Saturday, 8 February 2020

On The 'Mormon' Church, And Other Interesting Things

A friend sent me today a link to an article in the Washington Post on a whistleblower's charge of financial irregularities going on in the upper echelons of the Mormon Church,* together with a (supportive) comment on 'Mormon' Mitt Romney's stand on the Impeachment articles.  (This friend can fairly be described as a 'liberal,' although not close-mindedly so.)  I was asked for my comments on both items of interest.  First, my Reply:

'1) Thks for the article on the M Church.  I have been aware for many years of serious questions regarding its financial dealings and 'upper-level management'.  Investigations into all that is a legitimate enterprise.

'2) Not much talk in 'the family' about the Impeachment circus; just a by-the-by by the family patriarch that Romney seems to be somewhat out of step with the Republican Party.  (The family is basically conservative, but spends hardly any time involved in political things, [being] so busy in so much else.  For example, yesterday evening I helped [my niece]'s hubby [and others] set up a large room at their 'Stake' building for an annual Auction, where the members of their Ward offer various services or goods (baked and otherwise) to the highest bidder, in raising money to send their kids to summer Camp.  It was a huge success.  And that's the sort of thing that their lives revolve around.)  

'3) As to your comment "Good for him for following his principles".  You obviously don't know a couple of things in this whole 'circus'.  a) the MSM hasn't told the truth about the Impeachment probe/Ukraine 'thing'.  Long story short: The Dems have been accusing Trump of things involving Ukraine that they themselves have been guilty of.  It's an old Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' trick: Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, to throw [them, & he public at large] off the scent.  When that whole story comes out, a lot of them are going to jail.  b) And Romney is involved - at least to some extent - in that scandal as well.  c) If the shoe were on the other foot, the Dems would have been on the Prez's case for NOT looking into corrupt conduct involving a country that received financial or military aid from us.  d) And it is also a particular legal OBLIGATION for the Prez to do that sort of thing - his RESPONSIBILITY.  (Besides, there was no quid pro quo in that phone conversation ANYWAY.)  I forget the name of the law, but it's there.  The upshot: The whole Dem business, including the Russian Collusion Delusion, has been a cynical attempt to cover their own corruption (and get Trump out of that office By Any Means Necessary, for standing in the way of their moving of the U.S. into their totalitarian New World Order, a la Red China style).  But theTruth WILL out.  And you may, then, look on this whole sorry saga in that other light.



Second, further comment on both subjects.  

1) The Mormon Church has long had serious questions regarding its leadership.  I suppose it was inevitable; Power corrupts, etc.  
     Just as the Christian Church itself is corrupted; not only as an 'inevitable' outcome - in this realm of Duality - of such Power Over Others, but at its very inception.  (A good single source of information in that regard is the book 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia' by Flavio Barbiero.)   

2) The whole Ukraine thing is about as disgusting a can of worms as there could ever be.  It involves, as well as a financial kick-back scandal, a) a worldwide sex trafficking network, esp. including children (and for satanic rituals, and ultimate sacrificing, for their adrenochrome, and undoubtedly for their organs while these beasts are at it); and b) a selling of military technology secrets; and c) a liaison with the Red Chinese, in furtherance of our Erstwhile Masters's intention to merge the U.S. into that sort of top-down, totalitarian New World Order (as I indicated in my response to my friend).             

We live in interesting times indeed.

And 'destined' to get rather more interesting



* To clarify: I am currently living with a relative who is a member of that Church.  Regular readers of this site will know that I have an on-again, off-again relationship with the Mormon Church, and have been 'off-again' for many years.  For many reasons.  So I do not attend Church with them per se, but I do go to a number of their, and its, activities with them.  As this post will shortly divulge.
   The Church is, if nothing else, an excellent social organization.  Including its 'Welfare' activities for its members.  A shame that it failed to live up to one of its founder's prophecies, about a time when 'the (U.S.) Constitution "will be hanging by a thread" (and the Church's priesthood would come to the rescue of the nation).  Which occurred when TPTB, from both major political parties, and their lackeys in the MSM, and other "institutions" like our universities, managed to hoodwink the American public into not understanding that Barack 'Barry' Obama was constitutionally ineligible for the office of POTUS.  And while in that particularly powerful position, set up a number of initiatives to take down this country, in order to merge it into the schemers' totalitarian NWO.  Which is the reverse image of The Real Thing.  And so they have been involved in the outworking of a - the - Plan, after all.  Which also needs to come out in the wash, of the establishment of a kingdom of heaven.  Among many such kingdoms, or levels.  Aka dimensions, or densities.
   But to continue

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