Saturday, 8 June 2019

All Change

In a recent blog I mentioned that a lot of the U.S.’s problems with illegal aliens - and MS-13 gang members, and terrorists, and drug and gun runners, and child and adult sex traffickers - breaking into this country will be cleared up with the “new global monetary system” in place, whereby there will be a huge hydration of (debt-free) currency into the world’s nation-states, and thus not as many of the world’s peoples will try to break into our home, for financial reasons.  Another, main reason for a secession in the number of IAs - of al kinds - trying to break into this country - our home - is that we incarnate souls on this planet are going to start living by Truth.  Not beliefs, or even the absence of belief - i.e., either atheism or agnosticism.  For, the evidence for the existence of a larger reality than the one that we apprehend with our limited senses is now sufficient for us to start living our lives by it, with no false beliefs blocking us from that awareness.

And just in time, it would appear; with such current moves as the censorship in the U.S.’s mainstream, largely monopolistic media and social media platforms of what could roughly be called ‘conservative’ speech.*  As the New World Order crowd make their moves towards the final fastening of their straitjacket on average Joe and Jill Public.  Before their control, in this country and others, unravels any further…

Anybody with eyes to see has seen this day coming.  This day, of extreme measures of control over the populace.  And of the Reaction to it.  In a political-realm working-out of the law of physics of Action-Reaction.  Which amounts to the setting-up of a socio-political stage of Synthesis.   And since things are now on the global scale, it is not just the beginning of another round of ‘evolutionary,’ thesis-antithesis interaction.  But is at the crowning stage, of civilization’s unfoldment.

A planetary system.  Grounded in Truth.

A/k/a a - the - New Age.

A/k/a a - the - Golden Age.

A/k/a the kingdom of heaven.

However you wish to refer to it It: is the culminating stage of

The Process. 

And the end of the Babylonian money magic system.  Which has caused so much corruption and turmoil on the planet, for eons.  Now at its end.

As we share our goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than that of making a profit.  Out of the highest motive that we could ever hope to operate by:

Out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  

Out of, in a word:


Think of it.  No more blockage to cures for cancer, because of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  No more wars, because of the military-industrial-government complex.  And so forth.  And therefore, in comes the likes of free energy devices.  And replicators.  And 'med beds'.  And teleportation.  And.  And.  And……

It’s what I incarnated at this time for.

And it’s what you did, as well.

Even if you are currently playing a part on the Dark side.  Of

The Process.  In

The Play, that we have been engaged in.

For long enough.  Now, time for

the Real Thing.

* And I see that now, YouTube has announced censorship of a whole host of voices, and the creation of a ‘protected group’ category, which includes - get this - “immigration status”.  Oh, they say that their policy only applies to voices that ‘promote violence or hatred towards individuals or groups, based on the protected attribute’.  But the new policy will obviously be used to justify the removal of merely criticism of, say, “immigration status” or policy towards it - such as the Dems's Open Borders policy.       
   And I see that “sexual orientation” made the ‘protected category’ list, too.  And I note that a school administrator in California has recently told an audience that pedophilia is a “sexual orientation”.  So, people can no longer post videos on YT fulminating against pedophilia/pedophiles.
   Had enough?? 
   Like the creators of the samizdat publications of the former Soviet Union???…
   Ah, the money and power addicts.  They will be the death of us yet.

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