“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”
James Madison, Founding Father
In my last blog I referred to “LGBTQ radical activists” as a subject that Google might, in its pending new Terms of Service, censor me in referring to, off the ‘strength’ of some member or members of the said crowd possibly complaining to them that it does, or could, quote, “harm” them, which is one of the new criteria by which Google is going to monitor users of its platforms (like YouTube) and services (like my emails). I see a terrible threat to the principle of free speech here. Example.
I am aware of a recent report (I can’t put my finger right on it right now) as to how some institution - I think it was the public school system in some area or other - is forcing its ‘employees’ and enrolled students to address the LGBTQ+ crowd in a plethora of (‘movement’ made-up) pronouns. Hear me clearly (while I still have an opportunity to say my piece on the subject).
The tail does not wag the dog. There are two sexes.(1) There are, granted, a number of ‘genders’ - gender identities, along an abnormal spectrum. But member of the ‘LGBTQ+ radical activist’ crowd: You are not going to force the vast majority to have to bend to your will, in this, or any other circumstance arising from your brain’s sense of identity for you. You can identify yourself however you wish to/feel impelled to (and possibly even feel compelled to), and get as many people to identify yourself in that way as you can. Voluntarily; and peacefully. But you need to stop arrogantly attempting to force either the particular System or the Society in general to bend to your will on this matter, as a System or Society. Plus, there are just too many such personal ‘gender’ identities to make it sensible for the System to have to cater to the personal desire of each such person on that spectrum.
Let me clarify the nature of this phenomenon. It turns out, from the research on the subject that I have come across, that the fetal brain, at a particular, early stage of fetal development (as I recall, it was the 8-10-week window), can be affected by abnormal levels of hormones in the maternal hormonal bath, so that male-patterned brains can be ‘wired’ into genetically female bodies and vice versa and every stop along that abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.(2) There are a number of known causes to this abnormal hormone-level phenomenon. A fault in the adrenal glands of the developing fetus or the mother or both. Endocrine disruptors/estrogen mimics in the environment - from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and/or The Pill. Stress - of all kinds, physical, mental, emotional (there is evidence of a greater incidence of homosexually-inclined babies being born in the wake of wars than the normal background ‘noise’ can account for, for example). But perhaps most alarmingly - for being so overlooked; and in our pill-happy society - is the affect of drugs like barbiturates prescribed to pregnant women without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the (brains of the) developing fetus. In short: We have been failing, and terribly so, in our responsibilities as parents, and in our society in general.(3) But in any event: The abnormal should not take precedence over the normal.
This is all similar to the idea, and mentality, of communists in particular, and socialists in general, to ‘vote themselves money out of other people’s pockets’ - the corrupt idea of ‘redistribution of wealth’. Which is theft; pure and simple.
It is also redolent of the corruptness involving spelling: that ‘correct’ spelling doesn’t matter, that there is no one way; ‘close enough is good enough’ - to inculcate the idea that there are no absolutes, that all is relative. Soviet Union-style. So that the State becomes God, in replacement of ‘the opiate of the masses’. Being ‘religion’.
But hey. Comrade. What abut ‘spirituality’??
And especially if you’re being so ‘scientific’ about things…
...except, apparently, science subjects. Like the novel coronavirus 'thing'. Whereby We, the People are being deprived of basic info on it and its spread.
Contrary to such good advice to Americans as that of Founding Father James Madison.
...except, apparently, science subjects. Like the novel coronavirus 'thing'. Whereby We, the People are being deprived of basic info on it and its spread.
Contrary to such good advice to Americans as that of Founding Father James Madison.
P.S. A word specifically about Google’s chosen new Terms of Service. I am aware of something called an ’Open Forum’ law. That must be the following.
From the U.S. Code, a Provision of the Communication Decency Act: Sect. 230 says that “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher…” In other words, they should NOT be actively engaged in censoring what we say, what we see, and what we do online. Our treatment by them should be like, or at least similar to, that on the telephone: whereby the mechanical provider (on public airwaves) is not liable for what we say or do on their lines/platforms. So: What’s the difference about such mechanical providers on public airwaves as Google or Facebook, etc.?? Being so widely public, they should just be having to meet certain basic standards, such as not making available willy-nilly such material as child pornography, etc. Basic free speech standards should apply.
Also, I am aware that Google might well now censor me, under their new Terms, if I even just quote the likes of Paul Craig - very non-‘PC’ - Roberts, who is outspoken against the likes of Mind Control machinations on the part of our EMs, the Bolsheviks of today; who, because he calls’em as he sees’em, might well disappear off our main communications platforms.
If the likes of ‘non-PC’ Roberts goes - censored off the Internet; or at least, off the main such channels, which most of the public uses - how will We, the People effectively get any info on ‘touchy’ subjects, other than the disinfo spin of the official ‘Party’ line???…
Ah, well. All part of Things Coming To A Head, I presume……
(1) Granted, there are also hermaphrodites. A phenomenon, and subject, that is cropping up in our time. As of old; as chronicled in such sources as (what is called) the Old Testament. And not in a positive light; associated, as the subject is, with people whoring after ‘false gods’. As, indeed, in our time as well.
But to continue.
(2) ‘Oops - harm! Harm! I feel harmed by that talk!’
Logical reply: Deal with it.
(3) With a particular onus on Western-medicine practitioners, for failing, in their - professionally chosen - duty, to ‘First, Do No Harm’.
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