Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Oh Say Can You See

So what do we have here, in America:

A considerable percentage of our youth have been brainwashed by the Marxists amongst us to go along with their shtick, their dogma, of ‘class warfare,’ as part of a strategy of Divide and Conquer: blacks against whites, women against ‘patriarchy,’ LGBTQ ‘community’ against straights, and everybody against ‘white male supremacists,’ because why? because Western civilization is a creation mainly of white males, and it has to go - and especially the crowning glory of it, the U.S.A. - because it extols the individual, as over and against the collective, and thus stands in the way of those who want - lust for - Power Over Others.  Or POO for short.  

So, can’t have successful blacks extolling ‘the American way’.  And so forth.  Bad for business.  The dirty business, of national overthrow.  

Of, in a word: revolution.  Which is dirty business by its nature.  In which, sometimes, Everything goes.  Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary, to accomplish your goal.

The end justifies the means.  

Such immorality is what collectivism is built on.  Contrast that with the likes of:-

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

And in such a spirit, was a new nation on Earth born: on the back of the concept of essential liberty.

And yes, on the back - in part - of the institution of slavery.  A matter that those men - those white male ‘supremacists’ - put on the back burner for the moment, to deal with what was immediately in front of them: a despotic governing body, headed by a king, all the way over on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, determined to keep its colonies under its very authoritarian thumb.  And so, in the spirit of first things first, these ‘white male supremacists’ first threw off that heavy hand oppressing them, keeping them from living in the dignity of the Rights of the Individual, as 

a child of God.  Not a footrest for a king, or a pope, or an oligarchy, or any other form of oppression of the dignity of the human spirit.  And once they secured their base, they allowed other changes to come into play along the way.  The end - the total end - of slavery.  Suffrage for women.  

So much for white male supremacism.

And just so, have we come now down to our day.  When we have seen the likes of the need to rein in rampant individuality, in the trashing of the environment that has taken place, in the near-mindless pursuit of ‘profit’.  And in the enormous costs of living by a system that has allowed a medical-pharmaceutical-government complex to dictate our ‘health’ care, in its interests.  And so forth.  But at least we, here, in the United States, got the basics right.

And long may that flag wave.

Against all comers.

Especially those who have slaughtered millions - millions - of people over the years.  The former Soviet Union.  Communist China.  The Pol Pot regime.  In the name of

the collective.

But a special kind of collective.

One ruled over by 

a despotic class.

And thus, does the Marxist concept of class warfare leading to a classless society, wherein ‘everybody is equal,’ show its true colors.  

In which some are more equal than others, is all.

To which - as I have said in these pages recently, to this same sort of drivel:


Give me a free people any day.

At least there you can say


And voluntarily rise to new heights.

With that flag unfurled


A bit tattered.


still there.  In the light of 

a - 

the - 

New Day.

Always welcoming of the immigrant.  Through the front door.

To a nation where the individual can rise as high as the eye can see, and the mind comprehend.

Oh say, can you see

to new heights??

For yourself.

And your fellow fractals of

The All That Is???

See you there.

Just a little further.  Down the Road.

That we are all on.

And you are begsinning to see that.

Aren’t you?

All, of you??  On both sides 

of the current divide???

With a Process at work, is all.

Like a chemical reaction. Leading to

a Product.

That we all - 

all -

brought about.

As actors in

a Play.  Designed 

to catch our consciences.

Like the kings and queens 

that we truly are.

In our own right.



See you.

And raise you


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