from ‘CAESAR’ S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ - YouTube - Sept. 15, 2018; orig. 2012
(Five open-minded Bible experts join Joseph Atwill in a look at his well-researched contention of the true origins of the so-called New Testament.)
1 day ago (Jan 25 2019)
This is an interesting hypothesis. I did not expect to watch the entire video but it is very interesting.
I do have some questions that I don't think are adequately addressed and I welcome thoughtful comments based on a little bit more than religion or faith.
1. Certainly many of the Pauline letters predate the Gospels, in fact the video references this. But there is no claim that Paul was working for Rome. I believe most scholars believe that Galatians was one of the letters actually written by Paul. In this letter Paul specifically references meeting some of the Apostles including Cephas/Peter. I would think this gives credibility to the historical existence of Jesus.
2. At least Matthew and Luke take pains to connect Jesus to Bethlehem. Even though most scholars believe that the birth narratives ARE fictional, if the life of Jesus was completely fictional wouldn't it be easier just to say he lived in Bethlehem and leave Nazareth out of it? Again, this points to an historical person.
3. We know that there were many more Gospels than the 4 in the canon. If Rome had control, why the effort and expensive of so many? Wouldn't they have insisted on formalizing the canon much earlier than they did, and perhaps just one so we didn't see the inconsistencies (especially between John and the synoptics)?
4. I think most scholars agree that the paragraph regarding Jesus found within Josephus was a latter Christian insert. If Josephus was so deeply involved in the creation of the Gospels, it seems likely he would have mentioned it himself and perhaps included much more about it.
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1 second ago (January 26, 2019)
Very good questions/comments. A problem regarding 'Paul,' however, is that both Atwill and Ralph Ellis in his books on the general subject have made compelling cases for Saul-become-Paul actually to have been an alter ego of Josephus, writing himself into his own story. He saved his own skin (and that of a number of his fellow priestly-line Jews) by telling Vespasian that he a) would help him become emperor, and b) would help him & other Roman emperors against Josephus's fellow Jews by trying to make it out that their looked-for Messiah was not a militaristic leader who would lead them to victory over their enemies by incessant rebellion but a figure who counseled them to "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and to obey authority, as the way, ultimately, to gain power. And on that particular latter point, see the book 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia' by Flavio Barbiero. Well worth reading.
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So A Roman god that Christianity was set up to worship…
How long will we labor under the delusion.
Sincerely. But duped in it nevertheless.
And therefore, its needing to be corrected.
As is everything else.
For Truth to prevail.
And nothing less.
For, nothing less will be able to stand
in the Light of
the New Day
dawning for humankind
on planet Earth.
Those who can withstand that Light, that is to say.
As we face a time of the re-evaluation of the purpose of money.
The true, legitimate purpose of money.
As merely a medium - a convenient medium - of exchange.
Not as a means of gaining Power Over Others.
Or POO for short.
And that is what I mean by its being a time for, and of,
a New Day.
Which is actually
an Old Day.
The Day of
Our Creator Source.
To be birthed on
this poorly put-upon planet.
Having seen our worst.
Now, about to see
our best.
With you.
Or without you.
Your choice.
As always.
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