In my last blog, of earlier today, I talked about how there is a Process at work in life, whereby we souls progress on a Mission, and the Outcome - in something that could be called a/the kingdom of heaven - is a Synthesis combination of the rights of the individual - as a child of God - and the value of the collective, in accomplishing our Mission; working interactively together - including as edges against which to hone ourselves - to help each other up the spiral stairway to the heavens.* Whereby oppression of the individual, in the establishing of a too-powerful state, works against the whole point of the exercise, in denying the individual soul the ‘elbow room’ in which and by which to grow in consciousness, and thus, further themselves along their individual Path. Am I saying that there should be no laws? that everybody should just be able to do everything and anything they want, regardless of its effect on others? No. And indeed not. But this current ‘PC’ business of stopping/censoring in some way somebody from saying or doing something because it might ‘offend’ someone else - puh-leeze.
This all goes to the concept of free will. Which is not fully understood, in my opinion, and impression of the matter. To wit:
We do have free will. But it is in a context. The context of the Creation. And the Creation runs on and by laws. One of which is the Law of Karma, whereby our actions are weighed in the scales of Justice.
Now, could souls refuse to abide by the rule of Law? Yes. And do. And get stuck in the Process, instead of progressing on their soul’s journey, to Completion. As a god in their own right; as a facet, fractal, aspect, point of view, expression of their Creator Source, in perfect alignment with the Will of The All That Is. And for those souls who have become inextricably enmeshed in their rebellion against The Plan, they need to be taken - with Love; which is the very nature of the Creation - to what is called the Central Sun. And annihilated. As an incorrigible, irredeemable bad seed. A danger to all around it. While all the rest of us souls - fractals of our Creator Source - move on, and Up - in frequency; vibration; consciousness - to
The End.
It is quite a journey.
Get with
The Plan.
You don’t have all day, you know.
So to speak.
* Of which there are at least twelve, as I understand it. But I don't actually know. I am operating within a veil. The same as most of us.
If we knew our potential, we wouldn't be able to operate on this level.
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