Prepare For The Storm
Prepare For The Storm
A friend emailed me on Sunday an article from Common Dreams News, which said friend referred to with the statement “Wow, this is getting really ugly,” headed:
MSNBC in 'Full-Blown Freakout' Mode as Bernie Sanders Cements Status as Democratic Frontrunner | Common Dreams News
My response:
"I find this article interesting especially in the light of just having ben [sic] reading today an article in the current issue of The New American (biweekly right-wing mag) called 'Communists Winning Elections,’ which details how the far Left, and especially including outright Maoist groups, have been quietly 'doing their homework' in many parts of the country - knocking on doors, distributing literature, getting out the vote, both registered and to the polls, etc. etc., and beginning to win local elections, and the occasional big one (like a governor), and generally quietly taking over the Democrat Party from the inside. So Chris Matthews is belatedly finding out that the major 'boots on the ground' for the Dems are not the old 'moderate socialist/union organizers' etc., but very far Left 'true believers'. The Dem moderates are afraid that Bernie and his far Left comrades will wipe out their recent gains for years to come; the young socialists in this country ('free health care, free education, abortion on demand,' etc.) perhaps making their big move a bit too soon. Look for ugly machinations to go on at the Dem Nominating Convention, with the Super Delegates brought into play, most probably for Hillary. Which won't do them any good either, for the Nov. elections, with the Sanders backers refusing to support the Dem Party establishment.
"Speaking of the Chinese; to paraphrase a Chinese quote: We live in interesting times.
My response comment apparently got up the nose of my friend - who is, apparently, a Sanders supporter (I had known of sf’s liberal leanings, although not the specifics; we have managed to have a civil sharing with one another for quite some time without that getting too much in the way of the friendship) - because said friend followed up today by emailing me an ‘apologist’s’ posting in favor of Sanders, and what I took as rather a slam for my position on this matter (as expressed above), in accusing me of buying into “all this fear-mongering about a take-over by the left” and in effect not having “some common sense” (including what “young people” have who “don’t buy into this,”) and making reference to “another article about why Sanders will win, and dispelling all those myths out there”.
Ah. Myths. About Democratic Socialists, and others of that ilk, including outright Maoist groups, in the far Left’s plotting to take over this country through first the Democrat Party, and then move it from a two-party system to an outright authoritarian state. It’s all there, in considerable literature on the subject. For those who have eyes to see.
Which brings me to my second response to my friend, in a rather curt response, but that’s how I am feeing about all this - regarding MY country, and the threat to it - and the world - from these people:
“"Fear-mongering"?? [Person), you really have no idea of what all has been going on in this country (in particular) for years and years. It is the last stop before a takeover by the NWO crowd. By the attempted takeover, that is.
“Based on the feeling that I get from this 'sharing' of yours, I think we're falling out of favor with each other, (Person). Let's agree to disagree about politics, and go our own ways. I know what I know - from much homework, and for many years - and I don't have time to argue with someone who appears to follow just one side of issues. (Believe me, I follow the other side as well. For awareness's sake.) So - and especially with things heating up now to a crescendo - best wishes to you on your path.
I think I was particularly short-tempered this evening, in this response, because I had just been noticing a number of subjects amongst my (voluminous) emails that tie into this general subject, and as well, found, when I went to look at first one and then all of the articles at (conservative) Ben Shapiro’s ‘Daily Wire’ email site, that I got, over and over, in all of his offerings, a brief connection with his page that then quickly went to a blank page with the simple statement:
“An unexpected error has occurred.” (Which continued to ‘occur’ quite some time later in the evening.)
Now, I grant that these things can happen. And to anybody. But nothing like that has ever happened before, to either the conservative or liberal sites that I monitor. And I am left to wonder if this is a harbinger of the “crescendo” that I referred to in my response to my friend.
And this, in ‘harmony’ with Google’s currently informing its users that it will soon be censoring material that could “harm” its users, or Google, or whoever it decides. With no clear definition of the word/term. Which gives it quite a leeway.
To expose itself. And its agenda…
Things are getting too serious, now, for people not to pay extreme attention to what is going on.
And make their choices accordingly.
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