Monday, 10 June 2019

But What Of Tacitus?

In my last blog I referenced my lack of being a Christian based on a considerable amount of information that I have come across “to doubt that story”.  Let me elaborate a bit on that subject.  I have touched on this in earlier blogs on this site, but for the sake of those who are new to this subject, from my perspective, and itself:

First of all for me came a ‘spiritual experience’ during my Junior year at university which caused me to drop out before finishing my studies (as a pre-Med; and actually having just received provisional acceptance into Stanford Medical School starting the following year) and head off to what I figured was ‘the biggest public library in the western world, in New York City (from my home in Southern California), to start an in-depth research into both the beginnings of Christianity and into religions/spirituality in general.  I wanted to know the truth of things.  Period.

Even at that time - this was circa 1955-56 - there was considerable research material available to put considerable doubt into the Christian ‘story’ - material, mostly from German researchers, demonstrating that the figure Jesus was made up of elements of other ‘god-men’ known about at the time; workers of wonders, born on the 25th of December as the Son//Sun of God returning after three days in the tomb of the earth from its disappearance below the horizon line starting at the winter solstice, various ‘vegetation gods’ in various cultures who experienced a resurrection of life in the Spring, etc. etc. etc.  I found out enough at the time seriously to doubt the reality of Christianity, but kept an open mind, over the years from then on, as I kept my eyes open about the history - the true history - of life on this planet.  

And then I came to this day and age, when we have the privilege of having a multitude of researchers and writers on this specific subject.  A main one for me was the books of D.M. Murdock, aka Acharya S, who concluded, for example, in her ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’:

“Basically, there is no physical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ…

“Christianity’s history is rife with forgery and fraud…In truth, the Christian tale has always been as difficult to swallow as the myths and fables of other cultures, yet countless people have bean able to overlook the rational mind and to willingly believe it, even though they may equally as easily dismiss the nearly identical stories of these other cultures.”(1) 

But what about the story of Nero, blaming the Christians for the Fire that destroyed much of Rome, and feeding them to the lions?  Surely all that happened??

Actually, er, not so’s the story stands up to scrutiny.  And so forth.  

And then a late entry onto the scene puts the whole Gospels thing in perspective, with the meticulous research of Joseph Atwill, as shared with us in his ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to invent Jesus’.  And along with others, in particular Ralph Ellis (in a trilogy ending with ‘Jesus, King of Edessa’), researchers in our day have uncovered the incontrovertible fact that Saul-become Paul was in actually a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who saved his skin by doing favors for Vespasian, emperor at the time of the Jewish Revolt that resulted in the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there by his son, Titus, and who wrote himself into a story designed to attempt to get the Jews to stop looking for a militant Messiah who would lead them to victory overt their enemies, and instead, settle down and be good subjects of the Roman Empire, and “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…obey authority” and accept that “My kingdom is not of this world”.(2)

It is all a longer story than this snippet of it.  But suffice it to say, that we have been told a lot of fables along the way  The way, of ultimately getting to

the Truth of things.

As the springboard onto a higher level of living - of ‘reality’ - than we have experience heretofore.  Getting closer back to

our Beginnings.

And just in time, it would appear.  As we face going down for the count  

not for the first time, in our attempts to go it alone, separate from our Creator Source.  In trying to prove

that we could.  If we put our mind to it.

A mind that is based on a gift from our Creator Source.

I know.  Crazy sounding, isn’t it.

Well.  That just proves that 

some of us children of God have decided to act out the potential to be powerful outside of  

the curriculum.

The curriculum, of the School

for apprentice gods.

Some of them needing to learn lessons

the hard way.  And unfortunately,

dragging us more aware students down into their reality with them.

But now,


to turn that tide.  And 

go for Gold.

A - the - 

Golden Age.

Long sensed.  And possible.

Once we learned our lessons. 

And fortunately, enough of us have done so

to make that happen.


And for the rest?

Ah.  Well.

That’s their business.  To have to attend to.  Elsewhere.  This planet is going


With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.


P.S. But what of Tacitus?
     Best guess:
     The single passage is an interpolation.  As has happened with the material of other historians/Church fathers in this matter over the centuries.
     Especially given that no one of a similar, historian inclination at the actual time of the fable ever reported on such events as catalogued in the New Testament.
     Which was written well after the events portrayed in the story.  And not by the characters of the names given to the gospels.
     A religion apparently created out of whole cloth mostly by a Jew, to save his skin.  And the lives of a handful of others of his Jewish priestly-line brothers, and their families.
     All, for them to live to fight another day.
     And that religion, and that ‘day,’ 
     now coming to a head.
     In a theatre very near

P.P.S. Some earnest Christian scholar is going to protest: ‘But Paul wrote a letter to the Romans in 64 AD’.  Stop and think, sincere one: That is according to the story itself.  There is no independent verification of that.
     I don’t have to prove the story is true.
     You do.
     And I'm not discounting all the good works that Christians have done, over the years and now, in ministering to the needy, in many ways.  And I have donated to many of those causes.  As the worthy causes that they are.  May the same spirit prevail.  In the Light of
     For us now to be in sacred partnership.  No longer in a dangerous state of separation.


(1) She there is referring to a litany of details given from other cultures about other god-men, dating back at the least to around 1500 years previously, with the Isis-Osiris-Horus myth.

(2) The ’Saul-become-Paul’ thing a clever way of saying that he, Josephus, had a double identity, too.

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