Thursday, 27 February 2020

Important Info

A quick note, before we move too far away from the date of Feb. 24:

On that date the website State Of The Nation dot co published a number of important articles on the novel coronavirus (CoVid-19), one talking extremely incisively about its relationship with the 5G rollout going on these days (without sufficient regard to the evidence already in that it is extremely dangerous).

I commend these articles to my readership's attention.

I could say more (including how 5G is as well an Active Denial System, a euphemism for Crowd Control).  But sometimes, less is more.

Over to you, dear Reader.

And in these times of major Transition, please do not ever forget: that

We are all 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

Some are more depraved than others, is all.

But we are all capable of reaching our highest potential.

And lowest.

At which point -


The less said, the better, on that subject, as well.

For now.  When we need to be reminded of the Light.  Not the Dark.

We have enough of the latter going on to last us all

a lifetime.

And P.S. Don't fall for the vaccine part of this plot.  Look into the anti-viral roles of essential oils, various vitamins including in particular (large doses of) vitamin C, colloidal silver, herbal teas,  garlic-ginger-turmeric, probiotics, oxygen therapy - you get the idea.
     Do your homework.  In many areas of this sort of test.
     For, test it is.  For the perps - to see how far they will go, in their descent into the darkest reaches of that potential.  And for the rest of us.  To seesaw far we will go in 'rising to the occasion'.
     As - as I say -
     spiritual beings having a human experience.
     And facing, now,
     a major initiation.

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