Monday, 7 January 2019

What Do I Know

On June 15th, 1955 - my 21st birthday, as it so happened - I was on a train heading south to L.A. from the West Bay Area town of Palo Alto, where I had just left my formal schooling behind - at Stanford University - and was heading into the unknown.  For me.  At the same time that that sort of ‘trip’ was going on, in a heated-up way, for the country as well.  But more on that in a moment.  

I had had a ‘spiritual experience’ earlier that year, and it caused me to want to know, as a matter of sincere fact - rather than just ‘belief’ or lip service - what life was all about.  To that end, I had decided that I wanted to spend some time studying from the stacks in ‘the largest public library in the Western world,’ which I figured must be the main public library in New York City.  After going home to face the music with my mother (as a Pre-Med, I had just been accepted into Stanford Medical School starting the following year.  Oops) and earning some money for my next steps (working as an OR Orderly in a hospital in L.A.), I set off across the country to do just that.  Where I spent a year in my private ‘university’ - at first full-time, and then, when my savings ran out, and I got a job during the days (at Samuel French Play Publishing Company), almost every evening that the Library was open.  My Year In Manhattan ended when I had to go into the Army, to fulfill my two years of duty under the Draft of the day, having dropped out of my formal-education exemption category.(1)    

I was reminded of all this today when I was reading an article in a recent issue of The New American magazine.  Entitled ‘One Man’s Fight Against the Global Trade Order’ - about a two-term national senator from Nevada back in the late forties through the fifties named George Walter Malone - it was about how ‘the globalists’ started moving their pieces on the global chess board further into ‘enemy’ territory in this country via various trade pacts.  Of particular note to me, and interest, were the facts that a) a major such piece, called the ‘Trade Agreements Act,’ was signed into law by FDR on nearly my precise birth date in June, 1934; and b) Sen. Malone rose on the floor of the Senate on my very 21st birthday to warn his colleagues about authorizing another three-year extension of said Act, for its having become more obvious by then what was afoot in such ’trade’ Acts.  Which was, and is, the selling-out of the U.S. as an independent, sovereign nation to the forces that have their beady eyes on subjecting the U.S. to their totalitarian New World Order.(2)

All of which subject I have also familiarized myself with, in the ensuing years, in my desire to progress from my years of formal education; not just as regards purely ’spiritual issues, but to find out what all this ‘is all about,’ including Truth in the socio-econo-political field.

Of the Field of The Fall. 

Humans attempting to ‘go it alone,’ in their creation.  In order, apparently, to prove something to themselves.

What would that be?

Oh, say: To prove that they can do ’it’ themselves.

Create themselves.  Without reference to and alignment with their Creator Source.

Well.  Guess what.

We are about to prove something, alright.  But not what our erstwhile masters would have that be.

Rather, to prove that 

we don’t learn from our mistakes.

Are about to steer ‘civilization’ on this planet into yet another catastrophe.

Of which there have, apparently, been several, on this poorly put-upon planet

of Choice.

All, because of one major thing.


Which, as a particular religious book - full of other stuff, including nonsense - says:

Goeth before a fall.

And so

here we go again. 

Unless we wake up.

This time.

But then, what do I know.

Only what I have been able to find out.

So far.


(1) By the time that I received my letter of Greetings in the mail from the U.S. government, I had found enough info in my search for Truth that I applied for, and received, ‘conscientious objector’ status, and subsequently went into the Service in that non-combatant status; ultimately serving my two-year ‘hitch’ over in South Korea, first as my Basic Eight and Second Eight training set me up for - as a medic - and then in Special Services, as the Director of Entertainment for the Seventh Division.  Another story.
     (N.B. No ‘war’ for me.  To harm or kill another person is to harm or kill a part of oneself.  For, We Are All One.  Fractals of The All That Is.
     Another story, too.)     

(2) Sen. Malone’s speech on the floor of the Senate - and in his 1958 book titled ‘Mainline’ - nailed it, in his referring to such trade pacts as one “jaw” of a “pincers” attack on the U.S.; the first ‘jaw’ being political in nature (think membership in the UN and NATO), with the second ‘pincer’ being economic.  All of this, not just to make of the U.S. a ‘good member’ of the international scene, the international ‘order’ of nation-states.  But as the key piece on the chessboard.  To capture.  By malevolent beings - terrestrial and not; incarnate and not - attempting to take over this planet.  For the Dark side.  
   The side tolerated by our Creator Source.
   For educational purposes.

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