Back in the very late ‘40s-early ‘50s, going on into high school in Southern California, we newly minted drivers enjoyed driving further down the coast on weekends to places like Laguna Beach to body surf - this was just before the surfboard craze - and deepen our sun tans. I don’t know who first had the bright idea historically (I understand that it was an early craze at Yale), but besides our playing touch football along the water’s edge someone would bring his mother’s pie plate and we would sail it to each other; needing to be careful regarding younger kids around, or someone could get hurt by a wayward throw. And thereby hangs a tale.
Let me highlight a particular fact here, to help my story along. Near Laguna Beach proper there was a little somewhat private cove, called Crystal Cove, which was where my particular crowd liked to hang out. I say ‘somewhat private’ because, though it was of necessity open to the general public, it had an element of exclusivity about it. I remember one weekend day when someone from our crowd, having just returned from a walk along the surf line, reported that he had just seen Elizabeth Taylor up the beach a short ways from our habitual ’encampment’. (Elizabeth Taylor? Don’t tell me some reading this don’t know who Elizabeth Taylor was?? Ye gods. How time flies.) I report this, because I am making a case for what could in all possible likelihood have transpired from that stretch of beach, in our crowd’s time. To say: With exclusivity comes wealth. With wealth comes entrepreneurs, and that mentality. I have no hard time whatsoever in thinking that, among those beachgoers in our innocent youth’s time - with our sun-bronzed bodies (and in my case, additionally my blonde bleached -out hair) demonstrating our passion for life - was such a person, who saw us one fine day throwing such a pie plate, and noticed the danger, and added two and two, and came up with
the Frisbee.*
And speaking of that time period; and the point - the main point - of this little treatise, essentially on Life In Our Times…
Some will have noted that this was a time period just before, and just during, the Korean War, oops, make that officially the Korean ‘Police Action’. Now, what was that all about? I mean, specifically, the business of calling it a Police Action instead of a war??
Because it was the first time that the U.S. was taken into a war without a declaration of such by Congress - the legal, to say constitutional, entity to do such a thing. And was roped into such an action by our membership in the United Nations.
For a purpose. And that purpose was not primarily to attempt to create ‘a better world’ by the nations of the world banding together and attempting to keep tyrants at bay.
But was to attempt to make the world safe for just such a category of persons.
Behind the scenes, of such innocent-looking organizations as the UN.
Quietly lurking in the shadows.
Just like the lurkers in the shadows in our day who are collecting billions - billions - of dollars off just the interest owed on the U.S. federal government’s debt alone.
A government that is not what most Americans think it is. But which is, rather, a corporation.
Run by people who won the Revolutionary War after all.
And those people were not the likes of this nation’s Founding Fathers.
Many of whom in point of fact even warned us about such people, and powers.
For whom the time has come
to be kicked out of power over us.
By just such innocents as those amongst my crowd who used to spend their summers on the beaches of Southern California. Deepening their tans.
And giving others ideas about how to make some money.
Big money.
Off the local yokels.
Who just didn’t get it.
For a long time.
About who really runs the world.
But who ‘get it’ now.
Now. The Day of
the apprentice gods.
Waking up to their potential.
Their highest potential.
To set things right.
In a world
gone far, far
Like an errant frisbee toss.
That could hurt
a lot,
of people.
If we apprentice gods
now in our incontinent-ridden bodies, bur still riding with the Founding Fathers
(which can't be said for the bulk of the younguns amongst us; brainwashed on our watch)
now in our incontinent-ridden bodies, bur still riding with the Founding Fathers
(which can't be said for the bulk of the younguns amongst us; brainwashed on our watch)
didn’t watch out.
In time.
To head that possibility
And create
a better world
in the process.
By having a bright idea
for it.
than the fool’s gold that we have been beguiled into buying.
Up till now.
But, rather, pure
That we can ‘deepen our tans’ by.
In climbing
further up
the stairway to
the heavens.
With a straight shot at it
at this time.
particularly opportune
and perilous
* And take a bow, Walter Frederick Morrison, who was reputed to have been its inventor. In California. About that very time. Although from experiences further up the coast, in Santa Monica.
Oh well. The idea still holds water.
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