I am reading more and enjoying it less, these dark days (but giving way inexorably to the Light; and the fulness thereof).
Item. The pickings in entering this country have been too easy. Besides just crossing over the border illegally,(1) some hopeful immigrants have been using the cover of being ‘refugees’ (and not just economic refugees, which category wouldn’t give them access to this country legally) and, when bused around the country and being allowed to stay in the country until their hearing, quietly disappear into the dark interior, never to be heard from again. Until - in effect - they vote. Democrat, of course.(2) Pres. Trump, in attempting to roll back these sorts of machinations of the NWO crowd - in their attempts to overthrow this country, and make of it but part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order - put in place a measure called ‘remain in Mexico’ for such applicants until their hearing could be held, which they could then go directly to. He was sued by the likes of the ACLU for this attempt of his to do his job and secure our borders from invasion, and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld the ACLU by issuing a preliminary injunction against the policy.
What’s the problem with it? The ACLU contends that the policy violates international treaty obligations that prohibit sending people back to a country where they are “likely to be persecuted or tortured on the grounds of race, religion, ethnicity, political beliefs or membership in a particular social group” (whatever that last category means). But if they’re not Mexican?? Well, said the ACLU’s lawyer in presenting their objection to the policy, it could “subject them to grave danger”. (“It’s time for the administration to follow the law and stop putting asylum seekers in harm’s way,” said said lawyer.) How so??? Well, argued the ACLU’s lawyer, they could become targets for kidnappers or other criminals. Well; possibly. But what does that supposition have to do with ”the law”????
What’s the problem with it? The ACLU contends that the policy violates international treaty obligations that prohibit sending people back to a country where they are “likely to be persecuted or tortured on the grounds of race, religion, ethnicity, political beliefs or membership in a particular social group” (whatever that last category means). But if they’re not Mexican?? Well, said the ACLU’s lawyer in presenting their objection to the policy, it could “subject them to grave danger”. (“It’s time for the administration to follow the law and stop putting asylum seekers in harm’s way,” said said lawyer.) How so??? Well, argued the ACLU’s lawyer, they could become targets for kidnappers or other criminals. Well; possibly. But what does that supposition have to do with ”the law”????
It doesn’t. It has to do with the agenda of those amongst us - infatuated with the possibility of Power Over Others; or POO for short - who are attempting to bring down the U.S. of A., because it stands in the way of their accomplishing their goal, of a top-down, autocratic regime, like that ruling over Red China.(3)
Item. a) The UN has outlawed the, er, right to speak up against the official policy of man-made Climate Change. Nothing to do with you? Maybe not right this minute. But hold on (to your rights):
b) Some of our social media platforms (pending in some states as well) have outlawed, or are going to outlaw, the right of their users to speak up against the safety of vaccines (because it can cause “harm”), and of the imposition of the mandatory application of same (same ‘weaponized’ excuse; and presumably as well of those states which have already applied the heavy hand of the state on their subjects).
You see, “harm” can take on whatever meaning that the social media platform honchos (or state legislators) decide to apply to the word. As in so many other examples in our time. As in the use of the word ‘racist,’ and ‘justice,’ and so on and on. Living in a form of Alice’s Wonderland as we do; where down is up and right is wrong and 2 + 2 doesn’t necessarily equal 4. And…and……and………
As you can tell, I am fed up with this terrible state of affairs.
And can hardly wait for it to change.
As it will.
And, on some level,
already has.
The level(s) where such as Truth prevails.
(1) I.e., illegal aliens. Called, by the Dems, ‘undocumented workers’. Part of the use of euphemisms widely employed by the Dems to spin the language away from any meaningful application of it, for political purposes. For more on which, read on.
(2) In what the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls 'giving a voice to,' er, illegal aliens. Called, by such denizens of the Left, 'undocumented workers'. Like the SPLC calls felons "returning citizens". And to whom 'voting rights' means voter fraud, that we should be allowing. After all, the likes of photo ID laws to vote are obviously attempts by the Republicans to deter 'the disenfranchised' from voting.
I mean, ri-i-i-ight.
(In this context; a conversation overheard in a bar:
'Trump is such a meanie, keeping refugees and undocumented workers from being able to come into this country. The damn racist.'
'Did you know that they've found that the majority of illegal aliens and economic refugees vote Republican?'
'What?! Get 'em outta here!')
(2) In what the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls 'giving a voice to,' er, illegal aliens. Called, by such denizens of the Left, 'undocumented workers'. Like the SPLC calls felons "returning citizens". And to whom 'voting rights' means voter fraud, that we should be allowing. After all, the likes of photo ID laws to vote are obviously attempts by the Republicans to deter 'the disenfranchised' from voting.
I mean, ri-i-i-ight.
(In this context; a conversation overheard in a bar:
'Trump is such a meanie, keeping refugees and undocumented workers from being able to come into this country. The damn racist.'
'Did you know that they've found that the majority of illegal aliens and economic refugees vote Republican?'
'What?! Get 'em outta here!')
(3) And very much like that. As indicated by how that regime is employing Google to set up a computerized system to check on their, er, citizenry’s loyalty to their regime, by the likes of a Social Credit system, whereby those subjects who criticize the regime, to any degree, can lose their housing, their job, their schooling, their ability to travel - and, depending on the degree of their insolence, can have their organs taken from them. Bodily. So to speak. And then be terminated.
As you would a mere animal. And mere mouth to have to feed.
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