As your Elder Brother, I have a couple of things to say, directed to the citizens of MY country, the Untied States of America:
The Democrat Party elected officials are directly responsible for the terrible violence being perpetrated on conservatives. You Dem leaders are acting as though this is a one-party system, and yours is the ‘rightful’ party in power. Acting as though you told your minions that the fix was in, and Hillary was going to be ‘elected,’ along with as many other Democrat Party candidates as the fix could be in for. And thus your anger at your loss, by and large, in those elections. And so elected officials of your Party like Maxine Waters came along and exhorted you to ‘get in their faces’ whenever Trump administration people or conservatives in general go out for dinner or wherever in the public - and even to harass them at their homes, for heaven’s sake. Nasty, dangerous stuff. If there were going to be any more elections, I would hope that the Democrat Party would lose so badly - in cleaned-up elections - that they would be out of power for a thousand years.
But the Republican Party is not without its own criminal activity. And in particular (besides corporations siphoning off the federal government’s tax monies yugely, with the crucial assistance of elected representatives of the, er, people) as having entered into alliance with the Democrat Party in its putting up for candidacy for the office of the president an ineligible candidate, in the form of Barack Hussein Obama. Both parties having found out by then by official attempts - eight times between them, between 2003 and 2008 alone - that it was proving too difficult to do such a thing the right/legal way, in getting an amendment to the Constitution starting through Congress on the issue, of a candidate’s citizenship status; the office of the president - and that federal office only; indicating its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers - requiring the candidate to be a, quote, “natural born” citizen. And what is a ‘natural born' citizen, as opposed to any other kind of citizen? Why, one need only to look at the definition of the term at the time that it was codified in the Constitution as an eligibility requirement for that office - and which eligibility requirement for that office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary: A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote. (My emphasis.)(1)
It is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. Of which there is ample historical evidence that the constitutional Framers were fully aware. And so, both major political parties of our day, having discovered that it was going to be a difficult task to get an amendment to the Constitution allowing other kinds of citizens to run for and occupy that particular office, did what? It is obvious, from their actions - and in the case of the Republican Party, its sin of omission, in being the official opposition party of record: they colluded, in a deal not to say anything regarding the matter about each other’s candidates for that office. To stonewall the matter. And with their control between them of the judicial branch and the mainstream media, they hoped to make the crime stick.
Guess what, boys and girls. You forgot one little thing in your best-laid plans. One little fact:
that we are not just physical creatures, the product merely of something called ‘evolution’ from the great apes. But are, as we have been called more accurately, ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’. Are fractals of our Creator Source. Subject to a Plan in life. Which involves, among other laws, a Law of Justice called Karma.(2)
And you are about to reap your karma regarding this matter without having to wait for your life after this incarnation in this realm.
Call it instant karma.
Because it’s time for us to move on. Not just the ‘us’ of this country. But of this world. As we face a Game Changer:
a new way of doing business with one another. Within this country, and between countries.
A new monetary system. Based on Love.
Not on ’earning a profit’ on our transactions.
Because we are moving out of a basic state of Poverty.
And into a basic state of Abundance.
As the children of God that we are,
and of right, ought
to be.
In a realm that is the mirror opposite - the reverse image - of the Deep State’s intended
New World Order.
Welcome to the real thing.
P.S. I am not a Christian. I have come across enough information seriously to doubt that story. But I am a truth seeker. So: Time will tell.
And soon. Mark
my words.
P.P.S. The CDC owns the patent to the Ebola virus.
What could go wrong.
(1) And if it turns out that BHO’s actual birth father was not BHO Sr. but was, in fact, a citizen of the U.S. (think either Frank Marshall Davis or Malcolm X; both of them have been ‘fingered’ by researchers), he is still ‘up’ on charges of fraud and perjury. Oh yes. And treason.
(2) The point?:
Everything is recorded. Is on record.
There is no 'getting away' with anything.
And sometimes, Justice can catch up with us sooner than we may think.
(2) The point?:
Everything is recorded. Is on record.
There is no 'getting away' with anything.
And sometimes, Justice can catch up with us sooner than we may think.
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