Friday, 25 January 2019

Now Is The Time...

…For All Good Men And Women
       To Come To The Aid Of
              Their Country

I’m still getting mail from outfits that haven’t cleaned their mailing lists yet regarding my (sometimes repeated) requests to be taken off their lists.  Here’s one from an adjunct to one that I have thus informed, Larry Klayman’s Freedom Watch.  This mailing, from ‘the Klayman Group, P.A.’, is a part of a particularly worthy cause that I unfortunately can no longer financially support.  Its message is, well, aggravating.  Under the heading ‘Oppressive Federal “Deep State” Government And Its So Called Justice Department (Sic) Determined Still To Put Bundys Away In Prison For Life!,’ Klayman writes. in part:

“The ‘Deep State’ federal government, more tyrannical than even King George III’s British monarchy in the years, months and days leading up to the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, and the ensuring [sic] revolution, will not give up!  Undaunted by even the dismissal of its indictments of Cliven Bundy [and] his sons…along with other peaceful protesters who used their constitutional and God-given right to bear arms to stand down Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and FBI goons who threatened the family with death if they did not turn over their cattle and abandon their Bunkerville ranch, our so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) and the same U.S. Attorney’s office which hid exculpatory evidence, lied to the court, suborned perjury, and threatened [a] whistleblower…are incredibly appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a very leftist bench.”

Yes, I’ve heard of them.  The majority on it are apparently as corrupt as what is called the Ninth Circle.  Another story.  Klayman -  a real fighter for what he believes in - goes on:

“Their goal: to have the Bundys retried, convicted, sentenced and put away for life - that is after having already been falsely imprisoned (Cliven initially in solitary confinement) for two years white they awaited their first trial.  The reason: One should never question or oppose the power of the feds, or you will be crushed!  This is the lesson that these vile prosecutors and their superiors in the DOJ want to mete out on We the People!  Even with the election of President Donald Trump, DOJ is still controlled by hate-filled leftists, 97 percent of whom voted for and/or donated monies to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and before that Barrack Hussein Obama for president.”

(Ah yes.  The ‘apparatchiks’ of Russian Bolshevik-era fame.  Who have infested our country’s federal government bureaucracies in likewise fashion; and whom Pres. Trump can’t fire outright, because of some law or other.  But which condition may be able to be circumvented, with some adroit handling of the current federal government shutdown.)  

“The secondary goal for this appeal is to cover the backsides (‘cya’) of the DOJ prosecutors who were caught red-handed committing crimes in obstructing justice.  They hope that the equally leftist Ninth Circuit will overturn the dismissal of the indictments and make rulings that let them off the legal hook, as their careers, at least in theory, are in jeopardy.”  Particularly because “I previously filed ethics complaints against them to have them disbarred from practicing law ever again, as well as prosecuted for their crimes.”

So, Klayman personally upped the ante…He continues:

“The DOJ and its prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Nevada are truly evil, pure evil!  But this is the world that we live in today: ordinary law-abiding and good folk like the Bundys and their supporters at Bunkerville are to have no rights in the face of oppressive federal power!  We live in a socialist Godless state run by despots who feather their own nests at the expense of We the People!  That explains how former Senator Harry Reid put President Obama and his DOJ, FBI and BLM up to trying to take away the land which the Bundy family has ranched for over 150 years and then attempted to sell it to Chinese environmental interests, with likely kickbacks to Reid and his son Rory, a corrupt downtown Las Vegas attorney - and even Obama himself!”

Klayman’s hyperbole aside, he has missed an important point here.  Namely: the Chinese “environmental interests” are just a cover for what is really going on in this country.  Their ‘solar farm’ employees are actually military cadres.  And which ‘farms’ are being situated near U.S. military bases and main highways, in order to give them a) instant deployability, and b) mobility.(1)  And the same is happening in California.  Where Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband buys up (deliberately) distressed farming property and sells it on to Chinese, er, environmental interests.  For their country’s food-resource needs.  And thus, to cripple to a ‘healthy’ extent the U.S.’s own food needs; California being a major supplier of a number of foodstuffs to our country.

Did I say, ‘our’ country???…

This country is being taken over.  From both the inside.  With homegrown Quislings helping in that manner.  And from the outside.  With the likes of our porous southern border.  Which has allowed Fifth Columnists into this country for so long that they have established ‘beachheads’ in all 50 states.  According even to disgraced former FBI head James Comey. 

And the average American Joe and Jill Public, while all of this preparation activity has been going on?


Well.  Hit the alarm bell, Citizen.  Or lose your country.

Just another quickie, while I’m on the subject of a) my day’s mail, and b) apparatchiks.  They don’t just infest federal bureaucracies.  They are At Work And Play in other areas as well.  Take the “dozen states and environmental groups [which] are suing the Trump Administration to resurrect one of Obama’s worst policies”.  Which is?  “Obama’s unconstitutional and illegal WOTUS rule.”  Which stands for??  “Waters of the United States.”  

What is this all about???

Rainfall on private property.  Obama was such a good socialist that he wanted to regulate even rainfall on private property.  From a mailing from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which has been fighting this sort of socio-economic war in the courts for many years:

“[We’re not just] talking about regulating bays and lakes and rivers.  Obama’s WOTUS rule was so expansive that if your land receives rainfall and a small puddle forms, the federal government can regulate your private property.  In practical terms, Obama’s WOTUS rule means the federal government can regulate every square inch of the United States from coast to coast…”  (Emphasis in original)

But surely the courts will rule against this obvious over-expansion of federal power??

Think the Ninth Circuit.  And the spirit alive in various states of objection to the Trump administration.(2)  

And the likes, in our world today, of the Ninth Circle.  

And the cultivated attitude of our youth to ‘saving the world from’ the likes of Americans’ ‘freedom’.  Whereby a fair amount of our youth have been seductively enlisted in a war ’to save the planet’ from ‘man-made Climate Change’.  Without understanding that that canard has been a ploy to fasten onerous controls on the world’s peoples; not by legitimately concerned scientists and citizens of the world.  But by the likes of the Trilateral Commission.

Who or what is the Trilateral Commission??

Look it up.  While you are looking up the Ninth Circle.

And learn something about the real world that you are living in.

Outside of 



(1) In conjunction with their forces coming up from the South through Mexico (already, according to some sources, in place in the mountains in the northern part of the country).
   More than one way to skin a cat, eh, boys???
   And snoozeville Americans thought they were safe, with their bordering oceans and all…
   And in all of this, not to overlook our vulnerable northern border.  But one thing at a time… 

(2) Which objection could all too easily spill over into secession moves, by ‘liberal’ states.  
   With the aid of all the illegal-alien and other non-citizen voters.  To take this country over.
   By hook.  

   Or by crooks.

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