I need to interrupt my re-reading in parts of the book that lays out in remarkable detail an overwhelming case for the fact that the religion that we call Christianity was concocted by members of the Roman imperial household called the Flavians, in order to attempt to get the Jews to stop rebelling against the yoke of Rome by having a pacifistic Messiah figure point ‘foretellingly’ to Titus, the son of the emperor Vespasian, who laid on the siege and conducted the sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there, as the Jewish literature-prophesied Son of Man, portrayed thereby as having come to scourge them for failing to heed the concocted messianic figure’s counsel to “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” and ”obey authority,”* to comment on current events.
The U,S, is being set up for takeover by longtime enemies of a free people - call them the New World Order crowd, the Cabal, the Deep State, whatever (and the extremely powerful and wealthy Families behind the whole conspiracy) - whose plan is to engineer into place a Biological Warfare threat - via some Ebola-positive Africans who have been deliberately dispersed throughout the country - as the excuse for a major roundup of the citizenry into FEMA ‘quarantine’ camps which are in reality disguised detention camps, where we will be systematically eliminated, via a number of means (guillotine, vaccines, gas, food, etc.), and guarded by foreigners under UN auspices. Thus the recent UN training of Mexican National Guard forces, to be employed on "humanitarian missions” into this country. (And being deployed on our southern border, for that actual purpose - rather than the cover one, of helping reduce the flood of IAs into this country - as we speak.) And thus the Marxist NWO crowd’s propagandizing of our youth against ‘white supremacists’ and promotion/adulation of ‘people of color,’ and pitting ‘classes’ against each other - in a Divide and Conquer strategy - esp. black against white (a longtime Marxist tactic in this country; and think BHO’s card-carrying Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis), and ‘gay’ against ‘straight,’ and ‘women against patriarchy’ - Whatever It Takes to accomplish their end. Which is Power Over Others. Or POO for short.
Farfetched?? You haven’t read the Old Testament, as to what the Jews have been up to, for a very long time. In our day as personified by what is called the Khazarian mafia, aka Rothschild Zionists. Using the state of Israel to accomplish their purpose. Which is global overthrow, and control. With an iron fist.
The reverse image of
the Real Thing.
Which is why - ultimately - all of this is happening.
But more on that aspect of what is going on, another time. For now, this is by way of
fair warning.
Don’t be fooled. Resist all attempts to round you up. It is all a scheme, and a sham.
Except the initial Ebola virus.
Which - curiously enough - the CDC has a patent on. Imagine that.
Imagine that.
P.S. For a good ’take’ on all this, see Dave Hodges’s column titled ’Ebola Ridden Immigrants Is the Cover Story for a Devastating Bioterror Attack to be Unleashed On America’ for June 15 at his site The Common Sense Show dot com.
See, TPTB can’t afford to let things unravel any further than they already have, with the findings of the Mueller Report not delivering the goods, and the Declass and IG Report and unsealing of indictments pending, and with the 9/11 Truthers getting closer to their facts being released, not only that it was an inside job - thus fingering the Bush Jr. administration (and its load of NeoCons) - but that Mossad was involved (think The Five Dancing Israelis), and thus the Israeli government. In the Khazarian mafia’s lust for Eretz Israel.
It’s all a lot to take in. But take it in we must.
In order to move on.
And Up.
Out of this 3D mess. And closer to
* The book entitled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus,’ by Joseph Atwill.
A masterpiece of sleuthing.
Atwill, besides being a meticulous researcher and scholar, is a consummate chess player. It shows.
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