In my last bog I referred in the main to the dastardly dishonesty of the far Left Democrats, in their immoral putsch for power in this country. In this blog I want to refer more specifically to the role of the ‘Maoists’ in all this - of, that is to say, the CHICOMS (the Chinese Communists). Who are being positioned, by the Cabal, the Illuminati, TPTB - by whatever name you wish to identify them - to take over the roll of the U.S. in being ‘the world’s policeman’.
It’s a long story, involving as well the collapse of the Soviet Union, which TPTB were grooming to take that role, in a putsch for “international socialism” to take over, with the U.S. having been made over in their socialist/People Control image, so that it could be “comfortably merged” with the USSR in running the world. Satanic style. Boot stomping on the face of the Individual forever and ever style. Mainly by people who think they were ‘born to rule’. Over the Other. For being The Chosen People.
‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ proving - most probably, judging by many things that have happened since that day, and in any event, ultimately from the akashic record - not to have been a forgery of the Russian czar’s intelligence agency after all. As we were brainwashed to believe in this country. By our EMs - aka the Khazarian Mafia, or Rothschild Zionists - having such a control over the majority of the MSM.
While America Slept…
But back to the ChiComs. I can do no better, in the way of triggering - and urging - enlightenment on the subject, than to point you, Dear Reader, to the February 25 article at the online The Common Sense Show titled ‘China Is Colonizing the World (Part One)’ by its host, Dave Hodges. Who has done yeoman’s work on this subject, and other, related, subjects over many years. In this article, he outlines the subtle, and sinister, inroads that the ChiComs have made in Central America (and to a lesser extent in South America) over recent years, in establishing an economic and military/‘communications’ foothold on this continent,* and additionally in controlling much of the drug trade, into the U.S. The better to take us over with, my dears. The point: We are slowly slowly being squeezed from the outside, and infected from the inside, by those who wish to take over the U.S., in order to merge it into their authoritarian, and very Dark-side, New World Order. As the overall plan. With the Chinese leading the way for ‘people of color’ to take it over demographically. Not principally by Latinos and blacks. But by themselves. Needing the food-growing space of the North American continent, to feed their teeming multitudes. Which issue is being highlighted as we speak, by the novel coronavirus release. The full story of which will come out in due time.
Which is coming due.
As we speak.
Can anything stop this Plan from its fruition?
Yes. But only if we go Up.
Out of the Pot.
And combine the ingredients from the whole Dish
into a new, higher ‘dish’ than we have been supping from for a very long time.
Which brings up the subject of a Global Currency Reset, and Revaluation (GCR/RV). On the way to moving beyond ‘money’ altogether. As we become
One Planet - One Humanity - One Destiny.
The Right Way.
And which Outcome will require the Truth of all manner of things to come out. Including the likes of 9/11. And all of the mass-shooting episodes, which were designed to help pave the way towards major gun confiscation in the country, in order to facilitate said takeover. And. And. And………
But, first things first:
Choosing to leave The Old behind. And accepting the, er, protocols for living in The New. Which requires absolute honesty. And all those sorts of values. Which have fallen ‘out of date’. In The Process,
to bring them back. And in a more perfect form. For being of
The highest principle of all.
* and the same in Africa and the Middle East; but to concentrate on this part of the world for now
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