Sunday, 20 January 2019

No More Mr. Nice Guy

An Open Letter To Pres. Trump

Dear Pres. Trump,

So the Democrats have shown that they are not interested in the Art of the Deal.  In making a two-party system work.  Are interested only in absolutes.  The absolutes of control, and power.  Power Over Others.  (POO for short.)   Like the Bolsheviks of old.  And like the Red Chinese of our day.  With their ‘Social Credit’ agenda; whereby, if you do or say the wrong thing politically, it’s Sayonara, Baby for you.  And minus your organs, in their kind of deal.

And we are much closer to their kind of system already going on in this country than many if not most Americans appear to think.  How much of an outcry is there against the various Mainstream/Social Media platforms - that our current batch of Bolsheviks have succeeded in taking a near-monopolistic degree of control over - in their incessant censoring of in-a-word conservative thought?  With the same degree of logic of their minions calling you a ‘racist’ because you want to bring the huge amount of illegal-alien invasion of this country - including MS-13 gang members, and ISIS and other terrorists, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers - to a halt.  As is your responsibility. 

Even when you bend over backwards, and offer concessions to the category of illegals called DACA.  Not enough for the Democrats.  Or to say, more specifically, the revolutionaries that have taken over control of the Democrat Party.  Its far Left wing.  On the surfaces of things.  With - of course - the same nest of vipers behind them as on the other side of the political aisle.  At the top of what could rather more accurately be described as the pyramid.  Those powerful few, relatively, who have been scheming to take down this country, and make it part of the totalitarian dictatorship that they call their New World Order, for a very long time.  

And are very close to their goal, now.

And so are more determined than ever not to give ‘you’ - i.e., the other side; the side standing for human freedom from such overlords - any margin of ‘gift’.  Oh, they will have engaged in concession steps along the way; in order to give a little to get more.  And more.  And more.  Until they are in the position that they are in now.  With so many of the citizenry dependent on ‘the government’ for their life necessities.  That state of affairs being a piece of ’the action,’ in order for our erstwhile masters to create an army, for their ultimate demands.  Which they are now - all according to the ’scientific’ Marxist concept of ‘the calculation of the relation of forces’ - in a position to play.  Like a - you should excuse the expression - trump card in their hand.  Thinking they have enough leverage now/power now to challenge you full stop.  As the last barrier to their best-laid plans.

Ah.  But what about the possibility that that All-Seeing Eye on the top of the pyramid of power of the secret societies really does stand for God?  The true God.  Not their ersatz one, that they have thought that they have been working for.  But the God behind The Path’s features of such phenomenon as reincarnation, and karma.

Souls on a journey.  To En-Light-enment on the one hand.

And extinguishment on the other.

All of it, as features of


The essence of the creation.  Everything being made up of facets of Light.

Including the Dark.

For our education.

And ultimate rejection of.  As we climb the stairway to the heavens sufficiently to leave the dimension of Duality/Polarity and (seeming) Separation behind.

And enter into the Light of

a New Day.

The New Day.

And ask those who have been but playing parts on the Dark side, in The Play that we have been engaged in - for said En-Light-enment - to join us.  Over on the side of The Light.  

As for those who have succumbed to the Dark side - actually believing in exercising Power Over Others; rather than Power With, and Within…

...that is to say, actually believing in The Other.  Rather than the One.  To any Part of which, we do to All.  And to Self as part of the All...

Ah.  Well.  

You win some.  And you lose some.

In any Game that you engage in playing.

So.  Time to call it


Pres. Trump.  
And play your real

Trump card.

For the next, and concluding, stage of 




N.B. I see that Donna Brazile has sent a Twitter warning to Pres. Trump in followup to Nancy Pelosi’s written concern - for the record?? - about the security issue in telling Trump to pass on the annual presidential SOTU speech.  Which venue would give the president a major pulpit from which is make his case to the American people.  Which the Deep State characters don’t want to give him, with their general censoring of such a perspective, in this last stage of their takeover plotting.  Brazile’s warning pointing out how, if both the president and the VP - the latter of whom would be at such a venue - were taken out in an assassination plot, the next in line for the office of POTUS would be Pelosi, as Speaker of the House.  (Actually, that issue is not all that clear in the Constitution with various amendments.  But the outrageous point is being made.)        

As serious a potential example as this one is, the subject it brings up, of spying on the communications of domestic citizens, still needs to be legal, i.e., by properly obtained warrant.  And on this note:  

I see that the Dems are now - with the failure of the Mueller probe to get Trump on their Russian Collusion Delusion - trying to get him for lying to Congress on similarly, er, trumped-up charges.  Hey - how about how Congress has failed to rein in the NSA from spying, in wholesale police-state ways, on American citizens???

Congress needs to be dissolved - for this and other crimes; including its failure to act on the illegal presidency of Barack non-natural-born citizen Obama - until a total cleanup of the federal government has taken place.  At a minimum: All the appointments that the illegally-sitting president Obama made to executive-branch departments - and including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts - to go.  Out.*   

Some of which latter appointments are proving, time and again, that they are part of an illegal edifice, the House that Obama built, in their ‘justifying’ under the terms of their personal socio-political proclivities.  Not on the basis of their trained, sincere judicial reading of the intent of the Constitution - the law of the land.

The proper law of the land.  Not this sleight-of-hand stuff that has been going down in this country, for long enough, now.  To prove the point:

Without a - proper - vision, the people perish.

That is to say,

without a sense of what it is all about.  On the larger level.  Beyond

The Play.

* For it to be as though he had never been there.  For, he was never there legally. 
   (See, e.g.: puzo1@blogspot-dot-com.  Also: E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’, Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.  (Look it u.  It’s right here, on the Internet.  Still.)  And Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to the Constitutional Convention that the president need only be “born a Citizen” - with his proposal SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., one “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.)

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