Thursday, 13 June 2019

'Setting Things To Rights' Means...

Given that the NWO crowd is, and has been for quite some time, trying to bankrupt this country, in order for it to fall into their scheming hands like a ripe fruit, and that that outcome is well along in its process, stern and immediate measures need to be taken to stop the rot, and arrest not only its development but the perpetraitors of both the rot and the plot; to say, both those on the front lines of the war and those behind it, and guiding it.  Accordingly, some suggestions along that line, and trajectory:

* A declaration of Martial Law - and fitting, that, given the extreme state of national emergency that the country is in. 

* All those who are in this country illegally to be given thirty days to return to their home countries, or face permanent deportment.  If they have not committed any crimes whilst here, in addition to that original one, to be allowed to reapply to come back in - through the front door this time.  And take their turn in the queue, of potential good citizens, patiently waiting their turn to come into this country, and demonstrating by that action their potential good citizenship.  
   This includes IAs who have had children whilst here.  Said children either to accompany them back to their home countries, or be taken in by (licit) relatives.  And note: There is no such thing as an ‘anchor baby’.  That misreading - that deliberate misreading - of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment to come to a screeching halt.  
   And speaking of the Constitution:

* The federal Congress to be dissolved, at the least for its failure to do its job in protecting the national security of the U.S., in both its failure to authorize the monies necessary to secure our border protection against the invasion that has been going on, and for far too long (including of MS-13 gang members and ISIS-type terrorists and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers), and as well for other crimes, in particular its allowance of an ineligible candidate for the office of the presidency to actually occupy that office, in direct defiance of the Constitution, and the rule of law in this country.
   But further as regarding the IAs, and those who have facilitated their coming to and living in this country.  First, as to the latter category: 

* Anyone employing IAs to be subject to both fine and prison time.  (And that measure alone should stop most of the honeypot aspect that is attracting them here in the first place.)  As to the former category:  

* An illegal alien is simply a citizen of another country.  They are not entitled to the perks of citizens of this country.  Accordingly: All IAs - Off all welfare rolls and other subsidies.  And including their children taking advantage of the property owners of this country, in attending our public schools.  (Let alone our being forced to teach them in their own home-country languages.  Grrrrr……)
   As for Emergency treatment in our hospitals:
   Emergency treatment is emergency treatment.  Period.  And their home countries either to be charged for it or for it to be taken off the aid package that we send to their country.

But that brings up the key element in all this setting-things-to-rights business.  Which is that there is an All Change process afoot, alongside the plot to undermine the U.S. and have it fall into the hands of the NWO crowd, and their obscenely totalitarian state, eliminating the rights of the individual.  And that is a hydration of the world’s monetary system.  And a release of the old, Central Bank, fiat-money way of doing things.  And the introduction of a clean, new way.
   And speaking of “a clean, new way”:

* The entire voting and electoral systems in the country to be cleaned up.  Totally.  Under the rubric of Clean Elections Or No Elections.  This to go in tandem with the dissolving of the federal Congress; and new elections to be held throughout the country as well including local and state, under the new, cleaned-up and closely-monitored voting and electoral processes.

In any event: That’s the sort of thing that I would do.*  And then I would return to reading my books and magazines in the late afternoon Southern California sun.  

And let you get on with it.  


The New World.

In its New Age.

Accept no substitutes.

I for one - and One - refuse to live any longer in its relative darkness.  It's time for a change.  A fundamental change.

And that's what 'setting things to rights'


At least to me.

P.S. And speaking of 'mean':
     Do I hear someone calling me a ‘big meanie’??
     My response is in one word:
     Don’t talk to me about big meanies.
     Save that for the NWO crowd.  
     Our erstwhile masters.  Having planned to smash a jackboot in our faces, forever and ever.
     And don’’t talk to them about the one word
     They planned to do away with any sense of a larger reality than this 3D one.  
     Oh, they would use Muslims.  As gun fodder.
     And then do away with them as well.
     Hear me, and hear me well:
     Come out from under their sway. In this country.  And elsewhere. 
     While you still have time.
     They would stop the hydration about to take place.  If they could.  Anything.
     To keep The People under their boot.
     Come out from under, O My People.
     You have lived under their control
     for long enough.

* And don’t let me get started on the routing-out of the perverse likes of the medical-pharmaceutical-governement complex, and the military-industrial-government complex.  And.  And.  And……........


P.P.S. The Constitution, Article IV, Sect. 4:
     “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion….”
     A republican form of government is one in which the citizens elect representatives under a rule of law.  In my home state of California, besides being subjected to an invasion, we don’t have a republican form of government anymore.  We have a despotic form of government, in which the ‘representatives’ have been elected by untold millions of non-citizens, for the voter registration rolls not being properly cleaned of all illegal aliens and other ineligible voters.  
     And those ‘representatives’ have just passed legislation to allow illegal aliens free access to the California healthcare system.
     Have you ever had anyone spit in your face??
     Whether or not, I hope that you will understand when I call on President Trump to 


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