Commencement Proceedings
The Theme:
The Art Of The Deal
To this Graduating Class, and Distinguished Guests from elsewhere in this Galaxy, and Beyond:
Many years ago, as time is reckoned on this planet, I stood before another graduating class, as president of our junior high school’s class of ninth graders,before we embarked on the next leg of our journey through such preparatory schools to high school. I remember being moved to comment, in my brief address, s to how it was all like running a race with hurdles, and some of us would fall at one or other of the hurdles, but it was for us all, if that happened to us, to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, nd start all over again ,as the lyrics to a song of the times - or shortly thereafter - had it. For, that was the purpose of the race: to test ourselves against such obstacles.
And here we are, at the end of the race. Which is both a graduation - as implied in the very concept, of Commencement proceedings - and a beginning; the word, interestingly enough, having both meanings. A commencement. Of another type of journey. This one to take us out into the stars, on the one hand; and deeper into ourselves, on the other. Where we can explore further the arts of creation. Being creators by our basic natures. As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source. Capable of creating the likes of flowers. And trees. And bees, effecting pollination. (How cool is that??) And creatures, such as these meat suits that we currently inhabit; with such intricate features as enzymes, and precursors to other, crucial substances, so that, for want of a nail the whole creature could be lost, as the saying has it, in part…
I could go on. But you get the idea. The Idea, that we were born with. And just forgot, is all, In order to experience a realm of potential; of the likes of hurdles. In any event: We’re here.
Now. Let us commence. With pride in and for our accomplishment. But always to remember, as well, that pride goeth before
a Fall.
That’s all. That's enough, to make the point. Now
for the Beginning part of
The Deal.
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