Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Speaking Of Graduation Time

I awoke yesterday morning with a feeling not of premonition but of concern.  That things would not go well for the mass of humanity in the Changeover.  Of worlds.  For them to live in. 

But - 

their choice.

As for those who are going Up:

What am I talking about when I talk about the New World?  I am talking about 

the next frequency of reality. 

Including Gaia.  Ready to expand into Her higher frequency of resonance.

Quite a team we make.  And actually have made, on a 3D platform of reality.  But you aln’t seen nothin’ yet. 

If you make it.

This time.

And flow with the NOW of the ONE.  Where we are all - by definition - 

One.  With

The One.

For those who have ears to hear.

P.S. It would seem axiomatic, but to clarify:
     You cannot be in the New World and be a liar.  Or a cheat.  Or a thief.  Or any other kind of such unrepentant polluted person.  It won't work.  Call it the Pinocchio Effect.
     A word to the wise.

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