Thursday, 6 February 2020

On Getting A Grip

In my last-blog-but-one I referred incidentally to being a subscriber (in both definitions of the word) to The New American biweekly magazine.  I have just gotten around to an article in its penultimate issue, of January 20, in its ‘Correction, Please!’ feature entitled ‘Endless Deficits, Growing Debt’.  It is horrendous reading.  

In it, it quotes Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) as pointing out how, in 2010, “our [national] debt was about $13 trillion.  It’s over $23 trillion now…

“The dirty little secret is that there is actually too much compromise in Washington.  Republicans want more military money and Democrats want more welfare money.  Every time they compromise, Congress chooses to spend and borrow more.”

Which is borne out in the article, which points out:

“Worse, our deficits and debt totals are growing…

“This could have international ramifications.  Holders of such U.S. debt expect to be paid back.  This includes” - and let this ‘dirty little secret’ sink in - “the Chinese government…”

Comment.  We, er, ‘bank’ on them not to pull the plug on us, or they will only get pennies on the dollar, from the former Uncle Sugar.  But in the meantime, they are quietly taking over - and being allowed, by the Deep State players in this global Drama going on, to take over - assets and resources in this country.  Our national security is thus being put in jeopardy by this immoral attitude of ours, of borrowing from the future.  ‘Our’ future.  Meaning, in the world of reality, that of our children, and their children, and their children’s children…

It is a gigantic Ponzi scheme, pure and simple.

Fortunately, a game changer - a gigantic game changer, to match the stakes - is afoot.

Stay tuned.     

And learn your lessons along

The Way.

P.S. As I have also noted just recently, I don’t always agree with Pres. Trump’s policies.  This business of going into debt - and risking bankruptcy - may have worked out for him on the personal level.  But this not-so funny business of letting that sort of thing happen on a national scale - and especially with the nation’s political/ideological enemies figuring into the mix - is another thing entirely, on a whole ‘nother level of consequence. 
     Now, maybe - just maybe - he is allowing this enormous debt business to build up and up on purpose.  In order to break that ‘bank’.  For the world to enter into a ‘whole ‘nother’ New Era.  Moving out of a (New) Secular Order.  And potential (New) Satanic Order.  Into -
     well.  I’ll let your imagination figure out what may well be coming
     Our Way.     

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