Wednesday, 5 June 2019

More Truthtelling

On Setting Things To Rights -

Christians have a number of beliefs that need to be corrected against the facts of the matters.

1. The belief of Christians - and Jews and Muslims; The People of The Book - regarding homosexuality is only the half of the matter.  They believe it is a ‘sin’.  In our day, we understand, from scientific studies into the matter, that the developing fetal brain can be skewed, in the hormonal bath and via a number of environmental causes, whereby a male-patterned brain can be ‘wired’ into a genetically female fetus and vice versa and every stop along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  The ‘sin’ in the matter, properly speaking, is a) the failure of society to clean up its act and straighten out the environmental causes of the abnormal condition;(1) and b) the extreme lengths that those thus afflicted go to attempt to force society to accept their condition as ‘normal’.

But let’s get to the real biggie.  Which I hear invoked more and more in these Sodom and Gomorrah-like days; especially in relation to the attempts going on to overthrow America:

2. The Second Coming

     a) Has happened already.  It happened with Titus’s siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there.  For the Jews’s revolting against Roman might, and rule.(2)

     b) Will happen, in the form of
         You.  Taking on the responsibility for your own ‘salvation’.  As a child of God.  Waking up to that fact.
         And doing something about it.  For,
        you are the Christ.  Have the Christ consciousness within you.
        And together, we will 
        change the world. 
        And just in time, it would appear, more and more.  As things come to a head.
        And Breakthrough.
        Not just Breakdown.

So, stop looking for The Rapture to ‘save’ you, Christians.  This realm, as low in Light as it is right now, is part of the Creation, too.  And as such, is to be ‘brought up to speed’ along with us.  Not be sacrificed to the Dark side.  Their day - as an edge against which to hone ourselves -
   is done.  It’s time for
   a New Era.  

   And Gaia is joining us in that enterprise.   


(1) Among them: An abnormality in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both; estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment, from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill; stress - of all kinds, physical, mental, emotional, nutritional (there are more homosexual babies born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ can account for, e.g.); but perhaps most importantly, given our pill-popping culture, is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their effect on the developing fetus. 

(2) For not ‘heeding the words of their Messiah’.  As attempted to be sold to them, and to the Gentile subjects of the Roman Empire of the day as well, via members of the Roman imperial household of the day, the Flavians, headed by the emperor Vespasian the father of sons Titus and Domitian; members of the household coming up with a way, they hoped, to get the Jews to stop their incessant rebelling against the yoke of Rome.  
   Led by a scholarly Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who had ingratiated himself into the household by way of favors done and to be done to and for Vespasian, they concocted a fable meaning to change the Jews’s anticipated Messiah from a militant into a pacifist, who counseled them to “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,” thus to obey authority, because “My kingdom is not of this world” - and when the Jews chose not to heed the advice of their Messiah, according to the fable hatched by them (all of this written after the fact), the Jews were afflicted with vengeance from their God in the form of the ’prophesied’ Son of Man, Titus.  A/k/a the Son of the god, Vespasian.  And the fable took on a life of its own from there, particularly as seen through the eyes of a Jew named Saul-become-Paul, the double-identity being a clue to the character being the alter ego of Josephus himself, who was the main concocter of their story, and the new religion.  
   Joseph Atwill has the story, in his well-documented ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’.  Other researchers have picked up on pieces of this remarkable story as well.  (I think in particular of Ralph Ellis, in a trilogy of his on the subject.)

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