Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Coming To The End...

…And The Beginning

It’s a particularly good time to be alive.  For a number of reasons.  But the main one that I can think of is the value in moving out of the ‘arena’ of The Process, fully into the Light of the New Day.  Ambiguity being a part of The Process by its very nature, whereby all sides of the econo-socio-political interactions have elements of both the Light and the Dark in them, being worked out to a, the, Conclusion (in this school for apprentice gods).  Now, with the advent of a new monetary and financial system - on our way beyond even this pending stage of evolvement(1) - the ‘sides’ - the choices - are crystal clear: One is either on the side of the Light, or on the Dark side.  

So, the choice for you individually is unambiguous (beyond whatever role you have currently been playing, in The Drama).(2)  Either you choose to go Up in consciousness, to say in frequency/vibration, or you choose to stay stuck in this lower grade, of 3D living.   Where you are food for the Powers that inhabit this realm of Duality/Polarity, who ‘get off’ on the lower emotions, of the likes of hate (of The Other)(3) and envy and lust, and so forth - the Seven Vices, so to speak.

And I’m very glad for a particularly personal reason that we have come to the end of the one ‘road’ and the beginning of the next: My meat suit is beginning to wear out on me.  And in any event,

I can hardly wait to try out one of them there Light bodies of some renown.  Plus enjoy the technological advances of the likes of free energy devices, and replicators, and teleportation, and what are called ‘med beds,’ and so forth and so on.

Me for true

Progress.  In, and of,

the Light.


(1) on to a ‘state’ of consciousness whereby we share our goods and services with one another, not out of the age-old motive of making a ‘profit’ on the exchange, but out of a higher motive.  Out of the highest motive that there could ever be: 
   out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
   Out of, in a word:

(2) To try such roles on for size, as it were; plus, to work out karma, to a final point of Balance. 

(3) who is not really an Other, rather, more of a learning device 

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