Wednesday, 12 June 2019

A Stickler For Truth

An interesting feature of Christianity is that the religion was not known about in early times amongst the people where its origins were supposed to have taken place.(1)  Jesus’s tomb?  Lazarus’s tomb?? The Mount of the Sermon???  The Upper Room of the Last Supper????  Not a trace.  Which is why there were no actually known sites involved as revered places of pilgrimage, for a long time; until some were manufactured.  Like pieces of the very True Cross on which Jesus was crucified.  Or at least, were said to be.  Hey - anything to make a shekel or two on.

‘You want a piece of the very cross?  I’ll find you a piece of the very cross.  But it’ll cost you, you understand.  And don’t fall for other pieces that are floating around, from other crosses.  Accept no substitutes.’(2)

All, a relic of a past age.

But wait - what about our own age.  What may have been put over on The People even in our own time, with eyewitnesses still alive, let alone in a generation or two??

Let’s see.  What are some of the events even now beginning to come to light as fraught with deceit, but still largely overlooked by a gullible public…

 - and hey - forget about Pearl Harbor, and the real story there.  And the assassinations of JFK, and RFK, and MLK.  And the strafing and attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty.  And the Gulf of Tonkin ‘Incident’.  Let’s come up even closer to our time.  Let’s see.  There’s the Aurora Theater shooting.  Some curious facts about that one, still not having come fully to light, with a proper care by The People for the Truth of things.  And the Sandy Hook FEMA 2-day ‘Exercise’ sold as the real thing.  And the Boston Marathon Bombing even-announced-at-the-site ‘Drill’.   And the Orlando gay nightclub ‘Event,’ complete with a couple of ‘injured’ guys being hand-carried by their buddies by the MSM’s cameras, only to be let down on the other side of the, er, shoot; and with a couple of doctors interviewed by the MSM at the hospital by the names of Dr. Lube and Dr. Cheatham.  (What next: a Dr. Huckster??)  But oh - I almost forgot:

And then there was 9/11.  With a 'plane' disappearing into a steel-frame building like a Road Runner cartoon.  And on.  And on.  And that magic act.

But those true believers back at the early days of the Christian religion.  They were sure a gullible lot.

Weren’t they.


(1) And no family histories, oral or otherwise, of their forebears having actually been there, amongst “the (purported) multitudes”.

(2) Speaking of ‘floating;’ this, from Acharya S’s ‘The Christ Conspiracy’:
   “At one point, a number of churches claimed the one foreskin of Jesus, and there were enough sprinters of the ‘True Cross’ that Calvin said the amount of wood would make ‘a full load for a good ship.'”  (ref. from Barbara Walker, ‘The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets,' Harper,1983)   


P.S. ’If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civiliization, it expects what never was and never will be.’    - Thomas Jefferson
     But then, he was one of them there ‘white male supremacists,' wasn't he.

P.P.S. From ‘The US Arming of Taiwan Signals that World Wr III Is Near’ - Dave Hodges - June 12
(Hodges expresses his concern that this is a signal for war over the waterways in that area.  Hey - this country must ALWAYS show that it is for the defense of free peoples.   Anywhere.)
Stan Stanfield - June 12

But supporting Taiwan - and being seen to support Taiwan - is simply saying to Red China: Don't go there.  It's called clarity of intention.  The clearer you are with a potential adversary - especially one that operates from the ideological 'law' of 'the calculation of the relation of forces'- the better.  An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure.  

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