Q: What else can shoehorns be used for?
A: To play the footnotes.
But seriously: I want here to give a shoutout to/for footnotes. They can be extremely beneficial, beyond just in their use in providing a source reference. Case in point. (I would hope.)
In my last blog I made reference to how our EMs were busily demonizing the likes of what they term - over and over, in order to imprint the terms, and their association, in our collective psyche - ‘white supremacist’ and ‘white nationalist’. In trying to make the terms, ahem, ‘akin’ to each other - precisely as with their attempted impeachment of Pres. Trump, on spurious, ‘akin to criminal conduct,’ ’close enough,’ ‘the Constitution is a living document’ grounds. Except when it isn’t, in their estimation/interpretive eyes.
The beady eyes of vipers. Or at the least, termites.
Hear, O Termites: The Constitution is a contract, subject to its interpretation as measured against its ‘original intent’. Not as against the personal socio-political proclivities of what is called, with good reason, ‘activist judges’. Aka criminals, of the first kind, highest order, for being apocryphal judges.
As it has been said: ‘Who judges the judges?’
We should be able to trust our judges, as being the primary upholders of the Law (as reflective of the As Above - So Below higher Law). Instead, what are we getting?? Judges ruling simply - as I say (but it bears repeating) - on the basis of their personal socio-political proclivities. And thus, ‘Democrats’ are getting off with a slap on the wrist - if that; and ‘Republicans' - like, oh, say, Roger Stone - are having the (perverted law) book thrown at them.
Double standards galore going on.
But par for the course; for relativists. For whom ‘What is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it’. Lie, cheat, steal. Kill, even. Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary. To accomplish your end. The end justifying the means.
For relativists. Among whom are outright satanists.
And among whom are those souls - those sparks of divinity - who simply haven’t awaken yet to the evidence that is already in as to the existence of a larger reality than the one circumscribed by the material realm. Such evidences as provided by the likes of Out of Body Experiences (OOBEs), and Near Death Experiences (NDEs). Evidences, that a) there is something besides our brain inhabiting our vessels; and b) there is something, which is called by us incarnates karma, that is monitoring our progress along a Path.
And hence my concluding comment in said blog that Life - the universe - has Purpose; and that purpose is Good.
And if we had but eyes to see, we could see that, even with the, er, ‘relatively’ simple evidences already in to that effect.
And speaking of ‘having eyes to see’:
Anybody with said eyes can see, in looking at - and cringing at - the Comments threads on the Internet, that ‘we’ Americans are, in large part, extremely poor spellers, often just spelling words by guesswork, from their sound; and thus have, largely, not had our brains trained to look at the detail of things. And thus - as a consequence, of our having been thereby dumbed down (another subject in itself) - the mentality of ’close enough’ has come to be ‘the order of the day’. And thus,, no wonder that ‘we’ Americans have largely let such matters as the loosey-goosey interpretation of the Constitution slip by our awareness.
All on purpose.
The purpose of our EMs.
Not of Life itself.
Except as a learning lesson along
The Way.
P.S. And as part of this general topic; and to set the record straight as to where I stand politically on matters in the U.S. these climax-inducing days:
I stand with Pres. Trump on many issues. But I am appalled to find that he has issued an E.O. “preventing federal funding of educational institutions that permit criticism of Israel”. These are the eye-opening words of Paul Craig (hardly ‘PC’) Roberts; who goes on, in his article posted today at OpEd News:
“We owe journalist Abby Martin appreciation for reminding us of our right to free speech. Abby is suing the state of Georgia, one of 28 states that have violated the Constitutional protection of free speech.
“Abby was scheduled to give the keynote speech at a conference at Georgia Southern University. She discovered that in order to speak publicly at a Georgia college she had to sign a pledge of allegiance not to criticize Israel. Her refusal to sign resulted in the conference being cancelled.
“Here we have the state of Georgia blocking free speech because it will not support the Israeli position on Palestine…
“Think about this for a moment. More than half of the 50 states that comprise the United States have passed laws that are clear violations of the US Constitution. Moreover, these 28 states have imposed censorship in behalf of a foreign country. Americans have gags stuck in their mouths because 28 state governments put the interest of Israel higher than the First Amendment of the US Constitution. When government itself is opposed to free speech, what becomes of democracy and accountable government?…”
I rest my case. Except to clarify: I support anybody’s right to boycott anybody/any business etc. for any reason. I do not support anybody’s right to censor anybody’s speech, just because said speech might “offend” somebody, or some group of somebody’s.
Especially in these days of the deliberate creation of political ‘classes,’ whereby our EMs have ‘weaponized’ such classes, in order to accomplish their intended goal of the overthrow of the United States, and its Constitution. Which, in its protection of such principles as free speech, stands in the way of their intended act of violence, and imposition of a totalitarian state affairs on the (former) U.S., and the world.
As I have said in these pages before; and speaking specifically of the principle of free speech:
A word to the wise should be sufficient.
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