Saturday, 22 February 2020

On The Knowledge Gap

Building on the theme that I touched on in my last blog (of earlier today) about the importance of knowledge and education especially for the citizens of the United States, in order to fulfill their prime responsibility as citizens of such a nation - where the government institutionally is the servant of The People, not their master (as opposed to the likes in our day of the so-called ‘People’s Republic of China’) - I was struck in particular by a letter in my daily mail from the president of Hillsdale College, which institution is particularly a supporter and champion of the concept of essential “liberty”.  Containing as well a Survey, in the College’s attempts to land, in the body politic, the notion of the dangers of socialism - which they note has increased, and to a dangerous extent, among our youth; from our institutions of learning, from K-12 on up, having become, rather, largely institutions of indoctrination, under the tutelage of far Leftists, for many years - its president has referred to how socialism has become “increasingly attractive” to our youth (which outcome “threatens the future of American liberty”).  I was struck by his use of the word ‘attractive,’ in particular, I realize, because I had just taken the family dog for a walk, on ‘our’ favorite route, around a nearby small reservoir, and around which were a number of fishermen (on this unseasonably balmy day, with snow still capping the nearby hills).  The idea of “attractive,” as in a lure, struck me; how our youth in particular have been ‘lured’ by the promises of ‘free things’ via socialism, in a One World (secular) Government.

Now, one can say that that is just ‘human nature;’ saying, with Winston Churchill (as the letter mentioned), how “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy”.  But I would submit that there is more going on here than meets the eye.  That the idea - the lure - of socialism is basically - essentially - not just because of "the gospel of envy” - an effect of life on the material plane, and the exigencies involved in the pursuit of ’the survival of the fittest’.  But because we are ‘hardwired’ in a particular way.  Because we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  Because, that is to say, of our deep-seated memory - beyond the workings of the brain itself; that is to say, as part of that part of us that ives on, independent of its current incarnation, and of which ‘signs’ of its presence are in the likes of what are called OOBEs and NDEs - of our roots, on a spiritual plane: where we ‘grok,’ in effect, that We Are All One.  Or as Donald Keys - a very spiritual guy and founder and president of an NGO connected with the UN that he called Planetary Citizens (another, better ‘form’ of ‘PC’) - put it, in that NGO’s motto: ‘One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny’.  

Which I was also put in mind of at this particular time by something that happened in my environment, when last night a friend who had been involved with me in PC many years ago happened to email me about something that had to do with the spiritual community in the north of Scotland that we were also both involved in at the time.  This was in the very early ‘80s, when Donald’s PC was heavily involved in an international education project, called The Planetary Initiative (‘For the World We Choose’), to the extent of being the Secretariat for it.  Donald had given a talk at our spiritual community on the project - designed to help educate people to the issues that effect us globally (under the theme of ‘Thinking Globally - Acting Locally’) - and I was sufficiently impressed with his initiative in creating the Initiative that I left the Community to join him, in PC’s offices across the street from the UN and in living in community with his (small) PI/PC team in their (large) home in upstate Connecticut, in helping to get if off the ground.  Which I did for a year; and then felt drawn back to the Community in the north of Scotland - just when this referred-to friend found it fitting in his life to join the team, and thus took my place on it.  It ‘fit’ in my email response to him to quote our old PC motto; thus, the synchronicity of my quoting it, fittingly enough, in this blog.

We at the Findhorn Foundation community - and I am sure others around the globe - called Donald ‘God’s secret agent at the UN’.  Others, of a ‘conspiracy theory’ bent of mind, have labeled Donald, and his Planetary Citizens organization, and his Planetary Initiative initiative, communist.  And of course, the idea of One World Government is what the (secular-to-outright-satanic) New World Order crowd have in mind.  Which is - as I have said repeatedly in these pages; to make sure that the idea sticks in the minds of my readers - the reverse image of The Real Thing. 

It’s all part of the Synthesizing stage of The Process working its way out to Completion.

And not before time.

P.S.  And as for one of the main features of the faux New World Order, of what its proponents have called first, (Anthropogenic) Global Warming, and then, when that claim was not panning out, according to detailed and rigorous scientific observation, the 'meme' changing to Climate Change - for their purposes of People Control - it is simply a propagandic theme.  Back in my day with Planetary Citizens, our concern along those environmental lines was with the legitimate subject of the ozone layer being affected by all of the spray cans that were being used and on the market at the time.  The PI was not a front for the People Controllers.  Their ultimate objective - of a Dark-side World Order - was not ours.
     Ours was (altogether now...)

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