I see that the members of the far Left wing of the Democrat Party in the House have now proposed a bill - H.R. 5383; called by them the ’New Way Forward Act’ - whereby any immigration laws which are thought (by…??…) to be exclusionary and promote the deportation of any criminal is “akin”* to - get this Party line smear meme - “White Supremacist” thinking and acting.
Thus, any American citizen wanting to keep criminals out of America, or deport them if they are not American citizens and legally present in this country, is, or is “akin” to, a “White Supremacist”. And not only that. According to this bit of ideologically-driven bumf, “White Supremacists” (and their “akin”) also must pay billions of dollars to bring back to this country criminally convicted illegal aliens who have been deported, and have their cases reconsidered.(2)
I am not making this up.
What can be behind this ludicrous nonsense?
One thing.
A desire on the part of the far Left to generate such a reaction to their extremity that some patriots have had enough, and ‘fire the first shot’ in the outbreak of civil war.
It can’t be long now.
‘It. The Breakthrough. Into another level of reality.
This one obviously beginning to fray. And give way.
(1) There’s that word again. As in Pres. Trump’s noncriminal actions being “akin” to criminal conduct, according to the Dems promoting that bit of dishonest, legalistic legerdemainiacal horse pucky
(2) From the bill:
(d) Transportation.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide transportation for aliens eligible for reopening or reconsideration of their proceedings under this section, at Government expense, to return to the United States for further immigration proceedings and shall admit or parole the alien into the United States.
The bill also criminalizes the lawful action of ICE and the Border Patrol, in attempting to do their duty.
But of course.
Speaking of the current state of the Union:
In the Comments thread to an article at reddrightdaily.com today about how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi really blew it when she tore up her copy of Pres. Trump’s SOTU speech on camera - a very petty, childish act - someone commented: “Sensor the Socialist leader Pelosi isn’t enough” etc., and got called on the misspelling. Among some responses was the following exchange. I am GreenHammer.
- Most people don't care how CyanPopcorn spelled it. Why is it such a big deal to you?
- GreenHammer
- Now
Being able to spell correctly is a sign of a mind trained to see and look at the detail of things. That weakness on the part of many Americans these days is a reflection of the dumbing-down process that has been at work in this country for long enough. Hopefully that will change, along with a lot of other things wrong in the country, now that it all has gotten our attention.
“Other things” - like the report today as well (at redrighttimes.com) of a teacher in a North Carolina Middle School who forced white and Christian students to stand up in class and apologize for their “privilege,” the accusation based, apparently, particularly on their presumed ‘unequal opportunities of education’.
I’m not sure what that teacher was getting at (besides demonstrating her effrontery, and lack of basic skills for being a teacher). I think what she was getting at was the idea that black students don’t learn the same way as white students do, that they shouldn’t be forced to learn things in the same way. But if they want to prepare for life in this country, they are going to have to deal with such things as the use of proper English.
Which, of course, brings up the lament of the far Left: that they don’t want to have to meet the standards of life in this country. They want the country to be dumbed down to a lower level of attainment.
So that it can be more comfortably merged into their totalitarian New World Order plans for it. But I don’t mean to get too far off the specific theme for this particular blog, in going down that rabbit hole.
Although it is all of a piece. That being
And including aspects that they haven’t looked at yet.
For not paying sufficient attention to the detail of things.
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