I have just received in my daily mail a Public Opinion Poll On Official Immigration Policy, sponsored by an outfit calling itself the ‘Immigration Law Enforcement Coalition’ (a branch of an outfit called U.S. English, Inc.), the ‘Background’ blurb of which appeal to common sense* says, in part:
“Unless law-abiding citizens like you demand that Congress and state government officials fully fund border security, enforce our immigration laws, and declare English as our official language, radical multiculturalists and illegal immigration groups will succeed in infiltrating our country and tearing down our distinct traditions and culture…”
Ah yes: Multiculturalism. Meaning, in its ‘of course, the point’: No assimilation, including no common language - in order to bring about no U.S. unity, as part of the agenda of taking down this country, and making of it but part of a - totalitarian - New World Order. As the reverse, dark-side, satanic image of
The Real Thing.
I trust that sufficient souls who have chosen to incarnate at this particular time in human history will ‘rise to the occasion,’ and act accordingly. In order to bring about the Breakthrough, into The New Order of Things. That is to say, the real
Out-Come. In expressing the en-light-ened - and en-light-ening - response to this consciousness-raising challenge. Which, of course, such (evolutionary) challenges are, after all, for.
And just so - because of such a Process - must we ‘cut some slack’ to those souls who have chosen to play a dark-side part in The Drama which has been going on, ‘in which to catch the conscience of’ the Players.
And exercise sufficient, er, discrimination to tell the difference. Between those who have chosen, by the exercise of their free will, to join the Dark side (more or less) permanently (of which there would appear to be more than a few, unfortunately). And those who are just facilitating The Play, and its divine Purpose.
In separating the wheat from the chaff.
The latter of which there is always some.
It’s just common sense. After all, the Point of the whole Exercise is to become as God - to say, as our Creator Source, of which we are a holographic Part. And some such fractals may well choose to ‘cut corners’ a bit, in the curriculum. And go for Power Over Others.
Or - as I have termed that state of mental affairs many times in these pages:
POO for short.
Otherwise known as The Power of One in thinking of others as Other.
When, in reality, friends and neighbors -
of all races and religions and nationalities, and political persuasions -
We. Are. All. One.
On a learning curve.
Heading, now -
and exceedingly so - for
* and the covering letter to the mailing itself of which says tellingly, in its part:
“Not long ago, immigrants came to America with the understanding that there were a few simple rules to follow:
* Enter our country legally;
* Find work and pay taxes; and
* Learn to speak the English language. (Emphases in original.)
“Over the past several decades, that’s clearly changed. Unchecked legal and illegal immigration has created a national border and assimilation crisis that threatens our security, booming economy, and social cohesion.
“The reckless agenda of open borders’ advocates has pushed our country to a dangerous tipping point!…” etc.
Which brings up an allied point: How the cynical proponents of this ‘policy’ call those who oppose their nation-wrecking agenda ‘racists’. As in, Pres. Trump is a ‘racist,’ because why? Because he is trying to do his job, as the Chief Executive of the nation, in securing our borders. And just so has the language become so terribly corrupted - by not just any old kind but outrightly scurrilous ideologues - beyond all legitimate meaning.
But to continue.
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