Tuesday, 25 February 2020

A New Day

I have woken up to a new day, and my sense of affront is still with me, from the email from my, er, friend that I referred to in my last blog, from late last night.  I have done an awe-ful lot of research over an awe-ful lot of years, into the plotting by the NWO crowd to take over this country, on their way to taking over the world - much like the Bolsheviks took over Russia; using the more moderate Mensheviks as a stepping-stone to their putsch for power, and which was designed to engage in “international socialism,” on their way to Total(itarian) Control - and to be accused of buying into “fear-mongering” and lacking “common sense” (unlike much of the youth today...who have, in reality, drunk the Kool-Aid offered copiously by the MSM and their school indoctrinators, and are thereby supporting the likes of AOC and Bernie Sanders) is, at a minimum, a bit much.

Moreover.  The dishonesty of the far Left is almost breathtaking in its completeness of application (in the fullness of the ‘principle’ that what is right is whatever advances your agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it; that there is no right nor wrong but thinking makes it so; that all is relative, there are no absolutes).  As in calling Pres. Trump a ‘racist’ because he is taking measures - as is his right and responsibility, as the Chief Executive of the country - to secure our borders.  (Not just from the country being invaded by illegal aliens - being brought in by the far Left, under their idea of ‘open borders,’ to become voters for their overthrow of the country, by hook or by crook - but as well by the scurrilous likes of MS-13 (assassination) gang members and ISIS terrorist-cell members and drug and gun runners and child and adult sex traffickers; all attesting to the immorality of the agenda.)  And the same for states simply requiring photo ID to vote.  The bare minimum, that they should require, in order to bring some decent measure of Election Integrity back into that process.*  What arrant deceitfulness all this is.  Living one’s life by subservience, and submission, to The Lie.

Make no mistake.  No one graduates out of this classroom level with that degree of consciousness.  We are faced with a dimensional leap, at this time of third-dimensional Completion; and you must demonstrate your readiness to make that leap.

Some of you have just been playing a part on the Dark side, in order to help along The Process.  But some of those souls have become enamored of the Dark side.  And must, now, be conscious enough to be willing to let The Play go.  And opt for

The Real Thing.

Or be left behind.  In this Harvesting.

Wakey.  Wakey.

P.S.  And another manifestation of The (Big) Lie; the headline for an article on the Internet today:
     'UNESCO Wants Jail Time for Exercising Free Speech Regarding Climate Change’
     It can’t be long now……
     …and hopefully before such articles are banned from the internet.  For doing ”harm,” is the New operative Word. 

* And I am aware how the Democrats in Congress (via a House Sub-committee hearing) found out, some years ago, how the Republicans in at least one county in Florida were using new electronic voting machines to scam the system.  But instead of getting mad, and doing something about it systematically to clean up the process, they decided to get even.  (Two can play at that game, eh, Dems??)  Including such scammy measures as getting illegal aliens onto the voting rolls, and engaging in duplicate - and more - voting (and the old tried-and-tested scam of getting dead people to come back from the grave and vote), and bringing in people from out-of-state to vote under assumed (or poorly vetted) names, and flooding the ballot boxes with phony Absentee Ballots, and taking advantage of Early Voting procedures to vote more than once, and coming up with their own subtly-programmed electronic voting machines (why not, eh, George??)… And just so, has the Election system in this country become so pervasively, and disgustingly, corrupt.
   That there should be no more elections in this country.  At the least, until the System has been cleaned up.  From top to bottom.  And we go back to a - legitimate - paper trail.  And dipping a voter’s finger in purple dye - like a banana republic - if we have to.  To clean up the mess.  That we have allowed to be made.  Of a federal constitutional republic, founded on moral principles.  Which require The People to live up to them.
   Not to have the (all-powerful) State do ’the heavy lifting’ for them.


P.P.S. And as if to emphasize the point, and the importance of it: I have just today received in my daily mail the January edition of Whistleblower magazine - the (sometimes. depending on financial exigencies) monthly publication of WND.com, with the title 'In Love With Lying,' 'subtitled': 'For Today's Enraged, Power-Obsessed Democrats, Deception Is A Creative Force'.  Hallelujah!  'Someone' is making an, er, issue of it!  With the first article titled 'The Democrats' Magical Thinking' ("Understanding the ultimate reason for the left's wanton disregard for truth"): Double hallelujah!   And all the other articles indicate, by their titles and explanatory blurbs underneath, the same level of deep concern about the 'issue'.
     If it can't be long now...
     ...there's hope yet.  For a good, substantial

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