Saturday, 29 February 2020

On Cleaning Out One's Ears

In the house in which I am currently residing - as the (elderly) uncle of the lady of the house  - there live said lady, her husband, their twin teenage daughters, her youngest son (from another marriage) - who leaves early and gets home late, from commuting a little over half an hour to university and a job (and a gf) there, and so is hardly ever around - and his eldest son (ditto for him), who is not around much either, for working, for now, as a uber driver - based out of a somewhat nearby airport - while attempting to get off the ground an idea of his in the electronics field,(1) with his family - of wife and five children - living way over east, in Nebraska.(2)  Last night - a Friday, celebratory night - the man of the house had taken my niece/his wife out for dinner, the two teenagers were each out on dates, and it was just me at the dinner table.  Until the ‘uber driver’ son showed up, and joined me at the dinner table, for a (very good) leftover and homemade meal (what my niece labeled ‘Italian shells’; with a meatless version for me, as the only vegetarian in this family constellation).  Knowing a little bit about me, but our not ever having had a real, sit-down conversation yet (I have been living here now for almost exactly four months), he asked me, while preparing his plate and then joining me at the table, about the ‘spiritual community’ that I had lived in over in Scotland.  And thereby hangs a tale, for this blog’s sharing.(3)

I will deal here with just the aspects of my sharing with him that have to do with its theme; especially as to how we were organized, as a ‘spiritual’ community, and what caused me, primarily (at least readily recognizably) to leave.  I explained to him how we were an international non-denominational spiritual community, with members of ‘all’ religions or no specific religion, but all united through the one common denominator of being concerned about Nature/the Earth, to the point of believing in a ’New Age’ of higher consciousness on the planet, and wanting to do what we could to help bring it about, in the way of the theme of Personal and Planetary Transformation - i.e., that the world will change when we individuals change; that that is where the essential ‘change’ must come from first.  To that end, we had a structure whereby we didn’t pay people to be there (except as guests to take workshops; our main source of income), rather, that people - members, and prospective members - were there to be of service - to the community, because of/for its being of service to the planet.  And so, besides getting one’s room and board, and after paying an initial membership fee, we(4) got what was called an ‘allowance’ - i.e,, pocket money.  Which was not a lot; reflecting the fact that we were not there ‘for the money,’ but for the Service we could render.  (Reflecting the idea of monasteries and nunneries.  Indeed, a leading British philosopher and educator - Sir George Trevalyn - called the community ‘the Essene community of the New Age’.)  But as the years rolled on, more and more people - many young in age - wanted to join what had become, as part of an international network of same, an ‘eco-village’ (complete with windmills, recycling programs, etc. etc. - ‘living lightly on the planet’), and not have to engage further in the ‘outer’ world’s scene.  Which caused a fundamental change in mindset philosophy of many in the community: As I termed it to my listener at the dinner table, “from being a spiritual community with members to being a workshop center with employees;” the ‘allowance’ having morphed, in the minds of many of the community members,(5) into ‘wages’.  (And thus, as the ‘wages’ grew over the years, into ‘income’ in the eyes of the Scottish government.)(6)  And that wasn’t why I had joined the community in the first place.  I very much liked the idea of thinking of work as Service to a cause, not, primarily, as ‘a way to make money’.  Which, I told my auditor, I was afraid that the membership was beginning to think of their work as.

My story, then - which also involved my leaving the community, for most of the ‘90s, and living in Australia in a relationship, but feeling drawn back to the community, in 2001 - got to the point of my listener asking why fundamentally I left the community (in 2012).  My reply:            
Partly because it was, simply, time to, given the ‘politics’ of the place, the attitude that was beginning to creep in, and replace the founding principles, concepts.  But also - as I told him; and found myself telling him, putting those pieces together for the first time in my own mind - because Barack Obama was going to run again - as an ineligible candidate(7) - for the office of POTUS -

of MY country - 

and I found myself wanting to go back there and see what the hell the citizenry - 

the clued-in citizenry;

the awake citizenry -    

were going - finally - to do about it.

To rise to that (very large, in my estimation; and, I would say, easily to be fairly determined so in general) occasion.

Or not.

And either way,

to see what I would do about it.

How I would deal with it.

In my retirement years.

From the world’s - often very dark - way of doing things. 

But my leaving the community, and when I did, was mostly, I understand, now - with these years back in my old home country, and the time that I have had here, in my retirement years, for reflection, on various subjects, and conditions - because, if people get - really get - the idea, and the principle behind it, of doing things not for the personal monetary recompense in doing them, but out of service to the ’spiritual community of which we are all a part’ - i.e., a member thereof; like a finger of a Hand - then ultimately we ’spiritual beings having a human experience’ can do away with money altogether on the planet; when people - incarnate souls - do things - i.e., share goods and services with one another - out of a higher motive than that of ‘making a profit’ on it.  Out of the highest motive that there could ever be.  Not, alternatively to that way of life, out of being a subject of an all-powerful secular state.  But 

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word:


And then 

All else will, and can, be added unto us.  As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of

The Whole.

The All That Is.  At the core of our very 


And lo - here we are.  At such a point.  With A Global Currency Reset facing us (in the aftermath of a collapse of the global monetary and financial system).  When we can recommit our national monies to being backed by gold - and other precious metals; or assets/commodities; in any event, recommitting it to being backed by honest-to-God value.  Not just fiat money, backed by nothing but a promise to pay in itself.  (What.  A.  Scam.)  And then, see our way into a new world -

the New Age - 

by eliminating interest-bearing money altogether.  And fractional-reserve banking along with it. 

A ‘bit’ of scammy corruption that we have lived with, and under,

long enough. 

P.S. Something that has come up for me at this time in my life is a difficulty in hearing.(8)  It hasn’t made much difference in my life, especially living alone in my retirement years as I had been for the last seven-some years.  But my not being able to hear soft voices at the dinner table, in my new ‘family’ configuration, has caused some angst.  Not for me.  But primarily for my niece, who has taken very seriously her sense of responsibility for her uncle in his waning years; and with the Mormons especially having such a big concern and feeling for ‘family’.  And so she has, er, ‘pioneered’ the process of a) my having my ears checked out by her family doctor (who did, indeed, discover that I had some wax impacted on my eardrums  - even though I have been attempting to deal with the problem by using ear wax removal drops and a syringe; to little noticeable avail); and b) upon discovering, through my feedback, that dealing with that factor didn’t solve the problem itself, going to the trouble of purchasing batteries for my hearing aid, which I dug out of my moving-in boxes for the occasion, and the batteries to which had long expired.  I plan on trying out my enhanced, ‘bionic ear’ at the dinner table this evening.  Primarily so that I am not a ‘burden on the family,’ in their having to speak up for ‘Uncle Duane’ in his old age.
     Although I think that something else - something more - is going on here.  If, er, Truth be told:     
     I titled this blog ‘On Cleaning Out One’s Ears’. 
     There is a metaphor in there, in that statement.
     And for humanity as a
     As in (altogether now):
     ’He who has ears to hear, let him hear.’


(1) having to do with people being able to organize their bank accounts for better budgeting procedures.  Thus, providing ‘society’ with a service.  A theme which I will return to herein.  

(2) We all just came back from a cruise-ship holiday, out of my old stomping grounds in Southern California down the West Coast to the southernmost tip of Baja CA and back, organized by my niece’s husband, and consisting of a party of just over two dozen of us, including, besides those of this extended family already mentioned, my niece’s four other, adult children, her eldest daughter’s family (of three children and somewhat newly-minted doctor husband), ‘his’ youngest son’s (smaller) family, the patriarch of the brood (her growing-up father; my brother having died when she was very young), and a couple of friends of the family - and me.  A good time was had by all, although I will admit to having had some trepidation regarding such an outing, with the ‘novel coronavirus’ beginning to surface in the States and in such particular surroundings, and all.  But so far, so good in that department - for this family, and this neck of the woods.  That whole thing being part of the change that we need to see, now.  Fundamentally.
   But to continue.

(3) And to point out, at this early point in it, that this family is LDS - Latter-Day Saints, better known as Mormons.  But more clearly known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  So: very a) Church-oriented, and b) Christian-oriented.
   That information has to do with whatever was going on in his mind while I was telling my tale. 

(4) I say ‘we’ as a long-time member of the community, having joined it in 1976. (It began, strictly, in 1962, but had started its main period of growth in 1970, with the arrival of a young American named David Spangler, who had begun to make a name for himself in New Age circles and whose association with the community helped it take off in greater numbers, particularly with many Americans finding out about it for the first time through that connection.)  Not that I was among the eldest of members of the community, in terms of service to it (or in age).  But there were few of us ‘elders’ remaining, as the years rolled by.  Which became part of ‘the problem’ - of the reason for my leaving.  And which has to do specifically with the overriding theme of this blog. 

(5) Judging, I think fairly, by our annual year-end Conferences, when we closed to the public for a week and reviewed our past year and then looked to the new one, in terms of workshop-theme offerings and budget items and so forth. 

(6) And which began to set up a series of financial straits for the community; which it had constantly to deal with, in terms of selling off properties, and cutting Staff (read: membership) lines, and so forth.  The ‘allowance’-turned-‘wages’ - which the membership didn’t want to cut, even when everything else  was on the block - amounting to more than the community could reasonably handle.  But once that door was opened - i.e., the idea of being paid a wage for a service rendered - it was difficult to put the horse back in the barn, so to speak.  The community - the ‘spiritual community’ - becoming more and more just like the outside world.
   I hesitate to say, “like the real world”.  For reasons which will shortly come clear.

(7) I have dealt with this subject many times in these pages, so I won’t go into that detail here.  Just, here, to say that I didn’t come across this fact until after his first election, in 2008, and those facts, about his ‘birth certificate’ and parentage, began to appear on the Internet, in the ‘alternative media’ - which, fortunately (as in said example), had come into being by then, and was alerting the public to many such factors, about life.  And how we have been lied to, by the MSM, and our governments, for many years, on many issues.  So, I had been keeping an eye on that specific subject since that time.
   And getting angrier and angrier, about its not being dealt with, back in my home country, as those years went by.  

(8) Which actually began back in the closing days of my time in the (specifically dedicated) spiritual community.  And for which I obtained a hearing aid, on that country’s Health Service. 
   When I was beginning to have trouble with hearing…
   I think there’s a metaphor in there, somewhere.  For me….
   In any event: I hardly ever used it, because I realized that at least part of the problem was that I had wax in my ears, and I didn’t want to cover that fundamental aspect of the matter up with an artificial hearing aid, but rather deal with it via a real, natural ‘hearing aid,’ of a good clean-out first. 
   It’s the same principle as dealing with the childhood diseases, by natural, immune-enhancing means rather than with vaccinations - and their terrible load of toxic constituents.  And then, also in our culture, there is the perverse phenomenon of how so many adverse mental conditions, besides physical conditions, are due simply to faulty nutrition; so that drug treatment for these conditions - as with similar ‘treatment’ by ‘motivational speakers,’ like, say, Tony Robbins - just masks the underlying causal condition, and so is, as I say, or at least can be, perverse.  But to continue.

Friday, 28 February 2020

The Salem Witch Trials Revisited

I am reading more and enjoying it less, these dark days (but giving way inexorably to the Light; and the fulness thereof).

Item.  The pickings in entering this country have been too easy.  Besides just crossing over the border illegally,(1) some hopeful immigrants have been using the cover of being ‘refugees’ (and not just economic refugees, which category wouldn’t give them access to this country legally) and, when bused around the country and being allowed to stay in the country until their hearing, quietly disappear into the dark interior, never to be heard from again.  Until - in effect - they vote.  Democrat, of course.(2)  Pres. Trump, in attempting to roll back these sorts of machinations of the NWO crowd - in their attempts to overthrow this country, and make of it but part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order - put in place a measure called ‘remain in Mexico’ for such applicants until their hearing could be held, which they could then go directly to.  He was sued by the likes of the ACLU for this attempt of his to do his job and secure our borders from invasion, and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the ACLU by issuing a preliminary injunction against the policy.
     What’s the problem with it?  The ACLU contends that the policy violates international treaty obligations that prohibit sending people back to a country where they are “likely to be persecuted or tortured on the grounds of race, religion, ethnicity, political beliefs or membership in a particular social group” (whatever that last category means).  But if they’re not Mexican??  Well, said the ACLU’s lawyer in presenting their objection to the policy, it could “subject them to grave danger”.  (“It’s time for the administration to follow the law and stop putting asylum seekers in harm’s way,” said said lawyer.)  How so???  Well, argued the ACLU’s lawyer, they could become targets for kidnappers or other criminals.  Well; possibly.  But what does that supposition have to do with ”the law”????
     It doesn’t.  It has to do with the agenda of those amongst us - infatuated with the possibility of Power Over Others; or POO for short - who are attempting to bring down the U.S. of A., because it stands in the way of their accomplishing their goal, of a top-down, autocratic regime, like that ruling over Red China.(3)

Item.  a) The UN has outlawed the, er, right to speak up against the official policy of man-made Climate Change.  Nothing to do with you?  Maybe not right this minute.  But hold on (to your rights):
     b) Some of our social media platforms (pending in some states as well) have outlawed, or are going to outlaw, the right of their users to speak up against the safety of vaccines (because it can cause “harm”), and of the imposition of the mandatory application of same (same ‘weaponized’ excuse; and presumably as well of those states which have already applied the heavy hand of the state on their subjects).
    You see, “harm” can take on whatever meaning that the social media platform honchos (or state legislators) decide to apply to the word.  As in so many other examples in our time.  As in the use of the word ‘racist,’ and ‘justice,’ and so on and on.  Living in a form of Alice’s Wonderland as we do; where down is up and right is wrong and 2 + 2 doesn’t necessarily equal 4.  And…and……and………

As you can tell, I am fed up with this terrible state of affairs.

And can hardly wait for it to change.

As it will.

And, on some level,

already has.

The level(s) where such as Truth prevails.


(1) I.e., illegal aliens.  Called, by the Dems, ‘undocumented workers’.  Part of the use of euphemisms widely employed by the Dems to spin the language away from any meaningful application of it, for political purposes.  For more on which, read on.

(2) In what the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls 'giving a voice to,' er, illegal aliens.  Called, by such denizens of the Left, 'undocumented workers'.  Like the SPLC calls felons "returning citizens".  And to whom 'voting rights' means voter fraud, that we should be allowing.  After all, the likes of photo ID laws to vote are obviously attempts by the Republicans to deter 'the disenfranchised' from voting.
   I mean, ri-i-i-ight.
   (In this context; a conversation overheard in a bar:
    'Trump is such a meanie, keeping refugees and undocumented workers from being able to come into this country.  The damn racist.'
   'Did you know that they've found that the majority of illegal aliens and economic refugees vote Republican?'
   'What?!  Get 'em outta here!')           

(3) And very much like that.  As indicated by how that regime is employing Google to set up a computerized system to check on their, er, citizenry’s loyalty to their regime, by the likes of a Social Credit system, whereby those subjects who criticize the regime, to any degree, can lose their housing, their job, their schooling, their ability to travel - and, depending on the degree of their insolence, can have their organs taken from them.  Bodily.  So to speak.  And then be terminated.
   As you would a mere animal.  And mere mouth to have to feed.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Important Info

A quick note, before we move too far away from the date of Feb. 24:

On that date the website State Of The Nation dot co published a number of important articles on the novel coronavirus (CoVid-19), one talking extremely incisively about its relationship with the 5G rollout going on these days (without sufficient regard to the evidence already in that it is extremely dangerous).

I commend these articles to my readership's attention.

I could say more (including how 5G is as well an Active Denial System, a euphemism for Crowd Control).  But sometimes, less is more.

Over to you, dear Reader.

And in these times of major Transition, please do not ever forget: that

We are all 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

Some are more depraved than others, is all.

But we are all capable of reaching our highest potential.

And lowest.

At which point -


The less said, the better, on that subject, as well.

For now.  When we need to be reminded of the Light.  Not the Dark.

We have enough of the latter going on to last us all

a lifetime.

And P.S. Don't fall for the vaccine part of this plot.  Look into the anti-viral roles of essential oils, various vitamins including in particular (large doses of) vitamin C, colloidal silver, herbal teas,  garlic-ginger-turmeric, probiotics, oxygen therapy - you get the idea.
     Do your homework.  In many areas of this sort of test.
     For, test it is.  For the perps - to see how far they will go, in their descent into the darkest reaches of that potential.  And for the rest of us.  To seesaw far we will go in 'rising to the occasion'.
     As - as I say -
     spiritual beings having a human experience.
     And facing, now,
     a major initiation.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

On Vision

I have a vision:

No more ‘Economy’ being subjected to the ups-and-downs of punters betting on whether certain stocks are going to go up or down, etc. etc.   We can do better than that system.  Especially when we acknowledge that we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And are verging now on a whole new paradigm, based on a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), and the introduction of a massive amount of value to the goods-and-services exchange system, in the form of a major backing by gold (of which there is more than we have been led - by our EMs - to believe).  

It’s time for a whole new ’business model’ on Planet Earth; one based not on ‘economy,’ but on abundance.

That condition to be supported by technology that will allow individuals to create (among other ‘things’) their own food out of ‘thin air’ - out, that is to say, of the medium in which we live and move and have our being.  Which is associated with both Light and DNA: the building blocks of everything in and on the material plane.  And just so, do we let ‘the old’ go.  And move into

The New.   

Where Truth and Justice reign.

And corruption is no more.

Including of our bodies.  As we don a different set of ‘clothes’.  Made  for the higher realms, where we will now reside.

Those of us who make the grade, that is to say. 

And don’t have to take this one over again.

And again.

Until those inhabitants get it right.

And can advance as well.

Towards our mutual ultimate goal, and state of being.

Of being gods, and as gods, in our own right.  

Being fractals of

The Whole.  

Now heading - more directly - for

that state of Enlightenment.

Having come to Graduation Time for this class.

My wish:

that as many of Us as possible make the cut.

Stop and think, Friend:

It would be such a bore to have to take this class - in this elementary school - all over again.

But that’s free will for you.

In a situation where

Life is a school.  And the Purpose is

to graduate.


P.S. And speaking of elementary school, and childish hijinks: For the third straight day, Ben Shapiro's articles have been censored.  At least on my machine.
     Perhaps this Red China-like censoring is more local than I have realized.  But why would I be censored by our EMs?? 
     Oh.  Right.

On The Rule Of Law

I can’t reproduce here portions of an article carried today at Newsmax titled ‘Court Backs Trump In Sanctuary Cities Fight’ because it is All Rights Reserved; but the gist of it is that the federal Appeals Court in New York has ruled that the Trump administration can withhold millions of dollars in law enforcement grants to force states to cooperate with U.S. immigration enforcement, in a decision that conflicts with three other federal Appeals Courts on the same issue; with a spokesman for the ACLU saying that under the Constitution's federalism principles and the 10th Amendment, states and municipalities are entitled to decline to become part of the administration’s deportation force, which is the basic argument of the three other Appeals Courts who have ruled the other way.

Um….well; for the sake of argument as to the latter ruling(s): Okay.  And the federal government has the right to withhold federal monies from states that don’t follow federal law.  Fair enough of an exchange, I would say.  Right?  

And no. 2:

It’s time and past to boot all these activist judges from the ranks of those who have been appointed - by various presidents; and in particular case, by the Usurper Obama - to rule over us.  

And while we are at it; and speaking of: It’s time and past to do the right, rule-of-law thing and arrest BHO and hold him for trial on charges of fraud, perjury, and treason, for not having been constitutionally eligible to hold the office of POTUS.*  And while we are still at setting things to rights: To arrest and hold for trial, under RICO statutes, the officials of both the Democrat AND Republican Parties - for obviously having engaged in, and continuing to engage in, collusion to obfuscate the truth of that matter - and, upon finding them guilty, to impose, besides prison time on them, fines on both said political parties, and then dissolve them, for being the corrupt organizations that they are.  And thus, for the federal Congress to be dissolved, en toto, pending new elections by The People, via new, clean political parties.

Or now to abolish the institution of the federal Congress altogether.  And move -

along with the rest of the world - 

ineluctably into

a kingdom of heaven.  

The day of rule by Man over and done with.  As we now move under the jurisdiction of

the Will of

our Creator Source.

The long slog in elementary school on this planet

over and done with. 

For those incarnate souls who are ready to graduate, that is to say.

Prepare to present yourself for ‘inspection,’ on that count.  As we now go Up a notch.  Or two.  On our way



* Based on his own ‘testimony’ that he is the son of a non-citizen, and is thereby not a “natural born” citizen, according to the definition of the term as understood by the constitutional Framers when they made that condition as an eligibility requirement for that particular federal office; and which eligibility requirement STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

On Seeing Clearly

As if everything that I have come across in relation to ‘trouble in River City, my friends’ in this country and the word hasn’t been enough, here comes what feels like the last straw for me.  It is in the form of a mailing from the Perkins School for the Blind, informing those on its mailing list of a condition that I for one had never heard of.  It’s called CVI, for - well, let me let Ed Bosso, President & Superintendent, Educational Programs for Perkins tell it:

“Imagine you’re the parent of a child who has trouble understanding the visual world around him.  Everyone, including you, is puzzled by his challenges and no one knows how to help.

“That’s exactly the situation a Florida mother, Zuleida, faced.  Her son, Zeke, was diagnosed with autism but she was more concerned with his vision.  Even though his eye test results were ‘normal’, Zeke seemed to have trouble seeing, like tripping over objects right in front of him.  Frustrated, but determined, she sought out answers.

“Zeke’s mother connected with Perkins School for the Blind, where she was relieved to learn that Perkins knew why everyone was so puzzled.  Best of all, she discovered that Perkins could help Zeke improve the use of his vision and thrive…

“Perkins is a leader in understanding and educating children with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI), Zeke’s diagnosis, and the fastest growing cause of blindness in children in the U.S.  CVI is a condition where the brain can’t make sense of what the eyes see.  But unlike other cases of blindness, children with CVI can improve the use of their vision, with the right help…”  (First emphasis in original, second emphasis mine)

Autism…CVI… - aka brain damage.  

Speaking of not being able to see properly: In looking at/for causation, how about taking a look at the vaccination schedule that Zeke has been subjected to, gang?  There is a condition known, and acknowledged, as ‘post-vaccinal encephalitis’ - i.e., brain damage induced by vaccines.  But what about subclinical encephalitis??


…because our medical ‘experts’ will have to admit that they have made a mistake - and a terrible one.  One.  And two: Our Erstwhile Masters will lose one of their prime People Control vectors.  In submitting the public to a terribly invasive procedure, that of vaccinations, which contain ingredients that have been designed not only to impair us (in many ways).  But to kill us.  As a form of bioweapon.(1)

Ever since the mid-‘90s, when I came across a book called ‘Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault On the American Brain’ (by a leading medical historian named Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D), I have been aware of a/the link between vaccinations and various brain-damage conditions, which have been given various (somewhat confusing-on-purpose) names, such as ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder & Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), and, more generally, LD (for Learning Disability/Disorder), and PDD-NOS (one of my ‘favorite’ such labels, standing for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified), and - lo and behold - autism, and ASD (for Autism Spectrum Disorder; which could include Asperger's, as a high-functioning form thereof).  And what do they all have in common, besides all being related to vaccinations?  

A: Brain damage.(2)  Affecting as well our children’s abilities in school.  And affecting their behavior.(3)  All of which is an impairment to our society.  In part, by ‘good intentions’.  And in part, deliberate.  By our EMs.

And now, the latter, acting through the former, as their offensive line out in front, want, and are trying, insidiously, all over the country, to make vaccinations mandatory.  (Especially in those Nanny States where ‘they’ have already gained a major foothold.  As in my home state of California; one of the leaders into their Brave New World.)(4)  But hey - all in the best interests of society, you understand. 

You do, er, see that.  Don’t you??  

Unless your vision is impaired as well.

I’m past mincing words:

Wake the hell up, Citizen.  You are being used and abused.  To an agenda.  By ‘experts’.  

Who are about to get their dose of reality.    

P.S.  Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’ email offering was subjected to censoring, by whomever, for (to my knowledge) two days, with the notation ‘An unexpected error has occurred’ showing up in place of each of his articles.  And then today, when I went to check my emails to see what was happening vis-a-vis his offerings, his site was not even amongst my emails.  And when I went to my Junk mail to check if it had been deposited there, I didn’t find it.  Among many other (mostly) conservative sites.  Including from - dig it - the White House.
     Go figure. 


(1) I refer to the term ‘subclinical encephalitis’.  Or what has been called (and acknowledged), by the Vaccine Court, ‘Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis’ (ADEM).  A cute label that has allowed our medical ‘experts’ to avoid the word ‘autism’ as a side effect of the official policy of imposing a vaccination schedule on our children/the public; and so, to avoid a huge blowout of the nation’s payment system for vaccine damage.  One.  And two: to avoid the collapse of the ‘best-laid plans’ of these True Believers in the efficacy of vaccinations.  Which, not so incidentally, is a huge money spinner for the drug industry.  Better known as the medical-pharmaceutical complex.  Ever better known as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.  And three: to avoid the collapse of a major technique for People Control, by our EMs.
   But to continue. 

(2) Other damage caused by vaccines:
   SUID/SIDS (for Sudden Unexplained Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).  (N.B. Caused because the shots use up their vitamin C levels, as a stress on the infant’s body, and that causes a form of scurvy, or 'sudden' cessation of the heart beat.  The condition(s) can also be caused by toxic gases outsourcing from the baby’s crib mattress.  Another story.)  Allergies.  (Including anaphylaxis.  The vaccines’ ingredients causing the body’s immune system to attack either substances in its diet or itself, the latter aka autoimmune diseases.)  Asthma.  (The vaccine(s) adversely affecting the cranial nerve system.)  Epilepsy/seizures.  Guillain-Barre syndrome.  Lupus.  Oh hell - the list goes on.  And on. 
   But hey - we’ve got medications for all of these side-effect conditions: right?
   Big Pharma to the rescue!
   Roll up, roll up.  Everybody’s a winner!…

(3) For example: Studies have shown that there is something that 'the experts' call 'the homicidal triad' common amongst many sociopaths and outright psychopaths, aka serial killers.  The 'ingredients' of that triad are: compulsive bed-wetters; fire starters; and cruelty to pets/animals.
   All, symptoms of what Dr. Coulter has shown is (largely) vaccine-induced brain damage.  In its most virulent forms.  As in the autism spectrum.

(4) Which has occasioned a reaction to it called New California, whose proponents are engaged in a series of meetings to finalize their application to become a state of their own; much like West Virginia did to leave the secession state of Virginia.  And with the current government of California looking to secede from the Union anyway.   
   All, symptoms of how we are living in interesting times...

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

On Truth

In my last bog I referred in the main to the dastardly dishonesty of the far Left Democrats, in their immoral putsch for power in this country.  In this blog I want to refer more specifically to the role of the ‘Maoists’ in all this - of, that is to say, the CHICOMS (the Chinese Communists).  Who are being positioned, by the Cabal, the Illuminati, TPTB - by whatever name you wish to identify them - to take over the roll of the U.S. in being ‘the world’s policeman’.

It’s a long story, involving as well the collapse of the Soviet Union, which TPTB were grooming to take that role, in a putsch for “international socialism” to take over, with the U.S. having been made over in their socialist/People Control image, so that it could be “comfortably merged” with the USSR in running the world.  Satanic style.  Boot stomping on the face of the Individual forever and ever style.  Mainly by people who think they were ‘born to rule’.  Over the Other.  For being The Chosen People.

‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ proving - most probably, judging by many things that have happened since that day, and in any event, ultimately from the akashic record - not to have been a forgery of the Russian czar’s intelligence agency after all.  As we were brainwashed to believe in this country.  By our EMs - aka the Khazarian Mafia, or Rothschild Zionists - having such a control over the majority of the MSM.

While America Slept…

But back to the ChiComs.  I can do no better, in the way of triggering - and urging - enlightenment on the subject, than to point you, Dear Reader, to the February 25 article at the online The Common Sense Show titled ‘China Is Colonizing the World (Part One)’ by its host, Dave Hodges.  Who has done yeoman’s work on this subject, and other, related, subjects over many years.  In this article, he outlines the subtle, and sinister, inroads that the ChiComs have made in Central America (and to a lesser extent in South America) over recent years, in establishing an economic and military/‘communications’ foothold on this continent,* and additionally in controlling much of the drug trade, into the U.S.  The better to take us over with, my dears.  The point: We are slowly slowly being squeezed from the outside, and infected from the inside, by those who wish to take over the U.S., in order to merge it into their authoritarian, and very Dark-side, New World Order.  As the overall plan.  With the Chinese leading the way for ‘people of color’ to take it over demographically.  Not principally by Latinos and blacks.  But by themselves.  Needing the food-growing space of the North American continent, to feed their teeming multitudes.  Which issue is being highlighted as we speak, by the novel coronavirus release.  The full story of which will come out in due time.  

Which is coming due.

As we speak.

Can anything stop this Plan from its fruition?

Yes.  But only if we go Up.  

Out of the Pot.

And combine the ingredients from the whole Dish

into a new, higher ‘dish’ than we have been supping from for a very long time.

Which brings up the subject of a Global Currency Reset, and Revaluation (GCR/RV).  On the way to moving beyond ‘money’ altogether.  As we become

One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.

The Right Way.

And which Outcome will require the Truth of all manner of things to come out.  Including the likes of 9/11.  And all of the mass-shooting episodes, which were designed to help pave the way towards major gun confiscation in the country, in order to facilitate said takeover.  And.  And.  And………

But, first things first:

Choosing to leave The Old behind.  And accepting the, er, protocols for living in The New.  Which requires absolute honesty.  And all those sorts of values.  Which have fallen ‘out of date’.  In The Process,

to bring them back.  And in a more perfect form.  For being of



The highest principle of all.

* and the same in Africa and the Middle East; but to concentrate on this part of the world for now

A New Day

I have woken up to a new day, and my sense of affront is still with me, from the email from my, er, friend that I referred to in my last blog, from late last night.  I have done an awe-ful lot of research over an awe-ful lot of years, into the plotting by the NWO crowd to take over this country, on their way to taking over the world - much like the Bolsheviks took over Russia; using the more moderate Mensheviks as a stepping-stone to their putsch for power, and which was designed to engage in “international socialism,” on their way to Total(itarian) Control - and to be accused of buying into “fear-mongering” and lacking “common sense” (unlike much of the youth today...who have, in reality, drunk the Kool-Aid offered copiously by the MSM and their school indoctrinators, and are thereby supporting the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders) is, at a minimum, a bit much.

Moreover.  The dishonesty of the far Left is almost breathtaking in its completeness of application (in the fullness of the ‘principle’ that what is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it; that there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so; that all is relative, there are no absolutes).  As in calling Pres. Trump a ‘racist’ because he is taking measures - as is his right and responsibility, as the Chief Executive of the country - to secure our borders.  (Not just from the country being invaded by illegal aliens - being brought in by the far Left, under their idea of ‘open borders,’ to become voters for their overthrow of the country, by hook or by crook - but as well by the scurrilous likes of MS-13 (assassination) gang members and ISIS terrorist-cell members and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers; all attesting to the immorality of the agenda.)  And the same for states simply requiring photo ID to vote.  The bare minimum, that they should require, in order to bring some decent measure of Election Integrity back into that process.*  What arrant deceitfulness all this is.  Living one’s life by subservience, and submission, to The Lie.

Make no mistake.  No one graduates out of this classroom level with that degree of consciousness.  We are faced with a dimensional leap, at this time of third-dimensional Completion; and you must demonstrate your readiness to make that leap.

Some of you have just been playing a part on the Dark side, in order to help along The Process.  But some of those souls have become enamored of the Dark side.  And must, now, be conscious enough to be willing to let The Play go.  And opt for

The Real Thing.

Or be left behind.  In this Harvesting.

Wakey.  Wakey.

P.S.  And another manifestation of The (Big) Lie; the headline for an article on the Internet today:
     'UNESCO Wants Jail Time for Exercising Free Speech Regarding Climate Change’
     It can’t be long now……
     …and hopefully before such articles are banned from the internet.  For doing ”harm,” is the New operative Word. 

* And I am aware how the Democrats in Congress (via a House Sub-committee hearing) found out, some years ago, how the Republicans in at least one county in Florida were using new electronic voting machines to scam the system.  But instead of getting mad, and doing something about it systematically to clean up the process, they decided to get even.  (Two can play at that game, eh, Dems??)  Including such scammy measures as getting illegal aliens onto the voting rolls, and engaging in duplicate - and more - voting (and the old tried-and-tested scam of getting dead people to come back from the grave and vote), and bringing in people from out-of-state to vote under assumed (or poorly vetted) names, and flooding the ballot boxes with phony Absentee Ballots, and taking advantage of Early Voting procedures to vote more than once, and coming up with their own subtly-programmed electronic voting machines (why not, eh, George??)… And just so, has the Election system in this country become so pervasively, and disgustingly, corrupt.
   That there should be no more elections in this country.  At the least, until the System has been cleaned up.  From top to bottom.  And we go back to a - legitimate - paper trail.  And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye - like a banana republic - if we have to.  To clean up the mess.  That we have allowed to be made.  Of a federal constitutional republic, founded on moral principles.  Which require The People to live up to them.
   Not to have the (all-powerful) State do ’the heavy lifting’ for them.


P.P.S. And as if to emphasize the point, and the importance of it: I have just today received in my daily mail the January edition of Whistleblower magazine - the (sometimes. depending on financial exigencies) monthly publication of, with the title 'In Love With Lying,' 'subtitled': 'For Today's Enraged, Power-Obsessed Democrats, Deception Is A Creative Force'.  Hallelujah!  'Someone' is making an, er, issue of it!  With the first article titled 'The Democrats' Magical Thinking' ("Understanding the ultimate reason for the left's wanton disregard for truth"): Double hallelujah!   And all the other articles indicate, by their titles and explanatory blurbs underneath, the same level of deep concern about the 'issue'.
     If it can't be long now...
     ...there's hope yet.  For a good, substantial

Monday, 24 February 2020

An Expected Occurence

Prepare For The Storm

A friend emailed me on Sunday an article from Common Dreams News, which said friend referred to with the statement “Wow, this is getting really ugly,” headed: 

MSNBC in 'Full-Blown Freakout' Mode as Bernie Sanders Cements Status as Democratic Frontrunner | Common Dreams News

My response:

"I find this article interesting especially in the light of just having ben [sic] reading today an article in the current issue of The New American (biweekly right-wing mag) called 'Communists Winning Elections,’ which details how the far Left, and especially including outright Maoist groups, have been quietly 'doing their homework' in many parts of the country - knocking on doors, distributing literature, getting out the vote, both registered and to the polls, etc. etc., and beginning to win local elections, and the occasional big one (like a governor), and generally quietly taking over the Democrat Party from the inside.  So Chris Matthews is belatedly finding out that the major 'boots on the ground' for the Dems are not the old 'moderate socialist/union organizers' etc., but very far Left 'true believers'.  The Dem moderates are afraid that Bernie and his far Left comrades will wipe out their recent gains for years to come; the young socialists in this country ('free health care, free education, abortion on demand,' etc.) perhaps making their big move a bit too soon.  Look for ugly machinations to go on at the Dem Nominating Convention, with the Super Delegates brought into play, most probably for Hillary.  Which won't do them any good either, for the Nov. elections, with the Sanders backers refusing to support the Dem Party establishment.

"Speaking of the Chinese; to paraphrase a Chinese quote: We live in interesting times. 


My response comment apparently got up the nose of my friend - who is, apparently, a Sanders supporter (I had known of sf’s liberal leanings, although not the specifics; we have managed to have a civil sharing with one another for quite some time without that getting too much in the way of the friendship) - because said friend followed up today by emailing me an ‘apologist’s’ posting in favor of Sanders, and what I took as rather a slam for my position on this matter (as expressed above), in accusing me of buying into “all this fear-mongering about a take-over by the left” and in effect not having “some common sense” (including what “young people” have who “don’t buy into this,”) and making reference to “another article about why Sanders will win, and dispelling all those myths out there”.

Ah.  Myths.  About Democratic Socialists, and others of that ilk, including outright Maoist groups, in the far Left’s plotting to take over this country through first the Democrat Party, and then move it from a two-party system to an outright authoritarian state.  It’s all there, in considerable literature on the subject.  For those who have eyes to see.

Which brings me to my second response to my friend, in a rather curt response, but that’s how I am feeing about all this - regarding MY country, and the threat to it - and the world - from these people:

“"Fear-mongering"??  [Person), you really have no idea of what all has been going on in this country (in particular) for years and years.  It is the last stop before a takeover by the NWO crowd.  By the attempted takeover, that is.

“Based on the feeling that I get from this 'sharing' of yours, I think we're falling out of favor with each other, (Person).  Let's agree to disagree about politics, and go our own ways.  I know what I know - from much homework, and for many years - and I don't have time to argue with someone who appears to follow just one side of issues.  (Believe me, I follow the other side as well.  For awareness's sake.)  So - and especially with things heating up now to a crescendo - best wishes to you on your path.



I think I was particularly short-tempered this evening, in this response, because I had just been noticing a number of subjects amongst my (voluminous) emails that tie into this general subject, and as well, found, when I went to look at first one and then all of the articles at (conservative) Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’ email site, that I got, over and over, in all of his offerings, a brief connection with his page that then quickly went to a blank page with the simple statement:

“An unexpected error has occurred.”  (Which continued to ‘occur’ quite some time later in the evening.)

Now, I grant that these things can happen.  And to anybody.  But nothing like that has ever happened before, to either the conservative or liberal sites that I monitor.  And I am left to wonder if this is a harbinger of the “crescendo” that I referred to in my response to my friend.

And this, in ‘harmony’ with Google’s currently informing its users that it will soon be censoring material that could “harm” its users, or Google, or whoever it decides.  With no clear definition of the word/term.  Which gives it quite a leeway.  

To expose itself.  And its agenda…

Things are getting too serious, now, for people not to pay extreme attention to what is going on.  

And make their choices accordingly.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Twilight Of The Would-Be Gods

In my last blog I touched on the agenda of the international project of the NGO associated with the UN called Planetary Citizens that I was involved with back in the early ‘80s, called The Planetary Initiative (‘For The World We Choose’) which had, as one of its features, the alerting and educating of the public to the dangers posed to the Ozone layer of the accelerants in (over-used) spray cans - not the climatic CO2 AGW/CC excuse for total control over humanity being peddled in this day and age by climate cultist alarmists in particular and the NWO crowd in general, and deceitfully enlisting the youth, to the point of hysteria, in their assault on true science.  Yes, we have environmental issues to deal with.  But not in the ways proposed by the totalitarian crowd.  Rather, in ways that honor our true, underlying natures, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  A ‘state of being’ that we can all - on the ‘left’ and the ‘right’ - honor, and aspire to fulfilling as best we can.  And as we do, ‘all else will be added unto us’.  

At this time, of Breakthrough, into a New Era for humanity.  A New Order of the Ages.  For, the time -

and Time - 



And just in time, it would appear, more and more.  As we approach -

not just Breakthrough - but


In an Ascension process.  

For those of Us who have earned our wings.  

Or earn them 




Having left behind the beguilements of the material plane.

The better to test us with, my dears.

In this classroom for aspiring gods, that we call life.

For a far, far better life than we have attained to here, on this current level,

stay tuned.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

On The Knowledge Gap

Building on the theme that I touched on in my last blog (of earlier today) about the importance of knowledge and education especially for the citizens of the United States, in order to fulfill their prime responsibility as citizens of such a nation - where the government institutionally is the servant of The People, not their master (as opposed to the likes in our day of the so-called ‘People’s Republic of China’) - I was struck in particular by a letter in my daily mail from the president of Hillsdale College, which institution is particularly a supporter and champion of the concept of essential “liberty”.  Containing as well a Survey, in the College’s attempts to land, in the body politic, the notion of the dangers of socialism - which they note has increased, and to a dangerous extent, among our youth; from our institutions of learning, from K-12 on up, having become, rather, largely institutions of indoctrination, under the tutelage of far Leftists, for many years - its president has referred to how socialism has become “increasingly attractive” to our youth (which outcome “threatens the future of American liberty”).  I was struck by his use of the word ‘attractive,’ in particular, I realize, because I had just taken the family dog for a walk, on ‘our’ favorite route, around a nearby small reservoir, and around which were a number of fishermen (on this unseasonably balmy day, with snow still capping the nearby hills).  The idea of “attractive,” as in a lure, struck me; how our youth in particular have been ‘lured’ by the promises of ‘free things’ via socialism, in a One World (secular) Government.

Now, one can say that that is just ‘human nature;’ saying, with Winston Churchill (as the letter mentioned), how “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy”.  But I would submit that there is more going on here than meets the eye.  That the idea - the lure - of socialism is basically - essentially - not just because of "the gospel of envy” - an effect of life on the material plane, and the exigencies involved in the pursuit of ’the survival of the fittest’.  But because we are ‘hardwired’ in a particular way.  Because we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  Because, that is to say, of our deep-seated memory - beyond the workings of the brain itself; that is to say, as part of that part of us that ives on, independent of its current incarnation, and of which ‘signs’ of its presence are in the likes of what are called OOBEs and NDEs - of our roots, on a spiritual plane: where we ‘grok,’ in effect, that We Are All One.  Or as Donald Keys - a very spiritual guy and founder and president of an NGO connected with the UN that he called Planetary Citizens (another, better ‘form’ of ‘PC’) - put it, in that NGO’s motto: ‘One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny’.  

Which I was also put in mind of at this particular time by something that happened in my environment, when last night a friend who had been involved with me in PC many years ago happened to email me about something that had to do with the spiritual community in the north of Scotland that we were also both involved in at the time.  This was in the very early ‘80s, when Donald’s PC was heavily involved in an international education project, called The Planetary Initiative (‘For the World We Choose’), to the extent of being the Secretariat for it.  Donald had given a talk at our spiritual community on the project - designed to help educate people to the issues that effect us globally (under the theme of ‘Thinking Globally - Acting Locally’) - and I was sufficiently impressed with his initiative in creating the Initiative that I left the Community to join him, in PC’s offices across the street from the UN and in living in community with his (small) PI/PC team in their (large) home in upstate Connecticut, in helping to get if off the ground.  Which I did for a year; and then felt drawn back to the Community in the north of Scotland - just when this referred-to friend found it fitting in his life to join the team, and thus took my place on it.  It ‘fit’ in my email response to him to quote our old PC motto; thus, the synchronicity of my quoting it, fittingly enough, in this blog.

We at the Findhorn Foundation community - and I am sure others around the globe - called Donald ‘God’s secret agent at the UN’.  Others, of a ‘conspiracy theory’ bent of mind, have labeled Donald, and his Planetary Citizens organization, and his Planetary Initiative initiative, communist.  And of course, the idea of One World Government is what the (secular-to-outright-satanic) New World Order crowd have in mind.  Which is - as I have said repeatedly in these pages; to make sure that the idea sticks in the minds of my readers - the reverse image of The Real Thing. 

It’s all part of the Synthesizing stage of The Process working its way out to Completion.

And not before time.

P.S.  And as for one of the main features of the faux New World Order, of what its proponents have called first, (Anthropogenic) Global Warming, and then, when that claim was not panning out, according to detailed and rigorous scientific observation, the 'meme' changing to Climate Change - for their purposes of People Control - it is simply a propagandic theme.  Back in my day with Planetary Citizens, our concern along those environmental lines was with the legitimate subject of the ozone layer being affected by all of the spray cans that were being used and on the market at the time.  The PI was not a front for the People Controllers.  Their ultimate objective - of a Dark-side World Order - was not ours.
     Ours was (altogether now...)