Tuesday, 18 February 2020

In The Home Stretch, And...

Down To The Wire

And so The Drama unfolds to its Conclusion…

In my penultimate blog, entitled The Awakening Process, I referred to how the time of Conflict amongst us sparks of divinity - for the lessons to be learned therefrom - was, “if not over, at least drawing to a close”.  That was not meant to say or imply that the going in these latter stages of The Process was going to be a walk in the park, a bed of roses.   Indeed, for things to ‘come to a head’ they need to increase in pressure, in order for Breakthrough to take place - in this case, Breakthrough into a new, higher ‘standard of living’ on this planet, sore in need of our best.  Not our worst.  

As to the latter.  As I have just said in space provided for ‘Personal Message’ comment on a ‘Personal Thank You Note’ to Pres. Trump for standing so staunchly and valiantly, against many slings and arrows, for Making America Great Again (MAGA) and Keeping America Great (KAG), sponsored by the American Conservative Union: ‘The NWO crowd’s agenda, of totalitarian control over The People, must not be allowed to prevail.’

What forms is that agenda taking?

For one: The assault on the principle of free speech, in a basically free society, being insidiously mounted, in the name of Political Correctness, whereby even simple information is being censored, from our MSM and our Social Media networks, on the grounds even simply that it might  cause someone some angst, or might lead to violence.(1)  This is a recipe for the establishment of the kingdom of Big Brother.  Not our true destination. 

And along that same line, of totalitarianism - of, that is to say, the advent of a boot stomping on the face of Humanity forever and ever, worn by their Erstwhile Masters: - is the threat posed to the U.S. by the novel coronavirus, whereby our EMs have set up a situation where the newly-formed and UN-trained Mexican National Guard - trained for “humanitarian activities;” and thence the job, under the Kigali Principles, to be taken over by UN troops themselves (Our EMs not trusting the U.S. military to do the job on its own citizenry) - would become the guards of FEMA camps turned into both slave labor camps and medical martial law enclaves (with no medical facilities provided for in the plans for said camps, a la FM 39.4, and Obama’s E.O. 13603).  The whole scenario set up over the past few years especially by the NWO crowd’s creation of an ‘enemy’ - to ‘people of color’ - in the (demonizing) form of ’white supremacists,’ and even just ‘white nationalists’(2) - with the whole white race identified, by the NWO crowd, as intrinsically ‘racist’.  The better to take you over by, my dears. 

So, all in all, we still have a ways to go yet, to get to The Other Side.  Of our classroom.  And its final Exercise.  But we will get there.  Because

Life - the universe - has Purpose.

And that purpose is Good.           


(1) This is on a par with how the Dems in the House were attempting to make a case for impeachment of Pres. Trump, not on the basis of any actual impeachable crime having been committed, but on the basis that his conduct was, quote, “akin” to ‘criminal conduct’.  In their eyes.  In which case, if they had succeeded in their sophistic enterprise, either political party could henceforth do the same thing to the other party’ s representative (in either the presidential seat or in Congress itself).  If there would even be a two-party system in the wake of such highhanded activity.  With the result ineluctably tending towards a one-party system, a la that of Red China.  
   And speaking of which: To continue.    

(2) intrinsically prone to being, in the eyes of the NWO crowd, ‘potential domestic terrorists’.  And thus the reason for the NWO crowd’s concerted attempts, over some years now - with these plans long in the making - to confiscate their weapons.  Of self-defense.  Under the guise of ‘gun regulation/control’.  And the now heated-up likes of Red Flag Laws.
   The same way that our EMs are maneuvering to get as many of their ‘enemies’ as possible to have to take a vaccine for the (bio-weaponized) coronavirus, which is (or is to be) laced with God knows what all toxicity, and even outright death-dealing substances.  And note: I said ‘God knows’. 
   But to continue.

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