Sunday, 30 June 2019

On Calling One By One's Rightful Name

Following on a bit from the end of my last blog:

from ‘Google Is Laughing at Grandstanding Ted Cruz’ - Dave Hodges - June 28
(Sen. Cruz in the limelight for going after a Google executive in the light of Project Veritas’s expose of another such executive indicating that the outfit is sorry that they didn’t do more to block Trump in 2016 and won’t make the same mistake in/for the 2020 elections.  Ah, yes.  Ted Cruz.  And in the context of the presidential elections.   And with the additional piece of that context now with the televised debates of the Democrat Party presidential hopefuls including the candidacy of Sen. Kamala Harris…)

Stan Stanfield Fri, 06/28/2019 - 23:25

Patriots - true patriots - need to understand a fundamental fact: We were taken out from under being governed by the rule of law in this country OFFICIALLY when BHO was allowed to occupy the Oval Office, with the Republican Party as the official opposition Party failing to challenge his eligibility, for his not being a 'natural born' citizen. And why did the Repubs fail to do so? That was indicated when they ran their OWN ineligible candidates for the office in 2016 - ineligible under the same requirement. Including Sen. Ted Cruz. A 'natural born citizen' is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that office - who would as well, then, cont'd

Stan Stanfield Fri, 06/28/2019 - 23:33

(cont'd) become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces; the particular concern of the constitutional Framers for putting that particular requirement in their contract - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case). The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations,' of which there is ample historical evidence that the Framers were well aware. And that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. So: Ted Cruz is not eligible for that office. And neither, apparently, is Sen. Kamala Harris.

If I had had the inclination to comment further, I would have pointed out, to seal the deal, that Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., of having been born both of the soil (jus soli, in legal parlance) and 'of the blood' - to say, of two citizen parents (jus sanguinis).  And both major political parties fo our day have known this, as indicated by the fact that they both tried, a total fo 8 times between them, between 2003 and -08 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress regarding this requirement - proposals all having this particular issue as their common denominator - and they failed each time even getting their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue.  So: Both major political parties of our day KNEW the truth of this matter.  So: What did they do?

It’s obvious what they did.  They colluded.  Whether in a meeting in a smoke-filled back room or not, the conversation went something along the lines of ‘We won’t say anything about your candidate on this issue if you won’t say anything about any of the candidates that we will be putting up for the office in the future.  And between us, we control the judiciary, and the mainstream media, if some, er, disruptors happen to try to screw up the deal.  So: Deal?’

And the deal was figuratively sealed with drinks all around.

Which will turn out to be hemlock, if I have anything to say about it.  And I happen to think that I will.  Because we are living in days in which

the Truth will out.

And that’s my middle name.

The one I answer to.

And the one that I will not let down.

And what name do you answer to, Citizen??

And live by???


P.S. From ’Scotus Makes It Illegal to Ask About the Legal’ - Dave Hodges - June 30
(Hodges wades in on the outrageous SCOTUS decision to deny the Trump administration the right to ask on its 2020 census form the status of all residents in the country.  This is tantamount to a coup against the proper rule of law in the country.  The consequences are appearing…)

Stan Stanfield - July 1   

Absolutely spot-on, Dave.  Appalling stuff.  More evidence that Trump needs to declare Martial Law, and engage in a wholesale clean-out of the country.  Including the appointments of BHO to the SCOTUS (and all inferior courts), for his not having been eligible for that office, as per my Comments on a very recent article of yours.  With all of the legislation that he signed into law, and all of the E.O.s and P.D.s that he issued, and all of the appointments that he made to federal agencies and courts to go with him.  Into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he were never there.  For, he was never there legally.  And we will thus experience the consequences of our actions, in not paying proper attention to our responsibilities as citizens.

On Truer Words

One of them there Founding Fathers of this country made the observation, in words to the effect, that ‘If you want to remain ignorant and free, you want what never was and never will be.’  And another of said FF mede the similar observation: ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’   They both sound rather Jeffersonian, but I don’t think he came up with either of those particular bon mots.  And it’s a measure of my age that I am even aware of the quotes, as I understand that the American youth of today are woefully lacking in any decent knowledge of the underpinnings of this country.  Which, of course, makes the point. 

And so we come to today, when the Democrat Party has so succumbed to its far left wing that it can well be called, as well, Marxist.  Whose adherents seem to believe - have been led to believe, from those engaged in ‘education’ - or rather, ideology, in this country - that this should be a one-party country, and theirs is the ‘party’ to run the state.  The monolithic state.  Censoring all opposition to its rule.  And ruling, as in the old Soviet Union, with an iron fist, for however long it takes for The People to rise up in opposition to the oppressive State, and attempt to overturn it.  As with the countries behind the Iron Curtain in Europe.  

However, with the surveillance technology of today, that outcome is far from the one that can be expected to take place.  Meaning, under the rule of the Total State.

Which includes the control of the weather.  I wonder how many of today’s citizenry in the U.S. understand that there are people who know how to conduct Weather Warfare.  Have known, for some time.  

Take California, my home state.  A few years back it was subjected to a long period of drought.  Which drove a fair number of farmers off their properties.  Which were bought up on, er, fire sale prices,* by some particular persons who then sold that land to their preferred ‘customers’.  In this case, many Chinese.  And not just any Chinese.  But Red Chinese.  

As the New World Order spokesperson deluxe, Henryk Kissinger, has said: ‘Control the food and you control the people.’

Anyway, to finish my train of thought from above: The satellite imagery showed that there was a large High just off the coast of California for some time, positioned there as if by design, which caused moisture-laden clouds drifting naturally eastwards from off the Pacific to be directed mostly north, thus depriving the richly fertile Central Valley of California of its necessary rain, and said clouds, more concentrated now than normally, to drop down from Canada over the U.S.’s Midwest, where said Weather Warfare ‘device’ caused torrential rain and consequent floods, thus also destroying food crops.  


And so, you get the idea.  That we have been under attack.  From within and without.  (As to the latter, see the invasion from our southern border going on.)  Some very devious characters determined to prove that the U.S., contrary to long assumption and occasional specific declaration, can be taken down, even with two oceans guarding its flanks.

Snicker.  Snicker.  Snicker.

Well, snicker no more, you denizens of the Left - and you Controllers up at the top of the pyramid of power in this world: Your day of reckoning has come. 

Of recognition, has come.  

For who you are.

And even to going a little deeper than the surface level of

the Process.  For seeing that it has been

a Process.

And thus, that there are elements of ’good’ and ‘bad’ on both sides of 

the Process.

Also known as

the Play.

That we have been actors in

long enough.  Having come to the point

of Completion

of the Play.  And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Which requires some new words to describe it.

Or, actually,


From back before the Play began.  

To give us fractals of The One an opportunity to prove ourselves.

As being more energetically of the Good.

Or of the Bad.

Your choice.

And how are you doing in that Process, 

child of God??

By any other name???


* And more recently, the more rural citizenry being driven off the land - and into the big cities; for easier control - by another aspect fo Weather Warfare,this being lasers from the sky causing firestorms.  Which often seem to dustify the houses but leave the trees around them intact.  Curious, that.   Kind of like what happened on 9/11.
   But to continue.   

Friday, 28 June 2019

More On My Disenfranchisement -

And Other Aspects of Modern America

Headline in my emails yesterday-just-gone:

'Supreme Court refuses to approve citizenship question on 2020 census'

 What in -

Are they mad??

Not as mad as I am.

And I see that my home state, of California, is behind the judicial objection.

It figures.  Because what the Democrats are aiming for is voting by 'residents'.  Not by eligible citizens.

Take my County, of Los Angeles.  To vote in this county is to commit a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce.  A delusion; an illusion.  They ask for no ID to vote.  All you need is a name to give to them.  And you don''t have to show your birth certificate, or Naturalization record, to sign up on the voter reg rolls in the first place, to have had that name appear there.  Next point: It is figured that there has to be over a million illegal aliens in this state alone.  Which is what the Dems are banking on, in order to continue to run the politics in this state.  And multiply that factor throughout the rest of the states.

But no worries.  The Supreme Court has figured, in its wisdom - or from whatever causative factor - that it is not important to know who in this country is a bona fide citizen and who is not a citizen.  Whether here legally or illegally.

I think it was Kafka who wrote about this sort of thing.

Or Orwell...

When the Change comes through, it will include such so-called judges.

Setting things to rights means

Setting things to rights.

All things.

And it can't come soon enough for me.

I have been itching to get into the fray.

That itching sound you hear is not that of a little puppy dog scratching at a door to be allowed to go outside and do his business.

It's a lion.

Hear me -

and us -


And watch us go to a richly deserved work.

The Dark side having had its innings.


it's the turn of

the Light.

For a New Day

on planet Earth.  Starting with

the United States of America.

Which has been traduced

long enough.


P.S. This state has now made it as easy as possible for IAs to vote, and even encouraged the practice, by passing a law - with its Democrat legislative majority and governor -  making it officially legal for IAs to register for or renew a driver's license.  The law says 'NOW will you get out there and VOTE?  And you know who to vote for.  It's the ones with the 'D' after their names on the ballot.'
     For Demagogue.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

On Chopping Down Cherry Trees

And Other Cherished Illusions

Speaking, as I did in a just-previous blog, of wielding the sword of Truth, I must continue to do my duty to my essence.  And that is as not just a truth seeker.  But a truth teller.  And the truth is that the Christian religion is - as I have alluded to in these pages before - an illusion.   A work - and a clever one at that, to give ‘it’ its due - of fiction.  Bur I bring it up again because we are perilously close to both a civil and a world war.  And it is all based on lies.

The lie, on the one hand, that there is nothing beyond this realm of ’reality’ and therefore, so many people make fools of themselves in acting as though that were true; to say, as though there is no Reckoning to have to face from our actions.  To believe, then, that there is no Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  

And the lie on the other hand, that the equivalent of a comic book hero is going to swoop down out of the sky and save us from ourselves.  

When the truth is, that we must do that, for ourselves.

For our personal, and collective, evolution.

Up the spiral stairway to the heavens.

And move out of this level, of (a degree of) Separation, and Duality-Polarity.  Based on an attitude of Scarcity.  And move up to the next level, of consciousness.  Where life is based on Abundance.  The Abundance of knowing how to work the levers.  Of consciousness.  And thus, move beyond the limitations of the current monetary system.  Aka an ‘economic’ system.  Coming up, now, against the reality of an evolutionary stage of Abundance.  OI living in harmony with our higher potential.  As creators; living in alignment with our Creator Source, as the apprentice gods that we are.  For being facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.*  And thus, cut from that cloth  And coming, now, in fuller awareness of that fact of life.

Of our possibilities.  And of our responsibilities.  To act as though we were cut from that same cloth.           

Western Civilization itself is under attack.  By the modern-day equivalent of Vandals, in the form of atheists on the one hand, who believe in nothing beyond themselves, and on the other hand, Muslims and what are known as Khazarian mafia/Rothschild Zionists, who believe that they were ‘born to rule’ (in league with Dark forces).  Over - 

others of their true tribe.  Those other facets/fractals/aspects of the One Holy Being of which we are all a part.  And thus The People all need to come into their own.

As individuated souls, of our Creator.  And as part of

the collective, that defines us all.  On both the Dark side.  And the Light side.  Of The Drama, that we take part in, to learn lessons thereby.

Yes, Virginia, there is such a thing as morality, beyond just in the eye of the beholder.

And we had better come to recognize that.  Sooner than later.

Or we may just miss our great Opportunity.

For advancement up that spiral stairway.  To the next level.  Of reality.  Approaching - more closely - to

The End

of all our exploring.

And sometimes, making very big fools of ourselves.  In

The Process.

A word of advice.  From

your Elder Brother.

One of them.

(Take it from me.  Been there.  Done that.  It all pales in comparison. To

The Real Thing.)


* Quite likely in perfect alignment with a Prime Creator.  But to continue.

Monday, 24 June 2019

The End...

The Beginning

I want to thank all the celebrities and ‘educators’ and politicians on the Left, and their comrades in the MSM and in (near-monopoly) charge of the social media platforms, who made this victory not only possible but so especially sweet, in playing their parts to the hilt, as it were.

And to all those righteous citizens who rose so well to the occasion, over the sustained and extremely heavy onslaught from the Dark side, I want to say a special: Well done.  You have served the side of the Light admirably.  

Now let us all, here at the conclusion of The Play, get to work, on building The New World.  

The true New World.  Not the reverse image of The Real Thing that the Dark side was trying to mount.  And so, for example, all the technology developed for totalitarianism - the heavy boot of the state on the neck of humanity, treating the children of God like subjects; or worse - can be used for Good.  And so forth.  As the true New comes forth, born out of The Process that we have been engaged in.

For long enough.

I’m sure I’m not the only One of us glad to see this End.

And this Beginning.

Of which

more to come.

Enjoy the show.

‘The show’:

Of our Creator’s hand in it all.

The Author, of

The Play.

Designed to catch our consciences.  And help us along

The Way.

The Royal Highway.

Back.  To


The true, and natural,


of it all.

(Did you hear that, o you players on the Left?  'Of it all'??  Yes.  For you, too.  Just as soon as you join the rest of us

on the other side of

The Play.

If not:

Your choice.)

Sunday, 23 June 2019

The Eye Of Providence

In the current issue of The New American magazine there is a very interesting article, in its ‘History - Past And Perspective’ feature, entitled ‘George Washington and the Hand of God’.  It is about a number of highly improbable, and very ’providential’ events in Washington’s life where he seemed to be enshrouded in safe hands in order to be allowed to fulfill his destiny, as the Father of the new country, and its dedication to the sovereignty of the individual, as a child of God.  In the words of the author of the article: “Instance after instance was attested to by him and others of what they recognized as divine interventions to protect him for a purpose:: the creation of a new nation and a godly society.”  The article put me to mind - besides of the divine nature of the founding of and intention of this nation; of "a godly society" - of two things.

The first was the story of the thought that Abraham Lincoln had when he had just found out that he had not won the election for a seat in the U.S. Senate.  Disappointed, he was walking back to his home from the telegraph office in the late evening when he slipped on the wet pavement (or whatever), but caught himself from falling; and found himself thinking, “A slip.  But not a fall.”  And, somewhat mollified, he went on from there to win the presidency some years later.  

The other thing that it put me to mind of was an experience that I had a number of years ago.  I was well into my time living in the spiritual community where I spent the greater part of my adulthood, in the north of Scotland.*  At the time I was living in an old manor house that the community had purchased, a walk in a woods away from the main purchase of the community, a former hotel become known, under our auspices, as Cluny Hill College, and, more affectionately, simply as ‘Cluny’.  It itself was some five miles away from our main base, in a caravan park on the coast of a large body of water called the Moray Firth, where we had built a 300-seat auditorium for community-wide meetings and entertainment events and so forth.  It was where we held our traditional Friday Night Sharings, an evening of song and dance, reading of poetry, skits, etc.  On one such Friday evening I was running a bit late to catch the bus from ‘Cluny’ and was running through the woods to get there in time.  It was very dark - there were no lights in the woods - but being well familiar with the path I had a pretty good idea where I was.  I knew that the path veered to the side a bit at one point, and was just about to slow down and ‘sense’ that change in direction when I ran - literally - head on into a short, cut-off or broken-off stub of a sub-branch of a low-hanging branch of a tree, that caught me smack on my left cheekbone.  An inch higher, and my stupidity would have cost me a punched-out eye, an excruciating amount of pain, and very possibly my death, from the bleeding and the shock to my system.  In any event: A major change in the direction of my life.  

My takeaway from that event in my life lo, those many years ago now was the warning: Watch where you are going.  But I have come to a (not as blunt) point in my life where I realize that that could also be taken as an admonition.

Watch where you are going.  As to where the hand of Providence is leading you.  The Author of

The Play

that we are all in. 

And also the admonition:

Be an observer as to where the hand of Providence is leading you.  

To say: Don’t get so caught up in The Play that you lose sight of the larger reality, that it is part of.  Beyond

the theater.

And theatrics.  That we humans get up to.  

On our daily lives of Sharing.

To strut and fret our hour upon the stage.  And then be heard of

in the next go ‘round.  Until

we get it.

The point.    

Of the Exercise.

And sometimes, ‘getting it’ can be a very painful experience, indeed.  

But it’s also wise to learn a little humility along

The Way.

And appreciation.

For small favors.

Like, oh, say,

one inch’s worth.  

At the very least.


* In and near the town of Forres.  Mentioned in 'Macbeth'.
   Why do I cite this?
   Read on.


P.S. As Pres. Trump is led, seemingly inexorably, by the Deep State into a trap regarding Iran, look after your family as best you can.  And then the country.
     This nation, that was birthed with so much promise.
     We can still ’get there’.
     Just be careful trying to get there blindly.  
     I’ve tried that, in my life.
     And my advice:
     Don’t push your luck.
     Providence can only do so much, regarding us, er, headstrong humans.

Friday, 21 June 2019

On Honoring Contracts

I am not a man of war.  At least, not this time around.  But I urge as many patriots as feel comfortable with the idea to arm themselves and their militias as formidably as possible, to send as clear a message as possible to the New World Order forces amongst us and arrayed against us from without; to wit:

Not my country, you won’t.

That will act as a deterrent. 


If not - 

It will act as a countermeasure.

Me?  I fight with the sword of Truth.

And make no mistake, you denizens of the Dark: With it

I am unerring.

P.S. A closing word on the Constitution.
     A great many of you, my fellow Americans, don’t seem to know how to honor contracts.  Or know the importance of doing so.  
     Otherwise, there is anarchy.  Despotism.  Tyranny.  What is otherwise called, euphemistically, ‘arbitrary law’.
     Perhaps you need a real dose of it, to get the lesson.
     I hope not.
     I would hate to think that i incarnated at this time 
     for nothing.  But to observe
     Right at the last hurdle.
     Come on, my people.
     You can do this.
     Prove it.

     And to your selves.

     I know you can do this.
     you have a contract.
     To that end.

     your Self.

The Time Has Come

Of Cabbages And Kings

Speaking of orders from on high, as I did in my last blog:

The Democrat Party needs to pay the bulk of the costs of fighting off the impending epidemic of Ebola in this country, and the costs of repatriating illegal aliens, for having failed to allow the monies necessary to secure the border; and then to be dissolved, as a criminal enterprise, for putting up an ineligibles candidate for the office of the presidency of the U.S..  And the Republican Party needs to be made to follow suit, in being both fined and dissolved - and jail time for the authorities of both guilty Parties - for failing in its duty, as the official Opposition Party, to question and block the Democrat Party in its deceitful nomination of an ineligible candidate for the presidential office.  That singular office of such power, nationally and internationally.  

Disgusting behavior, all around.  In any event:

I call the guilty parties to account.

And that reminds me.

What’s with this business of your judges, and as lawyers leading up to those extremely powerful and important positions in the society, seemingly even trained (the degree of corruption regarding the issue being so bad) to believe that ‘interpreting’ the law means in relation to their personal socio-political proclivities - and thus even known and recognized in their deceitful behavior as ‘activist judges’ - rather than in relation to the Constitution, in abiding by the governing principle in a republic of THE RULE OF LAW?? 

I understand that sometimes the law can have some wriggle room in it, in its wording and thus interpretation.  But you are supposed to be interpreting laws in pursuance of the Constitution as closely as you can (and that is to say, as well: to the original intent).*  The Constitution being a contract.  Not a wet noodle.

And certainly not the ‘living document’ that the leftists amongst you have attempted over the years to portray it as.  The constitutional contract, as with all contracts, has the inbuilt ability to be amended.  As has been applied, many times since the construction of it.  However, I note, in researching the matter, that in a number of those instances, the amendments were not properly ratified by the required number of state legislatures.  

All in all, a bit of a sorry mess.

It’s fortunate that we are going to move beyond it, now.  Or this could have turned out to be a very difficult matter.  In the setting to rights of this country.  

As we are being engaged in.

As we speak.

That process to be difficult enough.  But - 

as I say a lot in these pages; to emphasize the point:

Your choice.

As America becomes an ensign to the nations, sailing in their respective ships on these uncharted seas into a - the - New World.

With each of us - and speaking now as individuals; as the offspring of our Creator Source; but being One for all that.  All that education business - being a portal, serving Gaia and all Her inhabitants.

 Let’s get to it, then.  We have a work to do.
      A marvelous work
      And a wonder.

* And as even spelled out specifically in Art. VI, para 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Who Am I?

    Who Am I?

Of a certain age 
And disposition
Will remember when
Charles de Gaulle said, in
                    the wake 
    of a terrible
    world war:
“I am France,” daring
To embody his nation
In himself, and speak
For it.  Hey -
That was his feeling.
And listen to this
If you thought that
        was something

I Am the Father
Of my country.
It is my baby.
And I will not
Let anybody 
         treat it
    in the way
That they have been
Is an order
From on high - 
Than we humans
               have ever
Gone before.

             And now
Watch us soar.

And collectively.

With liberty
And justice
For all

As this country
Leads the way
   The New.

Who Is Donald Trump?

Ayn Rand opened her novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ with the line:

‘Who is John Galt?'

He proved to be a rugged individualist who took on the liberal establishment, and ultimately prevailed.  Donald Trump would appear to be cut from the same cloth.  But is he really.


He would appear to be a self-made man.  But in reality, he is a made man.  Far from his own man.  Far, far from it.  

He owes big.

Who does he owe?

That should be obvious from his background.  From the types of business ventures that he has been involved in.

Let’s call them Mafia types.   The types who would love to run, not just construction companies and gambling casinos and prostitution racketeering, and so mahy other big money-making operations.  

But the world.

And, as I say,

he owes them.

So, they own him.

He makes a great front man.  The Art of the Deal, and so forth.  But the real deal is,

we are being had.  

Oh, he takle a great line.  “Frankly, she should be locked up.”  And so forth.  But have you noticed much really happening???

He has his sincere apologists.  ‘It’s all a matter of timing,’ they say soothingly.  Right.  Meanwhile, Weather Warfare is still going on, tightening the noose around our necks in particular with regards to food.  And as consummate Insider Kissinger has noted, ‘Control the food and you control the people.’  And he is not acting with regard to the tunnels that have been constructed from Cuba to Florida, and underneath the Bering Strait, and into California from its southern border, large enough for high-speed rail.  And speaking of the southern border, not as much is going on down there as we are being led to believe to block the illicit entrance of not just illegal ‘economic refugees’ but MS-13 gang members, and ISIS-type terrorists, and gun and drug runners and child and adult sex traffickers, and other unsavory actors in The Great Play going on.  Including now Ebola-positive Africans, being spread out throughout our country, as the front line of a nascent Biological Warfare operation in the works.  Which will involve ultimately FEMA ‘quarantine camps’ which are in reality outright detention camps.  To be guarded by the likes of Mexican National Guardsmen - under the auspices of the UN, to be deployed for “humanitarian purposes”.  And prisoners in Honduras being released and trained to be guards.  Guess who for whom.

While in the meantime the Dems in Congress, in league with their comrades in the MSM, keep stirring the Russian Collusion pot, in order to distract the American public from what is really going on behind the scenes, of the Kabuki theatre being played out for us…

And Trump being all for the 5G rollout, which will put the rest of Americans squarely under the thumb of their erstwhile masters.  With cellphone-addicted zombies being chipped, as the final blow to the idea of human liberty; as humans in league with Dark forces take over the planet.

Think, to take over the planet…

I know that Trump has promised a great announcement for the 4th of July.  With many Q followers thinking that it will include the announcement of John F. Kennedy Jr. being alive, and being touted for the vice presidency on the Trump ticket for the 2020 elections.  But there is many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.  I am saying:    



Your future awaits you.

On the side of the Light.

Or the side of a very Dark time.  For you.

And all who choose the way that you do.

To sleepwalk into

your next steps.  Into

a prison.

Or awaken to

your true Salves.

Donald Trump is not his own man.

I call on You 

to own your Self.  

Your true Self.

As I do

Pres. Donald J. Trump.

Before he leads this country into disaster.

And the Dark side snicker.  And snicker.  And snicker.

While they still can.

And in the meantime, the police-state surveillance grid in this country grows.  And grows.  And grows.

While America, by and large, sleeps.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Speaking Of Graduation Time

I awoke yesterday morning with a feeling not of premonition but of concern.  That things would not go well for the mass of humanity in the Changeover.  Of worlds.  For them to live in. 

But - 

their choice.

As for those who are going Up:

What am I talking about when I talk about the New World?  I am talking about 

the next frequency of reality. 

Including Gaia.  Ready to expand into Her higher frequency of resonance.

Quite a team we make.  And actually have made, on a 3D platform of reality.  But you aln’t seen nothin’ yet. 

If you make it.

This time.

And flow with the NOW of the ONE.  Where we are all - by definition - 

One.  With

The One.

For those who have ears to hear.

P.S. It would seem axiomatic, but to clarify:
     You cannot be in the New World and be a liar.  Or a cheat.  Or a thief.  Or any other kind of such unrepentant polluted person.  It won't work.  Call it the Pinocchio Effect.
     A word to the wise.

The Final Test...

     …leading to
  Graduation Time

The Left is in a dilemma.  But actually, so is the Right.

First - the Left:

On the one hand, the Left wants a strong central government, as in Roe v. Wade, to force its will on the whole country in one ‘fell’ - easier - swoop.   

On the other hand, the Left applies the idea of a strong federated government, as in state gun-control laws.  

But wait.

From a conservative constitutionalist pov, Roe is illegal because the subject of abortion does not fall under any delegated powers of the federal government; which are “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man fairly known as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison(.1)  And even with the addition of the 14th Amendment’s ‘equal protection’ clause to the Constitution, that doesn’t change the fundamental nature of the ‘federal constitutional republic’ form of government of the U.S.  All the 14th did and does is say that the States can’t treat their citizens (U.S. citizens residing within their borders) differently, i.e., for example, one set of laws for the blacks and one set for the whites, or impose heavier sentences on individuals of different races, etc.; that all citizens are equal before the law.  (Nor can the States, under the terms of the 14th Amendment, deal with their citizenry arbitrarily as regards ‘due process of law’ - all have a right to a fair trial, etc..)  Thus the Left’s concern that with a more conservative makeup on the U.S. Supreme Court now under Trump, they will start losing court cases similar to the ones that they won under a more liberal-oriented SCOTUS.  But what about the ‘wedding cake’ cases, which conservatives have won twice now in the SCOTUS, under freedom of religion considerations: those decisions treat the Constitution as a reflection of a centralized form of government.

The wordings of many of the Bill of Rights seem to imply that they apply to all citizens.  But the First Amendment clearly refers only to the federal government.  (“Congress shall make no law respecting…”)  So the argument can be made that the ratifying State legislatures were clearly making sure that the new proposed federal government did not get too big for its britches without a Bill of Rights appended to the Constitution, to emphasize the limitations being placed on the central government by the Constitution, as one of limited and delegated powers, with their basic rights secured for them by their individual State constitutions.  But as these things go, some changes have crept in over the years, in attitude; and somewhere along the way, the Bill of Rights was made to apply, not from the States to the federal government, but from the federal government to the States.  The idea of ‘I know my constitutional rights’ having crept in to the public mentality.(2)      

And so, the question: 

Which is it.

I have an idea.

Let’s move beyond ‘it’.  Such questions.  And enter

a - the -  

New World.     

Living in alignment with the Will of our Creator Source.  With The Play over.  And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Now.  How to live in alignment with that higher Will?  And for all of us children of our mutual Creator??  And not have it just be a babble of voices???

I’ve got an idea.

Go within.  And see whose voice you trust.  When you put the matter to that test.


(1) ‘The Federalist Papers,’ No. 45.

(2) The argument is that it happened with the 14th Amendment’s imposition in various ways on the States, in the aftermath of the Civil War.  But as I have indicated above, the 14th clearly does not say, nor did it intend to say, the equivalent of ‘All the powers formerly reserved to the Sates or to the people shall now reside in the federal government’.
   They have been made to, by a bit of legalistic legerdemain called ‘incorporation’ - i.e., the idea that the terms of the Bill of Rights were all ‘incorporated’ into the terms of the 14th Amendment, and thus now under the power and control of the federal government.  But that is pure poppycock, as the historical record of the intent of the 14th’s authors makes clear.  But that hasn’t stopped shyster lawyer types from attempting to claim that that happened - or to claim that the Constitution is ‘a living document,’ subject merely to the socio-political whims of the majority on the Supreme Court justices at any given time, rather than the contract that it is, subject to an amending process.  
   Which brings up the subject that there is the additional murky business of the fact that the 14th Amendment doesn’t appear to have been legally ratified, anyway.
   What a mess.
   What to do.
   Read on. 

Meanwhile, back in The Play; and speaking of such things as whose voice to trust in things:

from ’New York Times Claims the US Has Implanted Grid Kill Switch In Russia’ - Dave Hodges - June 18

(Under the/my ‘Subject’ heading:

All The News That’s Print To Fit)

Stan Stanfield - June 18

Not good.  The sign of a typical plan by the DS at work.  This sort of 'news' sets up the idea that when our country's energy grid is taken down, we're all supposed to think and say that the Russians did it, in retaliation, when all the time it was the DS up to their shenanigans, and then all hell is supposed to break out.  Getting rid of both Russia and the U.S. - the plan of the DS at work.  

If their Ebola scare doesn't get us into their FEMA 'quarantine' camps first.

As I indicate:

Things seem to be coming to a head…

Time to make a decision.

Up.  And out of this 'grade'.

Or just having to go through our Process all over again.  Having failed, 

the final test, at

Graduation time.

Monday, 17 June 2019

What Do I Know

I hate to be a bearer of bad news for some.  But the Truth must - and will - out, in the end.  And the end of an Era.

The bad news in this case is that Christianity is a fraudulent religion, which was concocted by members of the Roman imperial household of the Flavians at the conclusion of the Jewish Revolt of 66-73 of this, the Current Era, in a clever attempt to get the Jews to stop revolting against the yoke of Rome because of their belief in a militaristic Messiah who would arise and lead them to victory over their enemies; the subterfuge to be accomplished by the concocting of a fable about a pacifistic Messianic figure who counseled them to ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ and to ’obey authority,’ and who pointed to a specific person who would be the personification of a figure in their religious literature, the Son of Man, come in the form of Titus, the son of the Roman emperor and god figure Vespasian, come not as a Deliverer of them but as a scourge of them for not heeding the counsel of the peaceful Messiah; the created religion extended out from the Jewish element of the Roman Empire to the Gentiles as well, cunningly as a way and attempt to get all of the subjects of the Empire to bend their knee to their imperial masters.  And the religion took on a life of its own from there.

And thus has been the history of the last 2000 years.  The checkered history in large part of a false religion.  Now at its end.  Both for having been exposed, via a number of meticulous researchers, in our day.  And because

it is time

to move on


As it was from the Age of Taurus to Aries.  And thence to Pisces.  And so on.  As the inhabitants of Earth tried to figure out what all is going on, regarding their habitation here, and hit on the idea of As Above - So Below.

There is at least one aspect of the Christian religion that would appear to have been on the money, as it were.  And that is the concept that God is love.  Which concept - reality - imparts a ‘positive’ spin to things; a Plan in and Purpose to this whole business of life.  That, in effect, we are in a school.  A school for aspiring gods, as facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of at the least our Creator Source, and through that ‘lineage,’ the same of The All That Is, if there is a difference between the two levels of Creators.  Which it is my understanding of the matter that there is.

But then, what do I know.

What I do know, for certain, is that the New World Order crowd has been assiduously at work undermining this country, in order to establish their totalitarian New World Order; and that the time of BHO in the Oval Office was illicit, for his not meeting the eligibility requirements for that office; and for other reasons as well, that it is time for a setting to rights of things.  In this country.  And the world.

Hold on to your hats.  It is liable to be a bit of a bumpy ride, from here on in into the rightful New.  At the least, in the beginning.  But after that -

Ah.  But after that.  A - the - New World.

Just - as I say; but it is worth repeating, for emphasis - not the totalitarian NWO of our erstwhile masters, who think they were born jackbooted to rule over the Others.  Their day in the sun -

even if most of it has been in the shadows - being


With our grudging thanks, for their role in

The Play.  Designed to catch our consciences.

As the Bard put it.

Whoever he was, really.

In this work of fiction.  This Drama.  With twists and turns galore in the plot, to keep us engrossed in it.  As we learned our lessons.*

And my, my.  What best-laid plans we humans have gotten up to.  When we thought that no one was looking, behind the ‘seen’.  Well, the Truth is, that such plans often go astray.  

Until it is time

to set things


* A key one: that actions have consequences.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

The Mission Is Upon Us

In my last blog, posted in the wee hours of this morning, I ended it on the note of urging my fellow Americans to Wake the Hell Up to what is going on in and to their - our - country.  And for you Christians amongst us: that applies additionally to the fact that you have been sold a bill of goods.  That Jesus isn’t going to come down from heaven and save you, or you meet Him in a Rapture out of this level - this mess that we all helped to create, in various ways.  

The Second Coming has already happened.  It happened in the form of Titus, visiting upon the Jews, in the Roman’s siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there, the scourge of their failure - as recorded after the fact in what have come to be known as ‘the gospels’ - to ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ and ’obey authority’.  Additionally, your belief in an Armageddon is going to be the death of us yet, in the way of a self-fulfilling prophecy, if we don’t all watch out. 

No one or nothing is going to ‘save’ you but yourself.  I repeat, in another way, to emphasize the point: We need to save ourselves.  Got it?  It is our responsibility.  Our individual responsibility.  That is what the Exercise - the Play - has been all about:   



Who or what do you have to believe in, then?  Answer: Yourself.  You are your savior.  No one else can walk you path for you.  You are on your own journey up the mountain.  The mountain of




Yes, you can look ‘up’ to other incarnate souls along The Way.  But they are just a bit further along on the same journey, is all.  Back, to


May as many of us incarnate souls make that journey back as possible.

And recognize the Truth of things as soon as possible.

A terrible trap awaits those who don’t.  The trap

of having to do it all over again.

And again.

And possibly again.

Until they get it


Or fail - in the end - in

The Mission.

A key part of which is upon us

as we speak.


Q: Who do I look up to?

A: Very few, these dark days, fraught with such danger.

But then, what do I know.  I'm just an old man.  Simmering in my dreams.  Of what can still be.

And will be, if we don't