Saturday, 1 June 2019

If You Don't Mind

‘Pope Francis Calls for End of Sovereignty and for Global Government’ -  The New American, issue of June 3 

Well, Pope Francis, it’s an idea.  But the devil is in the details, wouldn’t you say???…


I can only handle so much lying and cheating and deceit.  It is a climate in which and to which I can not only not relate, but suffocate.  Talk about ‘oppression’…

Let’s be clear.  

1) We are living largely as though there were not a God - a Supreme Being - rather than as though there were. 

2)  Either there is a God or there is not.  If there is not, then nothing really matters anyway - i.e., there is no Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only - and one might just as well live simply for oneself, independent of the effect of that pursuit on others, as not; for, the end of the closed system of life could, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, a presumed ‘evolutionary’ advantage in some degree of cooperation, or whatever.(1)  If there is, however, then certain things follow.

It follows for one thing that there is a Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  One can speculate as to what that Plan and Purpose are.  I submit that the Plan and Purpose are well explained by the idea that we are all facets - fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions - of our Creator Source, whatever that Source’s other attributes may be; that we are “a piece of the continent, a part of the main” as John Donne put it.  And that life is for us to wake up to that fact of life.  And then, to do something about it.

Like, oh, say: Embody Godness.  Express it in our lives.  To say: Live it.

Now, we can get in touch with all of this sort of awareness via various sources.  Dreams, visions, reports from others ‘triggering’ us/our ‘re-memberance’.  And as for that latter category, we have the evidence of what is called Past Lives Recall, aka reincarnation; which signals at least part of a/the Plan.

I don’t want to go here into the evidence for that concept.  Suffice it to say here that the evidence for it is overwhelming - children’s stories about having lived previously in another body being checked out for its accuracy, etc. etc..  I just, here, want to use that fact as a piece of evidence to the Plan of the matter, along with its partner, the concept of karma.(2)  And the Purpose?

That would appear evidential:

to become as our Creator Source, in consciousness.

To, then, be our Creator Source.  Be at one with our Creator Source.  As befitting a fully fledged fractal/fragment.

To be, then, capable of creating on the same level.

With the Love and Light of our Essence fully expressed.

And so we come to a Turning Point in our spiritual evolution.  A point where, and whereby, we transcend our previous limited understanding of our selves, our essential natures.  And take on the full mantle of

conscious creators.  With our society - our civilization - reflecting our advanced awareness, and expression of that level of consciousness.  

And our current reflection of our potential - as “spiritual beings having a human experience” (as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin described us humans) - is largely woefully lacking in that regard.

There has been a Process at work, to help us see all this.  Are we up to moving into the Synthesis stage of that Process???…

I call us to our destiny.


The alternative to our creative potential to taking that High Road - annihilation, in failure in this classroom - is too pitiful, and horrendous, to contemplate.



So: As things come to a head on this planet - this Planet of Choice - I call on as many of us incarnate souls as possible to rise to the occasion.  Here, at The End of The Play.  And The Beginning of

The Real Thing.

To graduate into it.

And keep moving on.

And Up.

To a far, far better place

that we have a dim memory of.

For having been part of 


And are still.

Just under a degree of wrapping, is all.

So.  Is it

a wrap??  For you???...

P..S. In this same issue of TNA; this Quick Quote:
     "Congressional Testimony Omits 'So Help Me God'
     "'I think God belongs in religious institutions, in temple, in cathedral, in mosque but not in Congress.  [What Republicans are doing] is using God.  And God doesn't want to be used.'
     "The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, Representative Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) drew the ire of Republican subcommittee members with his decision to have witnesses omit the customary closing phrase of the oath each is required to take.  Congressman Cohen seems to think he can speak for God."
     1) One should never be a hypocrite, indeed.  But on what other basis would you have a witness swear to an oath?  And, considering the values that this country was founded on:
     2) It says it all, really.


(1) Thereby using others from a consciousness perspective of Service to Self, i.e., a ‘low’ level of consciousness.  Comparatively.  If there is more going on than just this 3D experience.
   But to continue.

(2) And thus, evidence that there is built-in Justice in the universe.

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