As if everything that I have come across in relation to ‘trouble in River City, my friends’ in this country and the word hasn’t been enough, here comes what feels like the last straw for me. It is in the form of a mailing from the Perkins School for the Blind, informing those on its mailing list of a condition that I for one had never heard of. It’s called CVI, for - well, let me let Ed Bosso, President & Superintendent, Educational Programs for Perkins tell it:
“Imagine you’re the parent of a child who has trouble understanding the visual world around him. Everyone, including you, is puzzled by his challenges and no one knows how to help.
“That’s exactly the situation a Florida mother, Zuleida, faced. Her son, Zeke, was diagnosed with autism but she was more concerned with his vision. Even though his eye test results were ‘normal’, Zeke seemed to have trouble seeing, like tripping over objects right in front of him. Frustrated, but determined, she sought out answers.
“Zeke’s mother connected with Perkins School for the Blind, where she was relieved to learn that Perkins knew why everyone was so puzzled. Best of all, she discovered that Perkins could help Zeke improve the use of his vision and thrive…
“Perkins is a leader in understanding and educating children with cortical/cerebral visual impairment (CVI), Zeke’s diagnosis, and the fastest growing cause of blindness in children in the U.S. CVI is a condition where the brain can’t make sense of what the eyes see. But unlike other cases of blindness, children with CVI can improve the use of their vision, with the right help…” (First emphasis in original, second emphasis mine)
Autism…CVI… - aka brain damage.
Speaking of not being able to see properly: In looking at/for causation, how about taking a look at the vaccination schedule that Zeke has been subjected to, gang? There is a condition known, and acknowledged, as ‘post-vaccinal encephalitis’ - i.e., brain damage induced by vaccines. But what about subclinical encephalitis??
…because our medical ‘experts’ will have to admit that they have made a mistake - and a terrible one. One. And two: Our Erstwhile Masters will lose one of their prime People Control vectors. In submitting the public to a terribly invasive procedure, that of vaccinations, which contain ingredients that have been designed not only to impair us (in many ways). But to kill us. As a form of bioweapon.(1)
Ever since the mid-‘90s, when I came across a book called ‘Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault On the American Brain’ (by a leading medical historian named Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D), I have been aware of a/the link between vaccinations and various brain-damage conditions, which have been given various (somewhat confusing-on-purpose) names, such as ADD and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder & Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), and, more generally, LD (for Learning Disability/Disorder), and PDD-NOS (one of my ‘favorite’ such labels, standing for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified), and - lo and behold - autism, and ASD (for Autism Spectrum Disorder; which could include Asperger's, as a high-functioning form thereof). And what do they all have in common, besides all being related to vaccinations?
A: Brain damage.(2) Affecting as well our children’s abilities in school. And affecting their behavior.(3) All of which is an impairment to our society. In part, by ‘good intentions’. And in part, deliberate. By our EMs.
And now, the latter, acting through the former, as their offensive line out in front, want, and are trying, insidiously, all over the country, to make vaccinations mandatory. (Especially in those Nanny States where ‘they’ have already gained a major foothold. As in my home state of California; one of the leaders into their Brave New World.)(4) But hey - all in the best interests of society, you understand.
You do, er, see that. Don’t you??
Unless your vision is impaired as well.
I’m past mincing words:
Wake the hell up, Citizen. You are being used and abused. To an agenda. By ‘experts’.
Who are about to get their dose of reality.
P.S. Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’ email offering was subjected to censoring, by whomever, for (to my knowledge) two days, with the notation ‘An unexpected error has occurred’ showing up in place of each of his articles. And then today, when I went to check my emails to see what was happening vis-a-vis his offerings, his site was not even amongst my emails. And when I went to my Junk mail to check if it had been deposited there, I didn’t find it. Among many other (mostly) conservative sites. Including from - dig it - the White House.
Go figure.
(1) I refer to the term ‘subclinical encephalitis’. Or what has been called (and acknowledged), by the Vaccine Court, ‘Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis’ (ADEM). A cute label that has allowed our medical ‘experts’ to avoid the word ‘autism’ as a side effect of the official policy of imposing a vaccination schedule on our children/the public; and so, to avoid a huge blowout of the nation’s payment system for vaccine damage. One. And two: to avoid the collapse of the ‘best-laid plans’ of these True Believers in the efficacy of vaccinations. Which, not so incidentally, is a huge money spinner for the drug industry. Better known as the medical-pharmaceutical complex. Ever better known as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex. And three: to avoid the collapse of a major technique for People Control, by our EMs.
But to continue.
(2) Other damage caused by vaccines:
SUID/SIDS (for Sudden Unexplained Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). (N.B. Caused because the shots use up their vitamin C levels, as a stress on the infant’s body, and that causes a form of scurvy, or 'sudden' cessation of the heart beat. The condition(s) can also be caused by toxic gases outsourcing from the baby’s crib mattress. Another story.) Allergies. (Including anaphylaxis. The vaccines’ ingredients causing the body’s immune system to attack either substances in its diet or itself, the latter aka autoimmune diseases.) Asthma. (The vaccine(s) adversely affecting the cranial nerve system.) Epilepsy/seizures. Guillain-Barre syndrome. Lupus. Oh hell - the list goes on. And on.
But hey - we’ve got medications for all of these side-effect conditions: right?
Big Pharma to the rescue!
Roll up, roll up. Everybody’s a winner!…
(3) For example: Studies have shown that there is something that 'the experts' call 'the homicidal triad' common amongst many sociopaths and outright psychopaths, aka serial killers. The 'ingredients' of that triad are: compulsive bed-wetters; fire starters; and cruelty to pets/animals.
All, symptoms of what Dr. Coulter has shown is (largely) vaccine-induced brain damage. In its most virulent forms. As in the autism spectrum.
(4) Which has occasioned a reaction to it called New California, whose proponents are engaged in a series of meetings to finalize their application to become a state of their own; much like West Virginia did to leave the secession state of Virginia. And with the current government of California looking to secede from the Union anyway.
All, symptoms of how we are living in interesting times...
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