Friday, 28 June 2019

More On My Disenfranchisement -

And Other Aspects of Modern America

Headline in my emails yesterday-just-gone:

'Supreme Court refuses to approve citizenship question on 2020 census'

 What in -

Are they mad??

Not as mad as I am.

And I see that my home state, of California, is behind the judicial objection.

It figures.  Because what the Democrats are aiming for is voting by 'residents'.  Not by eligible citizens.

Take my County, of Los Angeles.  To vote in this county is to commit a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce.  A delusion; an illusion.  They ask for no ID to vote.  All you need is a name to give to them.  And you don''t have to show your birth certificate, or Naturalization record, to sign up on the voter reg rolls in the first place, to have had that name appear there.  Next point: It is figured that there has to be over a million illegal aliens in this state alone.  Which is what the Dems are banking on, in order to continue to run the politics in this state.  And multiply that factor throughout the rest of the states.

But no worries.  The Supreme Court has figured, in its wisdom - or from whatever causative factor - that it is not important to know who in this country is a bona fide citizen and who is not a citizen.  Whether here legally or illegally.

I think it was Kafka who wrote about this sort of thing.

Or Orwell...

When the Change comes through, it will include such so-called judges.

Setting things to rights means

Setting things to rights.

All things.

And it can't come soon enough for me.

I have been itching to get into the fray.

That itching sound you hear is not that of a little puppy dog scratching at a door to be allowed to go outside and do his business.

It's a lion.

Hear me -

and us -


And watch us go to a richly deserved work.

The Dark side having had its innings.


it's the turn of

the Light.

For a New Day

on planet Earth.  Starting with

the United States of America.

Which has been traduced

long enough.


P.S. This state has now made it as easy as possible for IAs to vote, and even encouraged the practice, by passing a law - with its Democrat legislative majority and governor -  making it officially legal for IAs to register for or renew a driver's license.  The law says 'NOW will you get out there and VOTE?  And you know who to vote for.  It's the ones with the 'D' after their names on the ballot.'
     For Demagogue.

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