Monday 14 January 2019

Fade To Light

I have just spent the largest part of my (Sunday) evening online listening to a telephone interview by Jimmy Church with David Wilcock, on the subject of the latter's 'Predictions for 2019'.  According to Wilcock, it's going to be a key, and transformative, year.  I agree.

A lot of things are coming to a head.  Mostly the corruption of 'the times'.  Something is definitely about to break through.  For the Old to give way to the New.

Not that that 'give-way' is necessarily going to be clean and easy, with a minimum of muss and fuss.  But that's free will for you.

For us.  To have had an arena in which we could make choices; and by our choices, either progress on our personal spiritual Path or fall back or just spend some more time in the illusion of matter, deepening that experience.  All, for a purpose.  The dual purpose, of developing ourselves, as apprentice gods.  And of bringing our experiences back to the One of which we are a Part.  And thereby, increasing the quotient of awareness.

With the One - the All That Is - 'winning' in the end.  Gaining, from the whole Drama.

And thus, so do we all.

May you make the cull.

Coming up.

As we speak.

As you allow more and more of the real You to come through; and permeate this platform, this stage, with your highest, most generous contributions.  Ultimately, to

The Cause.

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