Monday, 10 June 2019

Variation On A Theme

Over the years, political pundits from both sides of the political aisle in this country have said that the U.S., with its two oceans, could never fall to an enemy.  And our homegrown termites, their beady insect eyes flashing communistic and totalitarian red, have snickered malevolently to themselves and each other, ‘Well, we’ll see about that’.  And so, set a suitable challenge to their rapacious nature, they went to work.

And so we come to this day, when they have succeeded in placing political assassins throughout the country, in the form of MS-13 gang members, and ISIS terrorist cells, with caches of weapons at the ready (complete with SAMs), and millions - millions - of illegal aliens (excuse me; ‘undocumented workers’.  Or is it ‘inadmissible immigrants’ now, at the very allowed most??) beholden to the Democrat Party; with their votes - on obscenely unclean voter registration rolls - to keep the Dems in power for the foreseeable future.  With the Left wing of that Party having taken over its control.  And, along with their NWO comrades in the MSM, and largely in control of the social media in the country - all pre-positioned for the job - they are just about to call for Der Tag.

And where are you, Joe and Jill Public?

Ah.  ‘The game’ and ‘the quiz show’ on the telly…

And how is that game going, Joe?  Got you sufficiently hunkered down in front of your ‘telly (aka ‘tell a lie’) yet to keep you from waking up in tine to what is really going on to fend off the takeover of your country??

And mine???…

P.S. And I see that YouTube has issued new, further restrictive guidelines for what they will allow to be referred to/talked about on their platform (isn’t that a public utility, in the use of the public airwaves?? But to continue), censoring ‘independent’ comment on a list of ‘protected’ subjects and taking the ‘line’ of the largely monopolistic MSM on their comments.  Including comments that may be injurious to ‘Victims of a major violent event and their kin’.  Ah.  Like the Sandy Hook FEMA two-day ‘Exercise’.  And the Boston Marathon Bombing (even announced at the site) ’Drill’.  And serious questions regarding a whole host of other false flag ops designed to push for gun control and confiscation.  The easier to take you over with, my dears.
     And all of this, just in time to head off - to attempt to head off - the info about to come out of the role of Mossad and sayanims in this country in 9/11.  Your updated policy couldn’t come at a better time, could it, eh, comrades??…
     Only the MSM pov to be allowed on your platform?  So: Drive the cattle back into the corral.  Sweet.
     And disgusting.  Especially for a nation for whom some gave their all, and all gave some, in order for essential liberty to prevail on Earth, against the heavy hand of the oppressive state, wanting to keep the people in the state of subservience, and the status of
     a herd.* 
     To which I say:
     not ba-a-a.  But

     Sheep to be sheared, cattle to be culled?  
     No.  Rather:
     Fractals of our Creator Source.
     Gods in the making.
     So, I say to all current and potential masters over the people, rather than with the people:
     Let my people go.
     Ladies and gentlemen - and all those current in-betweeners - of the Left:
     I urge you to let go of being a part of the Process.  And become a part of
     the Product.
     In the New World aborning.
     Aka Nova Gaia.  As we go
     a notch.  Or two.
     In order to experience more of 
     The All That Is.
     And leave this terribly dense level of it behind.  As befitting graduates.  At the least, of
     elementary school.


* Quite possibly the scheme being to herd us into FEMA camps under the excuse of an Ebola outbreak in the country.  Already set up by the Deep State actors having let infected Africans into the country via our porous southern border.  And with the UN having already trained the Mexican National Guard for "humanitarian purposes," apparently to be the FEMA camp guards.  And thus the incessant propaganda, softening us up like an artillery barrage, of 'white supremacists' needing to be ruled over by 'people of color' now.  As I say: Sweet.
     Bitter sweet.
     And more like caustic.

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