be reading about, which largely involves material commenting on the Human Tragedy - about now so many of our children these days (and for quite some time) are being ‘bent’ in their formative years (by various casual factors, but particularly including the maternal one) towards thinking ill of ‘the other’.(2)  That really is a major key to our future state of being and society on this planet.  We would not ‘do unto others’ badly if we understood - really got - not just the Golden Rule.  But that we are literally one another.  That We are all One.

As I phrase it: ‘As you do unto others so do you do unto yourself - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One.’ (3) 

And if our forebears on this planet had understood this, we could have saved ourselves a lot of grief.      

And I say ‘we’ advisedly.

For, ‘we’ are ‘they’.

Still getting it.


the consequences of our actions.

In order to learn our lessons.

And then -

and only then - 

move on.

And Up.

Out.  Of a 3D existence, of education.  

And Up the Octave.


New horizons.

The reality of which 'stairway' is what will save us from the sort of future that Mike Adams painted for us.

And only that reality will succeed in accomplishing that outcome.

Our understanding of that one fundamental fact.

About Us and

The Other. 

That we have a journey to complete.

Back.  To


P.S. On a more mundane note, but associated with all this; and bringing ‘it’ down to earth; I got in my daily mail today a letter advising of the following:
     “For years, National Committee Against the U.N. Takeover and I have been battling for a presidential pardon for Michael New, THE PATRIOTIC FORMER U.S. SOLDIER WHO REFUSED TO SERVE UNDER THE COMMAND OF THE UNITED NATIONS.
     “Michael New was court-martialed by Bill Clinton for standing up FOR the U.S. Constitution and AGAINST the anti-American United Nations.
     “But with the election of President Trump, there was hope for Michael New…
     “After [we] sent thousands of ‘Requests for Pardon’ for Michael New to the White House, we got a response from [a] Special Assistant to the President.
     “[He] told me personally that he received our ‘Requests for Pardon’, and that he was sending them
directly to the Counsel for Pardons at the White House…”  (Emphases in original)
     No cigar yet.  But we’ll see.
     And next on that list:
     (Former) LTC Terry Lakin.  Never heard of him?  Not surprising.  Remember the name.  And situation.  Who, when being vetted to be sent over to Afghanistan (as a doctor) and being asked to produce all sorts of documents confirming his identity, asked for the simple same of his ostensible Commander in Chief, one Barack Hussein Obama, in order to confirm his constitutional eligibility to hold that position of command and control over him.  The rest is history.
     To be corrected.
     Along with so many other examples of injustices having been perpetrated; and examples of wrongdoing in general.  As we move to
     get all things right. 
     But especially, in this country, to acknowledge
     the value of the individual endowed with unalienable rights.
     Never to forget, fundamentally, that   
     Are All
     And have some unfinished business to attend to here.  Before - and For -


(1) As ‘enhanced’ by my reading very recently, in a book entitled ‘The  Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader’ (‘includes Never Before Published Writings’), of the largely untold history on this planet, largely of wars, wars, wars, and at least a couple of such Extinction Level Events.
     Will we ever learn… 
     Maybe not.  On this level.  Of an equivalent to elementary school.   

(2) “These deficits in afflicted individuals prevent them from appreciating the personhood of the other, to understand his sensibilities and vulnerabilities, to recognize the qualities that justify seeing him as a unique and sovereign being like oneself, a deeply sentient soul who deserves respect and even the reverence implied by the Golden Rule…
     “When well developed, [the capacity to perceive the other as a person of surpassing importance] enables one to understand the uniquely individual personhood of the other as a special being and not just an object or a thing or fungible member of one or more collectives, an item in some arbitrary identity politics category, an obstacle or tool to be manipulated.  Indeed, this reverential view of the other is the basis for the profound moral duty an ethically competent adult feels toward his fellow human beings.  It is an ontological prerequisite for the authentic moral commitment that holds a free society together…”   - article ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real - And Serious’  by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D. in the November issue of Whistleblower magazine.
     (N.B. He did also get around to writing ‘his or her’.  But come on: It is awkward at times, this dance with pronouns.)    

(3) The other major key to “our future state of being and society on this planet” is the monetary one.

     Stay tuned.

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