Wednesday, 16 January 2019

The Defining Moment

Now I get more fully why my (rather liberal) university dropped the study of Western Civ as a requirement for all incoming Freshmen many years ago.  I have wondered about that off and on over the succeeding years, and assumed that a) the presenting reason was because the school was attempting to attract more overseas students - for the money - and figured that it didn’t really make any sense that Chinese students, say, would have to take that course just to go to school here; and b) it was all a cover for the real reason: the taking-down of this nation in order to merge it into our erstwhile masters’s New World Order (which I had found out about after leaving my formal course of education in this country). 

It is becoming apparent now that the reason, more specifically, was to make it a part of a multifaceted plot to foment Ordo ab Chao - Order out of Chaos.  How so?  By making it part of a move to stir up a) black Americans (as one of their convenient minority groups) into ‘revolting’ against the status quo, and b) to make liberal white youth guilty about their race; including the smear campaign utilizing terms like ‘white nationalist’ and ‘white supremacist,’ interspersed meaningfully and strategically with the term ‘Western civilization’.  

To make Western civilization itself a dirty word.  In order to accomplish their nefarious plan and purpose. 

On what basis do I make this accusation?  Besides having come across this dissing of ‘Western civ’ in an article or two in various issues of Whistleblower magazine over the last little while (and assuming it was to paint the U.S. as an ogre for the likes of going into South Vietnam to help save it from violent takeover by the Left's heroes, the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese), I see it in stark mode in the current demonizing of a Republican member of the House of Representatives for saying sincerely, in an interview with - who else - the New York Times: “”White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization - how did that language become offensive?”  His legitimate question has cost him any position on any House committee, with the House Minority whip castigating him for his question, and with various Democrats, black and white and MSM, jumping all over him.  For what, precisely?

For attempting to break through ‘the narrative’.  Which is to demean Whitey, and make the white Americans/‘Western civilization’ responsible for the terrible conditions so many black Americans are in - or actually, responsible for slavery itself.(1)  Oh - and for being ‘racists’ also for wanting to build a wall along the southern border, to keep out - let’s be clear:

MS13 gang members, outright terrorists (think the likes of ISIS and Hamas), drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers, and illegal aliens; the latter of whom (including criminals amongst them as well) are costing this nation a huge amount of money, for their having been made able to go onto various welfare programs, by the Democrats, who have figured to ‘cash in’ on the invasion.  Both by their votes (before or after citizenship; who cares).  And by the far Left’s Cloward-Piven Strategy, of taking down this country by bankrupting it.  

Racist.  Yeah, right…

And thus the demonizing of Pres. Trump along the same ‘party line’.  Because he is raining on the parade of the New World Order crowd into their dystopian future: their topdown control of the populace, with such features as Red China’s ’Social Credit’ program, whereby their citizenry can lose their schooling, their jobs, their housing, and even their lives (after their organs have been harvested), for running afoul of the alrnighty State, in whatever way said almighty State determines.  The individual in such a ‘state’ being simply a cipher.  A serf.  

A slave.   

It’s going to be the last throw of the die for these Cabalists; and, because everything is on the line at this time - if they fail, they know they are going to be taken in as traitors, with all the potential for blowback that that implies - they will shoot the works.

Riots.  Collapse - an attempted collapse - of the entire global economic and financial system.(2)  More weather warfare.(3)  Attempted nuclear explosions.(4)  An attempted electronics-frying EMP over the country.  An attempted epidemic, not only to kill as many of us as possible (with a man-made virus; think the CDC), but to ‘brand’ the survivors with a chip from their mandatory vaccines, which can render us cattle under the control of the Cabal, including a built-in potential instant-death sentence.  Signaling their deep armies to rise up and go to work; a part of which work is to be to attempt to collapse the CA government and break up the state (and possibly others, too).  All, to attempt to win the day - yet - and bring down the United States of America.

And they will fail.    

Because it is all a part of a larger scenario.  With karma working its way out.  To a

New Day

for humanity.

In a process culminating in Synthesis, of various socio-econo-political facets, into a larger planetary Whole.  Just not the satanic, prison-planet one planned for us by the New World Order crowd.   But rather a Light-filled whole. 

On our way to being more in sync with, in alignment with

the Whole

of which we humans are a part.

Experiencing, in a 3D ‘reality’ - actually, illusion - a degree of Separation.

For a purpose. A purpose 

of education.

And understanding.  Of why apprentice gods - with a degree of creativity as part of their innate makeup  -

are not to be trusted with it.

Like entrusting the keys of the family car to a six-year-old.

Until they are ready.

With wise parents, helping the process along.

The process.

Of maturing.

P.S. And the perps aren’t going to be able to get away with employing the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear anymore, either.  After the truth comes out about 9/11, that tool of our erstwhile masters will be dealt a swift blow, no longer to be able to be used to deflect legitimate criticism of that portion of the Jews/Israelis involved with what is called Zionism, and their attempts to rule the world, cynically using the cover of the idea of being The Chosen People to further their nefarious ends.  
     No one is above criticism.  Just as no one is above the law.  And especially not
     the Law.


(1) Which actually existed all over the world; not just in ‘the West’.  And still does.  But not to let some stray facts get in the way of a chosen narrative.

(2) The White Hats are just waiting to pick up the pieces.  To transition the system that we have been laboring under for so long - one that requires conflict to keep it going/war for wealth creation - into one reflecting Abundance.  And the activating of various technologies that will allow us to have peace and harmony on Planet Earth.  After so long in the wilds of our making.  Of, that is to say, primarily, the making of our erstwhile masters.
   But to continue.

(3) E.g., the globalists apparently still have some degree of power over that technology; hence, the appalling CA fires at the end of last year.  Designed to move more and more people off the land in order to be corralled into the cities, for easier control of the herd. 

(4) Ever hear of the nukes out of the U.S. arsenal that went missing?
   Not surprising.

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