Wednesday, 26 February 2020

On Vision

I have a vision:

No more ‘Economy’ being subjected to the ups-and-downs of punters betting on whether certain stocks are going to go up or down, etc. etc.   We can do better than that system.  Especially when we acknowledge that we are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  And are verging now on a whole new paradigm, based on a Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), and the introduction of a massive amount of value to the goods-and-services exchange system, in the form of a major backing by gold (of which there is more than we have been led - by our EMs - to believe).  

It’s time for a whole new ’business model’ on Planet Earth; one based not on ‘economy,’ but on abundance.

That condition to be supported by technology that will allow individuals to create (among other ‘things’) their own food out of ‘thin air’ - out, that is to say, of the medium in which we live and move and have our being.  Which is associated with both Light and DNA: the building blocks of everything in and on the material plane.  And just so, do we let ‘the old’ go.  And move into

The New.   

Where Truth and Justice reign.

And corruption is no more.

Including of our bodies.  As we don a different set of ‘clothes’.  Made  for the higher realms, where we will now reside.

Those of us who make the grade, that is to say. 

And don’t have to take this one over again.

And again.

Until those inhabitants get it right.

And can advance as well.

Towards our mutual ultimate goal, and state of being.

Of being gods, and as gods, in our own right.  

Being fractals of

The Whole.  

Now heading - more directly - for

that state of Enlightenment.

Having come to Graduation Time for this class.

My wish:

that as many of Us as possible make the cut.

Stop and think, Friend:

It would be such a bore to have to take this class - in this elementary school - all over again.

But that’s free will for you.

In a situation where

Life is a school.  And the Purpose is

to graduate.


P.S. And speaking of elementary school, and childish hijinks: For the third straight day, Ben Shapiro's articles have been censored.  At least on my machine.
     Perhaps this Red China-like censoring is more local than I have realized.  But why would I be censored by our EMs?? 
     Oh.  Right.

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