Sunday, 16 February 2020

The Awakening Process

I have taken a week’s leave of absence from these pages because I have been on a five-day cruise down the California coast to Baja California with a group of approx. two dozen extended Family and a couple of close Friends thereof.  It was a great experience, with excellent amenities.  Unfortunately, a dust-up happened within the group, which marred the experience for all somewhat.  But one could say that it was in preparation for our return to The Real World.

Where I see that things have gently ‘progressed’ along the same lines that they were on before we dropped out of the race for a short ‘breather’.  The human race.  Where ‘these things happen’.  Why?

For their educational value.  In this classroom for aspiring gods that we call Life.

One of the items that I returned to, amongst my emails, was a harshly plaintive cry, on her cell phone camera (before she very possibly experiences being cut off from that form of communication with the world), from a woman in Wuhan, subjected to that doomed city’s draconian measures, not only for quarantine measures but for communicating anything about it out to the world in general.  “No one can speak freely,” she harshly accuses, adding stridently and caustically, “All the TV tells us is lies.”

And how far is the Western world from this sort of control going on here, in its earlier stages?  Paul Craig Roberts, commenting at the Op Ed News site of Robert Kall (and kudos to him for allowing it to be posted on his site), lamented today on how ‘White People Are Being Erased,’ his article including how in Canada and Europe, and increasingly in the U.S. - the U.S.!  Land of the free and hope of the brave??! - there are many laws now against, for example, questioning the ‘accepted’, 'official' facts regarding what is called the (Jewish) Holocaust,* and not allowing the likes of the BDS movement, because it all amounts to ‘hate speech,’ or outright ’anti-Semitism,’ and is thus running up against the Politically Correct movement’s ‘community standards’.  Come again?  Since when did free speech and free assembly - as in boycotts - get so terribly undercut??

Answer: For some time, it has been coming on.  As the Dark increased on the planet, in favor of the New World Order crowd’s totalitarian agenda.

Fortunately, there is a larger reality than the one that we inhabit; so this terrible state of affairs is only temporary.  As we move on, through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, into the sunlit highlands of a New Age, and the experience of Ascension, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

A point of awareness: The time for conflict amongst us is, if not over, at least drawing to a close.  May we embrace The New with love and vigor, as we set out on the next leg of our journey.  Hopefully with as many of us sparks of divinity as possible having ‘risen to the occasion’.  Meaning, having come to the awareness - the degree of consciousness - that evil is an illusion.  Is of illusion.  That all of true reality is love.  Is of love, depending on Love for its very being - the Love of our Creator Source for Its creation.  And we are on a mutual journey of self-discovery.

See you there.

Sooner.  Or later.

* An absurd situation. Even some Jews - obviously not of the Zionist camp - have come out with information regarding how, for example, that oft-quoted figure of ‘the Six Million’ - ‘exterminated in the Nazi death camps’ - is a meme that was originally created by Zionists back at the beginning of the 20th century as their estimated figure of the number of Jews ‘lost’ to the Diaspora, in their increasingly strident attempts to get Western governments to give them a homeland.  Which also resulted in Zionist Jews getting the Balfour Declaration from the UK, to support their being granted a right of return to Palestine, in exchange for managing - via their financial and mainstream-media clout - to bring the U.S. into the First World War in support of the UK.  And so forth and so on, along such corrupt lines.  As in the strafing and attempted sinking of the USS Liberty.  And the role of Mossad and the Jewish NeoCons in the atrocity of 9/11.  All of which will become known, in the New Era.  Because it is of Truth.  Not propaganda.
   And the Truth will set us free from such corruption.  Because the Dark cannot survive in the full Light of
   the Truth.

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