Who am I. Why am I here. The big questions in life. But I want here to look at anther side of the classic question, Who am I.
It was sometime late in my high school years, or very shortly thereafter, that a friend told me one fine day that he had heard of a guy, somewhere in our Southern California vicinity, who had come up with a cure for cancer, but was being hushed up about it.(1) I thought that strange. Why would ‘they’ hush up about a cure for cancer?? In any event: What could I do about it?
Who was I.
Around this same time in my life, I discovered that ‘they’ put aluminum in underarm deodorant. I thought that strange. Even with my limited understanding at the time of such physiological things, I knew that putting dangerous stuff in underarm deodorant was not a good idea, with its immediate absorption into the body from that vector. But again
Who was I.
I was even put to mind of that memory many years later, whilst living in Australia (another story), and hearing about a female news reporter on TV who had been taken off the air because she ‘reported’ on the dangers of aluminum being put into the drinking water supply. The practice had something to do with helping to suppress foaming, or some such rationale. But they wouldn’t do it if it were dangerous. Would they?? In any event
Who was I.
But ‘I’ had begun to keep a closer eye on things going on around me by that time in my life, even as sheltered as I was in those days from ‘the daily grind,’ having spent many years by then living in a spiritual community up off out of the way of the world’s business in the north of Scotland, having chosen that as an option to living in a hermitage somewhere (which I had also researched). What people got up to was not of much interest to me, by then. I just wanted to concentrate on my spiritual development, in a practice of daily meditation, and living a daily life of simple service, etc. etc.; the Human Comedy not something that appealed to me.
But then things began ’speeding up’ for me in life. Whilst living Down Under I also happened to come across a book on the dangers of vaccination, which - alarmingly - was involved in such brain-damage conditions as autism, then beginning to come onto the world scene in a big way. That triggered me into getting involved in that scene there, with a group attempting to educate the public to the issue. But fate intervened, and I returned to the spiritual community in Scotland where I had grown such lovely roots. And within days of my return there, to pick up on that sheltered life again, 9/11 struck, back in my home country.
That shook ma up enough to immediately swing into action, and lead a special Meditation in our Sanctuary that evening, to bless those who had died in that horrible event in their so terribly abrupt passage into the next life. And I began to pay attention to the TV set in the basement of the building where I lived and did my Service; the set something I never bothered with before, as part of that larger world that I had renounced, except to give it Service at one remove, through our guests, affected in their daily lives from the educational programs that we offered, and way of life that we demonstrated. A life of Service. Generally speaking. However that played out for each of us, as individuals, on our mutual but separate Paths up the mountain, to the crowning point of it all. Suddenly I was interested in that outer world, more than ever before; and began watching the various videos that began coming out about that seminal event.
And I remember well watching the shot - over and over - of the second plane smashing into the second tower. And - what?! - slicing into it like a knife through butter.
Like a Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
And another shot, taken from the side, of the second plane - or at least, of the silhouette of a plane; an image of a plane - approaching the second tower, and disappearing into its approach side - and the nose of the 'plane' coming through the other side of the building, before the shot was hurriedly Cut to Black. But not before it was captured. By eagle eyes.
Like mine.
But still:
Who was I.
And then came the crowning piece in my game with myself: when I began discovering, via the Internet, that Barack Hussein Obama - he of the admonition that ‘We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America!” - was, in fact, a usurper.
Was not eligible for the job in the first place.(2)
I finally, in life, figured out who I was. And there is no stopping me now.
Say with me, please, if you will:
The Buck Stops
(1) I don’t recall if he told me the name of the person. It could possibly, in that time period, have been Royal Rife, with his special microscope.
(2) For not being a “natural born” citizen.
You Yanks know what a ‘natural born’ citizen is, don’t you?
Don’t you??
If not -
why not???
Oh. Right………
P.S. And as synchronicity would have it, in my mail today was a letter from an outfit called The Sovereignty Project, whose Project Chairman said, in part:
“Dear Fellow American,
“Barack Obama is a dangerous criminal!
“And he needs to face the music for his crimes.
“But it’s even worse.
“Obama has assumed his place at the head of the dangerous and unhinged Left in America — the exact same people who are rioting in the streets and threatening the Presidency of Donald Trump.
“And sadly, no one in Official Washington has the spine to stand up to him and his cronies.
“Obama is so sure he’ll never pay for his crimes, he’s now leading this secret coup against President Trump!
“But I’m not going to allow Obama, his radical leftist minions and his Deep State cronies to undermine everything we’ve worked for.
“Instead, I’m going to send Obama right where he belongs — JAIL!
The Survey includes, at the concluding no. 8: “Would you support any politician who called for the immediate investigation and indictment of Barack Obama for any and all of the crimes he committed?” and immediately underneath that question’s reply check space was a space for one’s “personal thoughts”. My response - after my check of the ‘Yes’ space to no. 8 - was to draw an arrow from my answer to no. 8 to this space, and to reply:
“Including his biggest crime of all: occupying the Oval Office illegally. For not being a ‘natural born’ citizen.” I asterisked it to my continuing comment in a space on the page below the Survey; to wit:
“* Which is a person “born in the country, of parents who are citizens” thereof.
“The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’. (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.) How come an outfit like yours doesn’t know this??
“You are guilty of a dereliction of duty. Shame on you.” (signed)
The letter itself gave away in its contents that it was simply a form letter from a couple of years ago, when it referenced Jeff Sessions as Trump’s Attorney General. So, this outfit (“a project of Americans Care, Inc.” ) is just beating the bushes for another go-round of fundraising using this Survey. Nothing new. Same old charges against BHO. Conservatives still failing to get to the essence of this matter.
The matter, of the taking-down of the United States, from the central crime:
of both sides of the political aisle having conspired in its fall.
This isn’t just a matter of the likes of George Soros needing to go to jail for their crimes.
Look to many names to the Right of Georgie Boy as well.
In the general setting-to-rights of things in this country.
And in the world.
As The People rise to this occasion.
As prompted from within.
To do the job that they came here to do.
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