Saturday, 1 February 2020

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Big Brother...

...And It is YOU

So: Gun control legislation leading, step by cautious step, to outright gun confiscation.

So: Infanticide, rearing its ugly head from the birthing canal of the cradle of Western civilization, to say, the American experiment in self-government.

So: Criticism of the ‘elected’ representatives to be Verboten.  And ‘elected,’ in quote marks, as in the Democrats stealthily setting up measures to let both illegal aliens vote and even legal voters be so eager to engage in the operation as to vote more than once.  And even in such arrogant names as M. Mouse.

And just so, the vipers amongst us have tried to impeach Pres. Trump. Because why?  Because they don’t agree with either his foreign or domestic policies.  Because he was leading the nation back into nationalism.  (In expected - in Marxist dialectical terms - Reaction to their attempts to crown a NWO Internationalism.)  A nationalism of Liberty that they abhor.  Because they feel that people should not be free to have such governmental policies as ‘essential liberty’.  Because they want to control The Other to within an inch of their hopelessly bourgeois lives.  Because they feel superior to The Other.

When all the time,

We Are All One.

Playing different parts, is all.  Now a prince, now a pauper.  Now a male, now a female (or something in between).  Now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another.  In The Great Play that we are engaged in.  The Game of Life.  In order to learn lessons thereby.  And grow, in consciousness.  Back towards


Our basic condition.  The better - the more aware, and advanced - for the experience.  The experience

of seeming Separation.  And seeming Duality.

In an illusory realm.  In the nature of a hologram.  Or a classroom.

For apprentice gods.

Gods in the making.

And some such fractals of the Whole 

making a right mess of things.

Some, in the nature of a deliberate choice, to play such a part.  

And some, having succumbed to the siren song of the Dark side.  And thereby failed 

The Test.

Be on the Right side of that equation.  So that as many of us apprentice gods as possible can go forward.  On

The Path.  In

The Plan. 

And graduate.  Now.  Into

a higher grade.  In a Process called


Our rightful inheritance.

If we choose it.

Individually.  And don’t succumb to

the illusion.

That the likes of a perverse Big Brother could ever outshine

either our specific Creator Source.  Or 

The All That Is.  Hallowed be

The Name.


The time of separation is swiftly coming to a close, and paradoxically, those still steeped in the illusion of the Third /Fourth Dimensions are coming together as well. They will be bonded together more and more tightly in their fight to maintain separation through their struggle for dominance and power, fueled by hatred, fear and greed.

“Many eons ago, we made each of you a promise as you went your separate way to fulfill your part of the Universal Divine Mission. We promised that we would come together again in a grand reunion when the experiment on planet Earth was drawing to a close. We promised that even though you would forget your origins as part of the experiment, at the appropriate time we would help you to remember and reclaim your heritage, and we would move forward together, side-by-side and heart-to-heart. That time is now, beloveds.”  - from ‘Archangel Michael: A New Cycle Of Creation Is In Progress’ channeled by Ronna Herman-Vezane.  (Carried on Blue Dragon Journal by Eliza Ayres, Feb. 1; also at

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