Sunday, 2 June 2019

From Love To Truth

In my last blog I got into the realm, as it were, of Love.  Here I would like to ‘balance’ that perspective with some Truth.  And Truth can cut.

Item.  Free speech
        I live in a free country.  That means a country that has a tradition of an attitude of freedom for its people to get on with their lives with as little control from its government as possible - freedom of religion, of speech and the press, the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances - you know, that First Amendment sort of thing.  Spelled out in a Bill of Rights to make doubly sure that the federal government didn’t get too big for its britches.  ‘Doubly sure,’ for not having been given the power to restrict such things in the first place; the law of the land - its Constitution - being one of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man aptly called the Father of the Constitution, James Madison.  But you can never be too sure, can you.  Man being a cut below the angels, and all, and so not ‘above’  attempting to fudge things a little, over time; in trying to make of the constitutional contract a ‘living document,’ subject to the socio-political proclivities of the shyster lawyers and judges of the day.
     Anyway; the point: 
     What the hell is this business of trying to control speech by calling it ‘hate speech’??  The only speech that should be controlled, in any ‘free society’ worthy of the name, is speech that obviously incites a mob to violence.  Like ‘Kill the Blacks!’ or ’Kill the Whites!’ or ’Kill the infidels!’ - that sort of thing.  Or in the classic example, of crying ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater.  You know: Obviously beyond the pale.  So, Enough with this attempt to control speech by saying that such-and-such verbiage does or could ’offend’ somebody.  ‘Offend’!  Absurd.  Go live in Communist China.  You will be right at home there.     
Item.  All IAs: Out.
     a) There is plenty of fault to go around here, on this subject.  The New World Order crowd, for the largest part; trying to flood the country with both ‘economic refugees’ - to bankrupt the country, for its subsequent takeover by the collectivists, a la the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and use them to dilute the majority culture, for its takeover - and terrorists hiding amongst them, to prepare for the NWO crowd’s long-desired revolution.  Not to mention just 'good old' drug and gun runners (and other black-market items) and child and adult sex traffickers.  But also, the employers of IAs, to gain a financial edge over their competition, or just out of greed.  And the politicians who facilitate the situation.  And of course, the IAs themselves; who are jumping the queue of erstwhile immigrants, patiently waiting their turn to come into this country, and, by that act of decency, showing that they will make good potential citizens.  That group is who receive my sympathies.  Enough of this crap of lawbreakers using children to attempt to facilitate their lawbreaking.  My ‘approach’ to the matter: A fair warning - say, thirty days - to all IAs: Voluntarily return to your home countries, and, if you have broken no other of the laws of this country whilst illegally here, you will be allowed to apply to come back in - through the front door this time.  Waiting your turn, like all other immigrants to, and prospective citizens of, this country.  After that period of grace, you will be subject to deportation, and not allowed back in.  
     And make no mistake: There will be no ‘sanctuary’ cities and/or states.  This is a matter of national security.  Federal rule trumps state and local, in such a matter.  Especially with legal executive-branch ability, as in various E.O's., and the Insurrection Act.  And on that note: 
     b) All Voter Registration rolls to be impounded, and gone through as with a fine-toothed comb, to be certified by teams of CPA’s, checked via quantum-computer technology against birth and death records, Naturalization records, duplication, etc.  Along with the requirement for photo ID to vote.*  At the least in all federal elections.  But with the real New Order of Things coming into being, it is most probably the end of the federal system here, and the construction of a national system.  Whatever is the Will of God in the matter.
     As determined by a Council of highly spiritual citizens.  And as are ‘fortified’ by:              

Item.  GCR/RV
     A - the - new global monetary system.  With the demise of the Central Bank system's power and control.  Each nation’s currency to be based on tangible assets, like gold and possibly with other precious metals, a basket of commodities - whatever works.  Gold to start with.  Things may well change over time, from that beginning.  Of

the New Age.


it’s time.

And it’s why I’m here, now.

And - Truth be told -

so are you.


let’s get cracking.  We have work to do.

To turn this poorly put-upon planet into

an Eden.  With the Fall


With our band of angels having learned our lesson.  Of trying to get on with things without God in the driver’s seat.

And if you, personally, haven’t learned that lesson, by now:

See you later.  Because this planet is going Up.

With you.

Or without you.

Your choice.

As you wished.


* And no more electronic voting machines, which have proven to be easily hacked; only paper ballots, for a clear paper trail.  And no more Early Voting, which facilitates duplicate voting.  And.  And.........
   You get the idea.  All corruption to be wrung out of the system.  The Light to prevail, now.
   And P.S. There is no such a thing as 'anchor babies'.  Anyone with even a modicum of reading comprehension could read the 14th Amendment and see that it doesn't authorize such a category of citizen.

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