Friday, 25 January 2019

The Covington Incident

from ‘John Kass, Thought Crimes, Media Abuse and those Catholic High School Boys from Covington’ - John Kass - January 24
(A report on “that hateful leftist social media mob - shamefully egged on by prominent American journalists…”)

Stan says:

Thanks for this clarifying report, John (and Jim).

The MSM has covered itself in ignominy. It needs to slink away, back into the darkness from which it emanated, and be taken down in its near-monopoly status by a totally cleaned-out federal government, for a New Day to be born in the American Republic. One cleaned out of such disgusting bias, and abject propaganda, as engaged in by the New World Order crowd, in furtherance of their attempts to fasten a totalitarian stranglehold on, ultimately, the whole world itself.

It has gotten to the point of parody.  If the boy who happened to be in front of the old American Indian agitator (who has proven to be a liar about what happened, and about himself) beating his drum in his face had happened to show anger at that provocation, the MSM would have smeared him as being a racist bully; if he did what he did - simply endure it, with a ‘Whatever’ smile of patience - he has been smeared as being a racist with “a hateful smirk of privilege,” as the article indicated he was being portrayed as evidencing by the MSM.  So, get the spin take on matters ready for whatever your enemy gives you to work with.

And enemy it is, to these revolutionaries.

They are at war with us.

So we need to be at war with them.

And just not sink to their disgusting level, in engaging them.

Besides ‘A Call to Reinvestigate [the] American Assassinations’ of four prominent political figures of the 1960s that another of Fetzer’s blogs covers in his day’s releases, we need to have an investigation of the character assassination of the Covington boy and his friends at that confrontation by revolutionaries at the Lincoln Memorial, as portrayed unfairly by said MSM. 

We’re not talking either the 1960s or the 2010s here, in effect.  

We’re talking 1984.

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