Sunday, 30 June 2019

On Truer Words

One of them there Founding Fathers of this country made the observation, in words to the effect, that ‘If you want to remain ignorant and free, you want what never was and never will be.’  And another of said FF mede the similar observation: ‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’   They both sound rather Jeffersonian, but I don’t think he came up with either of those particular bon mots.  And it’s a measure of my age that I am even aware of the quotes, as I understand that the American youth of today are woefully lacking in any decent knowledge of the underpinnings of this country.  Which, of course, makes the point. 

And so we come to today, when the Democrat Party has so succumbed to its far left wing that it can well be called, as well, Marxist.  Whose adherents seem to believe - have been led to believe, from those engaged in ‘education’ - or rather, ideology, in this country - that this should be a one-party country, and theirs is the ‘party’ to run the state.  The monolithic state.  Censoring all opposition to its rule.  And ruling, as in the old Soviet Union, with an iron fist, for however long it takes for The People to rise up in opposition to the oppressive State, and attempt to overturn it.  As with the countries behind the Iron Curtain in Europe.  

However, with the surveillance technology of today, that outcome is far from the one that can be expected to take place.  Meaning, under the rule of the Total State.

Which includes the control of the weather.  I wonder how many of today’s citizenry in the U.S. understand that there are people who know how to conduct Weather Warfare.  Have known, for some time.  

Take California, my home state.  A few years back it was subjected to a long period of drought.  Which drove a fair number of farmers off their properties.  Which were bought up on, er, fire sale prices,* by some particular persons who then sold that land to their preferred ‘customers’.  In this case, many Chinese.  And not just any Chinese.  But Red Chinese.  

As the New World Order spokesperson deluxe, Henryk Kissinger, has said: ‘Control the food and you control the people.’

Anyway, to finish my train of thought from above: The satellite imagery showed that there was a large High just off the coast of California for some time, positioned there as if by design, which caused moisture-laden clouds drifting naturally eastwards from off the Pacific to be directed mostly north, thus depriving the richly fertile Central Valley of California of its necessary rain, and said clouds, more concentrated now than normally, to drop down from Canada over the U.S.’s Midwest, where said Weather Warfare ‘device’ caused torrential rain and consequent floods, thus also destroying food crops.  


And so, you get the idea.  That we have been under attack.  From within and without.  (As to the latter, see the invasion from our southern border going on.)  Some very devious characters determined to prove that the U.S., contrary to long assumption and occasional specific declaration, can be taken down, even with two oceans guarding its flanks.

Snicker.  Snicker.  Snicker.

Well, snicker no more, you denizens of the Left - and you Controllers up at the top of the pyramid of power in this world: Your day of reckoning has come. 

Of recognition, has come.  

For who you are.

And even to going a little deeper than the surface level of

the Process.  For seeing that it has been

a Process.

And thus, that there are elements of ’good’ and ‘bad’ on both sides of 

the Process.

Also known as

the Play.

That we have been actors in

long enough.  Having come to the point

of Completion

of the Play.  And the beginning of

the Real Thing.

Which requires some new words to describe it.

Or, actually,


From back before the Play began.  

To give us fractals of The One an opportunity to prove ourselves.

As being more energetically of the Good.

Or of the Bad.

Your choice.

And how are you doing in that Process, 

child of God??

By any other name???


* And more recently, the more rural citizenry being driven off the land - and into the big cities; for easier control - by another aspect fo Weather Warfare,this being lasers from the sky causing firestorms.  Which often seem to dustify the houses but leave the trees around them intact.  Curious, that.   Kind of like what happened on 9/11.
   But to continue.   

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