Friday, 31 August 2018

The New New World

A mailing from an outfit wanting to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day next summer has brought back memories.  As a ten-year-old lad living in Southern California, I distinctly remember following the course of the invasion of Europe by the Allies from their landing at Normandy across the large map of Europe spread out daily on my front room carpet to final victory on V-E Day almost precisely a year later.  And then how I happened to be up in the Bay Area the next month, spending the summer at my (long-absent, via parental divorce) father’s, and sat on the curb on the main street in San Francisco watching the parade of national potentates going to the meeting to create the UN, and hopefully thereby end war for all time.  Yeah, right…

War wilt not end until two conditions are met, by humanity.  One: Until we acknowledge - really grok - that We Are All One, in our essence.  Chips off the same block.  And that wilt not happen until we stop competing with one another in our various nations, and start cooperating with one another, in common pursuit of creating a One World Order.  Just not the one long planned for us by our erstwhile masters.  (Where everybody is equal, except some are more equal than others.)  They have had the general idea.  Just the reverse image of

the Real Thing.

Which process is how these things unfold.

And which brings up the second condition.  Which is


The system thereof.  Of exchange.  Of sharing goods and services with one another, on this lovely planet, not doing so well right now by its inhabitants.  Because of one idea, one concept, above all others:

Profit.  And the making thereof.  

I have recently finished reading a remarkable novel by a remarkable woman with a prodigious talent, Taylor Caldwell(1) - title of ‘Captains And The Kings’ - in which she had one of her (more realist) characters say:

“(P)rofits are what make civilization possible.”

Well; yes.  To some extent.  That system has, indeed, built the civilization that we are in right now.  But it is but one way of ‘creating civilization’.  As the socialists and communists have attempted to get humanity to look at.  (With the idea of ‘producing for use and not for profit’.)  But they have gone about ‘the matter’ the wrong way.  Or at least, a wrong way.  The way of Force.  Terror.  Of Power Over Others.  (POO for short.)  Rather than of Power With, and Within.

But that figures.  Because atheistic communism/collectivism/statism/Technocracy is not the ultimate way of the future.  It is - was - but part of The Process.  Of unfolding us to where we are now:

on the verge of Abundance (and therefore Game Change).  Why?  Because  there is far more gold in the world than we have been led to believe; enough for everyone in the world to live a comfortable life.  As we get on with building our New World.  Based, not on the concept of 'profit'.  But on a higher motive for human activity (and ingenuity):

Gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  Based on, in a word:


Which brings me to my final point for this particular post.

Our erstwhile masters - the New World Order crowd - initiated the flooding into ‘the West’ of refugees (and immigrants in general), in particular Muslims, on purpose.  That being, to break down the established order of the West.  Western Civilization itself.  Which is basically Judeo-Christian in character, and principles.  And they have used Islam as a battering ram for that purpose.  (And plan to take over the resulting Chaos from them later on.)  So, we have been, and are, up against, not just atheists.  (Actually: Satanists.  But that’s another subject in itself.)  But believers in a religion.  And very ‘true believers’ at that.  Who are totalitarians in nature.  And would force everyone to toe their line.  Or be beheaded, and otherwise subjected to their rule.(2)

Which is simply another form of ‘the problem’.  Not part of the solution.

The solution, to where we are now on planet Earth, is to go Up.  In knowledge.  And awareness.  (To say, in a word: Consciousness.)

Which is also known as Ascension.  

Which requires, not religion.

But spirituality.

In a word:


Be Prepared.   Your life - and the lives of all of us - depends on it.  


(1) She wrote a novel at the age of twelve that was far beyond a ’normal’ twelve-year-old’s ability.  It set up the later fact that she has had intimations of past lives.  We are talking the subject of reincarnation.  Which figures into this whole subject area.
   But to continue, with the thread from where I was unfolding it.

(2) As a mailing that I have just received, from an outfit called Secure Freedom, pus it, in summary:
     * “Many people are not aware that adherents to Islam’s Sharia are not like the faithful of other religions.  After all, Sharia requires its followers to engage in Jihad (holy war) to force the whole world to submit to their dictates. 
     * “Even those we would consider to be ‘good’ Muslims - namley peaceful, law-abiding ones who are loyal to our Constitution - are subjected to intense coercion by dangerous groups like the Muslim Brotherhood to join them in conforming to Sharia and its supremacist dictates.
     * “Such Islamists are cleverly using our own 1st Amendment rights to establish and proliferate so-called ‘Islamic Societies’ and ‘Islamic Centers’ here in our country, that in reality are Muslim Brotherhood-dominated, Sharia-adherent mosques that stealthily advance ‘Jihad’ against America.
     * “In a tradition dating back to Mohammed’s time, such mosques have even provided facilities for recruiting, indoctrinating and training terrorists willing to kill themselves as well as others in the Sharia-mandated quest for world dominance and power…”   (Emphases in original)

And Then We Go From There

I woke up today from a dream in which I had just delivered some paint to an auto body repair shop (a job that I have held in my past.  In this life) and discovered while there that I was part of a group of people who had been sued, successfully, and had to pay some of the monies involved in the ‘damages’.  Why??  Because something had gone wrong in the repair of somebody’s vehicle there, and they successfully sued the shop, including everybody involved in the repair that had gone wrong.  What?!  Even me??  But I had only delivered the paint for the job.  I had nothing to do with the job per se.  Oh yes I did, was the sense of the matter.  Why?  Because I was involved in the repair job, however obliquely.  I had helped to ‘aid and abet’ in the commission of what had become adjudicated to be a crime.

But that’s not fair, I thought in my dream.  And also thought: That is immoral, to lump me in with the repair job on a vehicle that had gone wrong, just because I had delivered the paint for the finishing touch to the job.

And realized that it is similar to my attitude regarding voting.  Having returned to my home town, and country, after having lived abroad for many years, I was appalled to find out the extent of the corruption in the voting process.  I live in the (ignoble) state of California, and without going into the details, it became obvious to me that the voter registration rolls - especially because no ID of any kind is required to vote in this state - are chock-a-block with the names of illegal aliens, and other ineligible voters (non-citizens, duplicate voters, the latter category enhanced by Absentee Ballots and Early Voting; etc.).  I have refused to vote under these circumstances; considering voting to be a crime - under current circumstances, to ’aid and abet’ in the commission of a crime.  ‘But that just lets the other side get away with voting murder,’ you say?  I understand that argument.  But my position is that only when we refuse to vote under such corrupt circumstances will things finally get better.  ‘Clean Elections Or No Elections’ is my take on the matter.  And here I make my stand.

‘But that would just let the incumbents stay on in position,’ you say.   And that’s when and where things get really interesting, in my take on things.

You see, I believe that - speaking of federal elections - Congress needs to be dissolved anyway, until everything is cleaned up in this regard, of elections.  Why?  Because Congress failed to do its constitutional duty to rein in the rogue executive branch of the federal government, when a usurper was allowed to run for and occupy the office of the presidency.  In the form of the man who took to calling himself Barack Hussein Obama in his adult years.

I have gone over this particular matter enough times in these pages not to have to go into all that here and now.  This now is just to point out that we have a major job to do, to set things to rights in this country.   

Actually, in many areas of our life.  Particularly including the financial and monetary area.  Where we need a new system in toto.  Which affects the whole world as well.

I will hold the space until everything is cleared up.*

And then we go from there.


* And especially in regards to what is called, with some degree of euphemism, ‘child sex trafficking’.  Beyond the more execrable aspects of that general mater: Children have a right to experience childhood free from adult (‘adult’) taint.  
   Full.  Stop.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

On Incensement And Illumination

I awoke today incensed at one scam in particular being pulled on the American people in particular.  It has to do with, er, science.

First, some background.

Edward L. Bernays,  an Austrian-American Jew - and a relative of Sigmund Freud, not so incidentally - was known, from his work in the early and mid-years of the 20th century, as ‘the father of Public Relations’.  Which subject area could also be known as Propaganda.  A good example, that we old-timers would know very well, but you youngsters couldn’t appreciate fully: In the early days of TV (yes, there was a time before TV, and all of its permutations) we were regaled on ‘the Tube’ with images of actors in the white coats of doctors extolling the merits of ‘their’ particular brand of cigarettes.  And then there was the same sort of scam used to sell Fluoridation.  But don’t let me get ahead of my story.

Let me get into it by way of anecdote.  You may have heard the classic example of the little old tea-drinking lady who fell and broke her hip.  (And ‘correcting’ such a condition having become quite a tidy sub-business all of its own.)  That isn’t because of the tea.  It’s because of the water.  It turns out that fluoride - unlike the chlorine in the water, which boils of from the teapot - concentrates when the water that it is in boils.  And guess what: Fluoride doesn’t make bones hard.  It makes them brittle.  So that that classic tale should rather talk about the little old lady who ‘broke her hip’ and then fell.

Fluoride, in the various forms in which it is added to our water supplies, besides being a rat poison is a toxic byproduct of some industries in particular, including the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries.*  Those industries would have to pay big bucks to keep it from polluting the environment, if left to normal procedures.  But the adjunctive business of Fluoridation has not only saved them that cost, but made them money in the bargain.

Such a deal.

But to move on.  (And we certainly need to.)

It turns out that fluoride has other ‘interesting’ properties.  One of which is that it causes cancer.  (Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, where are you when we have needed you all these years, that you have been silenced??)  It also lowers IQ.  But the other property of it that I want to concentrate on here is how it acts as a pacifier.  A mood-number.  

Some will know of stories that the Nazis put fluoride in the drinking water supplies of their concentration camp inmates, to keep them subdued.  Ditto the Soviets.  I don’t know about the veracity of those stories.  But I do know that fluoride is an ingredient in tranquilizers.            

And so we are merrily - or at least, numbly - passive while our country is being taken over.  In this time period, by the Red Chinese (who, besides other intrusions into our lives here, which I have dealt with in these pages elsewhere, also happen to be selling us fluoride for our water supplies), and their cohorts in crime, the Cabal, the Elite, the Illuminati; whatever you might call them.  Personally, I call them the Technocrats; ‘multinationals’ who - particularly with their carbon cap-and-trade credits, ostensibly to counter Anthropogenic Global Warming, oops, er, well, call it Climate Change - are out to create what has been called a prison planet.

But not so’s many people would know about that.  With the increasing censorship of our forms of communication, and the process of dulling us, and all… 

There is only one way out of this fine mess that you have gotten yourselves into, Mr. & Mrs. America.  And that way is Up.

And I can help you with that.

P.S. And what do I think of bottled water, to ‘help out’ in this matter?  Three things:
     1) Check the label.  Some such producers add fluoride to their ‘product.’  (Never say live, say these characters out to control us.)
     2) Beware of the plastic leaching into the water.  It has its own deleterious effects on us.  Transfer fresh, source-bottled drinking water to glass or metal containers.
     3) The big multis are trying to corner the fresh water supply ‘market’.  (Not so much for profit - although that’s part of ‘the deal’ - as for People Control.)  Don’t let them get away with it.   
     We are up against human predators.  (Or also to say: Predators of humans.)  Act accordingly.

P.P.S. An excellent source of information and action regarding Fluoridation is:   (Dr. Paul Connett's site)

* It is also given off, as a toxic pollutant, from coal-fired power plants.
   This whole subject originated during the last stages of WWII, with the secret development of the atomic bomb (in the Manhattan Project), when as part of that process fluoride was escaping into the air and settling in local farm fields where the cattle were ingesting it and falling victim to its various attacks on their systems, particularly its deleterious effect on their skeletal structures.  Farmers began suing; the subject got hushed up, and scientists were put to work to attempt to figure out what ‘they could about the problem.  It was one of these scientists who hit on the idea of metering the stuff into our water supplies (Fl in nature - another form of it - is part of the effects of ‘hard’ water) and selling it - figuratively and literally, as it has turned out - as a beneficial additive for our bones.
   The rest is history.  Along with that other history-making aspect of that process.
   Which will prove to have been the more deleterious to humanity, time will tell.
   (N.B. Those of us longer-term critters - cattle, indeed, to our erstwhile masters - will remember when ads on TV for toothpaste would show the kids or their parents happily laying down a good long slug of fluoridated toothpaste on their toothbrushes, and smiling cheerfully to the camera as a consequence of that activity.  I note that Time has caught up to some degree with us (most probably after some successful lawsuits, and Non-Disclosure Agreements), and now I hear of toothbrushing ‘clinics’ whereby kids are taught to put just a pea-sized amount of that good fluoridated toothpaste on their brushes.  Well; some progress, at least.)

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

The Process And The Crossing

German historian and philosopher F. Hegel had a solid handle on the matter of life, in my book: A ‘thesis’ - a position - generates a reaction/response to it, which he called an ‘antithesis’, out of which interaction grows a synthesis, i.e., an incorporation of parts of both sides of the process; but since that Process when applied to human history is not completed until it embraces the whole world, that synthesis just becomes the thesis of another go-round, of invocation, out of the realm of all possibility and potential.  And lo - The Process has gone global: We are at the concluding stage of said human historical process, with both religious and atheistic totalitarianism now threatening the entire planet; and thus invoking the ultimate response to that stage of development:

the kingdom of Heaven.  Both communism and capitalism (and mere religion; Man’s attempts to make sense of things) giving way now to The New Order of Things - a new System of exchange of goods and services, based on the Truth of life: that there is Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only.  And when we truly grok that, we can move on, out of the shadow of the likes of an interest-bearing money system - money as (perpetual) debt, and into the New Aeon, of mutual  ‘profit’.  The system - of exchange - based on Love.  Not Force.  On the gratitude of the offspring of their Creator to their Creator for life with meaning; and vice versa.

As for there being meaning to life, of a positive nature:

I, for one, cannot abide chicanery
And deceit any longer.  So it all
Has to go
In my reality.  
                      Such darkness
Is not compatible
With a kingdom of our Creator

You were expecting maybe Lucifer
To take over, be
In command?  Not
In this creation.
Or any other
For that matter.  Lucifer
Is of the Shadow, not
Of the Light.  Insubstantial
In his own right.

‘My kingdom is not
Of this world’?  
Nonsense.  It is all
     The Plan

        to deliver
        more gods
    The Process.

You see, you have been living in
A sort of delusion -
                   a classroom
         for lesson learning.
                 It’s time
To awaken from your
And I am here
To tell you that
And sound that note
          of vibratory
Now that The Play
          is over.
With its being Time
          the Real

       the kingdom
        of Heaven.

          At long

            it out
        and clear:

    At long last
      The Goal
     is in sight.

    Welcome to
        the rest
   of your lives

         and all
     that survives



As we raise our consciousnesses sufficiently to understand how to live with one another on a higher level - a level that understands, and reflects, that

We Are One Another.  And further, that

We Are One.

In alignment with, and identification with, our Creator Source.  On a Planet going


With us, individually.  Or without us.

This Time around.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Signs Of The Time

I get mail…

Item: From the Media Research Center’s August newsletter (which I have just received), lead article headed ‘Liberal Media Attack Supreme Court Nominee as “Extreme,” “Hardcore,” “Right-Wing Conservative”’:

“When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his resignation, the liberal media and their cohorts in the culture became hysterical.  President Donald Trump would get to pick another justice who could shift the court back to an originalist, Constitution-only 5-4 majority.  As NPR’s Nina Totenberg shrieked [on MSNBC], ‘It’s the end of the world as we know it.’”

It has been a while coming, particularly with shyster lawyers and judges for years having played a game with the law of the land - the Constitution - in pretending that judicial “interpretation” means that judges (egged on by likeminded lawyers) have carte blanche to ‘interpret’ the law any way they want, rather than strictly in relation to the Constitution.  I for one have suffered this crapology long enough.

Law that can mean
Whatever you want it to mean -
        that is to say
        arbitrary law - 
Is not law.
It is tyranny.
And its practitioners
Are despots.
Neither more.
Nor less.

Item: California governor Jerry Brown - who as part of the NWO crowd is attempting to separate CA from the Union, in a political maneuver called CalExit - has now gone far enough, if not too far.  From the U.S. Justice Foundation (mailing received today): 

“As you [might] know, SB 54 is Governor Jerry Brown’s lawless Sanctuary State law — defying President Trump and his ‘zero tolerance’ policy toward illegal immigrants.

“Some cities have had enough, and are fighting back.(1)

“So Governor Brown is vowing to crush this local rebellion and force California’s illegal sanctuary state status on all cities…"

And new comers the kicker; which I never knew about before:

“Under SB 54, Jerry Brown and his allies have moved to block all Trump Administration immigration raids in the state.  They order local businesses not only to hire but also to protect illegal aliens from federal law and federal officers…”  (Emphases in original)


This is insurrection, pure and simple.(2)  And this whole Illegal Alien business has obviously now gone, not just far enough.  But too far.  

To let violent convicts, drug dealers, gun runners, rapists, child and adult sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and jihadist terrorists willy-nilly into the country, to prey on American citizens - are you kidding me??!!   

This is an intolerable situation.

So it has to go.

My response to all that is going on and has been going on clearly for long enough now: 

                        The religious and atheistic totalitarians
                                 In cahoots with one another
                                     Are making their move
                                        To take over.  Then
                                    I will take over now, in
                              And establish the true kingdom
                                           for the planet.
                                 And thus bring to an end
                                              The Play
                                      And the beginning of 
                                          The Real Thing.
                                              It’s clearly
                                                   for it.


(1) N.B. I just found out the other day that my home town, Long Beach, is one of these “Sanctuary Cities’.  And no one is doing anything about it, so far as know. 
   So I guess I have to start coming out of, er, retirement… 

(2) With the NWO crowd obviously trying to goad Pres. Trump into strong enough a reaction to trigger civil war.  Which means that that Crowd - call them the Cabal, the Elite, the Establishment, the Illuminati; whatever you want to call them; aka the Luciferians - believe that they have sufficient forces at the ready to prosecute such a war (for a takeover, not just of this country.  But the planet).  Which means that the rumors that there are Red Chinese military in the hills of the Sierra Madre in northern Mexico at the ready to pour into this country, combined with their cohorts already in the country, via ’solar farms’ (situated near military bases, and main highways; for quick deployment), and at exterior (think Long Beach; my home town, as it so happens) and interior ports, are most likely true.
   And that the White Hats know all about it.
   But to continue this thread of thought.  And response.
   Cosmic response.

The Land Of The Conquered...

…And The Home Of The Submissive

That just doesn’t lend itself very well
To singing about, does it.  But
Not to worry: singing
Will not be allowed much longer
Anyway.  It’s a waste
Of time, in the New
World Order.  And time
         is money.
So, get to it, you slaves.
                           Or we
             your Masters
Will have your organs.
You won’t waste our time         
                with you
             any longer


Hey.  Since the U.S. has supported some ‘people of color’ against other ‘people of color’ meaning to oppress them, the argument about trying to overthrow ‘white supremacy’ doesn’t really wash.  And furthermore,

There will be no No-Go areas
In this country.  This is
The land of the free.  Not
Of the cattle, selected
According to type.
                     or get
That doesn’t mean
We all have to be the same
In religion.  It just means
                     that we
The same flag
And concept
Of a nation dedicated
To the freedom
Of the individual
From too-heavy governmental
      And certainly not

         So Butt
You erstwhile masters
Over us.  
         Consider yourselves


Or anywhere else
  for that matter.

Now, that
Is a global initiative

Worth looking at
And singing about.

In Harm's Way

I have just referred in these pages to how “actions have consequences”.  That was in reference to the contretemps that we will have to be subjected to in correcting the oversight of the American people in letting an ineligible person run for and occupy the highest office in the land.  Another area of such ‘consequence’-correcting is in the area of what could be called the immigration front, in the multi-pronged war that is going on.  Between, at its root, the Dark and the Light.

Besides the matter of the American people - what was supposed to be by its founding a nation of self-governing people - being too engrossed in their private lives that they let a constitutionally ineligible person into the Oval Office, and thus opened themselves and the nation up to all those consequences, is the ‘immigration business’.  And what a business it has been.  Some background, as dealt with admirably in an article in the most recent issue of The New American magazine entitled ‘No Borders, No Nation’:  

“Many conservatives critics of Ted Kennedy, LBJ, and Hart-Celler [of the Immigration Act of 1965, which opened the door for all manner of beasties to enter our country’s psychic space] err by referring to the de facto transformation-by-immigration we are experiencing as the ‘unintended consequences of liberalism,’ implying stupidity on the part of the mass immigration advocates.  No, the proponents of leftist ‘immigration reform’ programs - from Hart-Celler to DREAMER, DACA, DAPA, and beyond - knew full well that their plans would completely change and transform America  The 1965 Immigration Act coincided with another effort by the same ‘progressive’ forces to vastly expand welfare entitlements, first to existing citizens and then to new immigrants and illegal aliens.  The end result would be a massive remake of our country, as more and more people became welfare dependent. 

“The plan was laid out in the May 1966 issue of The Nation, by the husband-wife professorial team of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.  Entitled ’The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty,’ it has become known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy to socialize America.,,[They] paid homage in their article to Saul Alinsky, and his Marxist cadres at the Industrial Areas Foundation.  They made plain that their objects included ‘outright redistribution of income’ and national legislation for ‘a guaranteed annual income’ for all.  ‘It is our purpose,’ they said, ‘to advance a strategy which affords the basis for a convergence of civil rights organizations, militant anti-poverty groups and the poor.’  They proposed to build ‘mass influence’ for socialist objectives by recruiting millions into permanent government dependency…’Once eligibility for basic food and rent grants is established, the drain on local resources persists indefinitely,’ Cloward and Piven wrote.  

“With the entitlement mentality deeply and widely entrenched, it is easier to radicalize and mobilize large numbers of activists to push for bigger and more costly programs.  This will break local and state budgets, causing a ‘political crisis’ that forces the national government to take over…”

And thus for the collectivists to take over more easily, than in a federal system of government…

The result of all this planning over many years (including getting both legal immigrants and illegal aliens onto welfare benefits; a change from earlier laws)?:

“The data show that the welfare bribe is very effective: immigrants who vote tend to reliably reward the Democrats, who promise them (and deliver to them) the most taxpayer dollars…”(1)    

And what has all of this oversight led ineluctably to, now?  For that, I can go to a mailing I have just received, from an outfit called The American Minuteman Project’.  The letter points out some scurrilous facts: 

* “Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf was notified that agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be carrying out a series of raids on known illegal alien criminals.  
   “These notifications are critical for ICE agents to prevent misunderstandings with local law enforcement.
   “But Mayor Schaaf…openly defied Federal law and warned criminal illegal aliens of the upcoming law enforcement actions…”
   (Because it’s all part of the larger Plan.)

* “ Massachusetts State Rep. Michelle DuBois urged illegal aliens to not go into the street and not answer the door if there was a knock after being tipped off about an upcoming ICE raid.

* “Attorney General Xavier Becerra is preparing to prosecute any Californian who aids ICE in arresting illegal aliens.  He claims state law demands non-cooperation with Federal officials.”  (The letter continues: “That’s open revolt!”  Precisely.)(2)

* “Hundreds of mayors of so-called ’sanctuary cities,’ as well as leaders of entire ’sanctuary counties’ clear across the country, are also defying Federal law despite the real and present danger to their citizens…” 

The scene is heating up.  It’s time for a Showdown at the OK Corral.

And just to clarify: I have nothing against helping to bring people out of poverty.  That’s partly why I am here, and at this particular time.   But the way - and Way - that that sort of thing is accomplished makes all the difference.  And so far, the ‘agents of change’ on the Dark side seem to be winning; especially with their command of the high ground, in the form of the MSM, and its social media arm.

But - let’s see how it all unfolds. 

P.S. And I wonder how long before my access to such periodicals and mailings as referenced herein will continue, in the face of the NWO crowd’s censorship of such material, in both the MSM and in its social media arm, of indoctrination.  And of its control over our educational institutions, for many years.  While America slept.
     Sic transit gloria.


(1) So: Marks against the immigrants, legal and illegal, for taking money that has been extorted out of other people’s pockets.  But more marks against their seducers.  Those ass souls are whom I call Lucifer’s minions: knowing accomplices of the Dark side.
   It’s not primarily that they are against poverty.  It’s primarily that they want power (and that’s a way to obtain it).  
   Power Over Others.  POO for short.
   And speaking of.  Cloward and Piven are not just sympathetic souls for ‘the poor’.  They are socialists, of an extreme form.  Part of the nest of socialists/communists who have characterized Columbia University as a home for Reds for a very long time.
   It was why Barry Soetoro went there.  Although he didn’t do much there, having spent a considerable amount of time during that ’student’ period of his life over on the European continent.  First stop Pakistan, with his Pakistani buddy.  From there  -
   well.  Another story.

(2) To note the CA state legislature and governor cooperation with and even instigation of all this: Not only does this state have a Motor Voter law, whereby all residents who apply for or renew a driver’s license are automatically registered to vote (unless they opt out; but nudge-nudge wink-wink); but the state has now gone even further into insurrection, and made it explicitly legal for illegal aliens to obtain a driver’s license.  All, obviously, to encourage as many IAs as possible (of which there are now millions.  Millions) to vote - and, of course, to vote for the Dems.
   Which is not just a vote for them locally.  But is a vote to bring in the totalitarian New World Order.  The global gulag.  Which the IAs will be subject to as well, after they have been used, to further the insidious purposes of their current ‘friends’ in politics.  Because the people behind this whole scenario are not ‘people of color,’ meaning to bring about the destruction of Western civilization, in order to elevate the Third World peoples to rulership over the whole world (and thus the demonizing of ‘white male supremacists’ going on).  The people behind this scenario, currently playing out its last stages, couldn’t care less about ‘whites’ or ‘people of color’.  They only care about Power.  Absolute Power.  
   Over Earthians en toto.    

Monday, 27 August 2018

'The Red-Headed Scrapper' Still In There

To :Devvy Kidd

Subject: NWV Column of August 27 (titled ‘Dems Doing This While Conservatives Are Doing…’ ) 
(Devvy Kidd taking the Republican Party to task for not engaging sufficiently with the enemy; but congratulating the Young Americans for Liberty for rising to the occasion in some pockets in the country.  
(N.B. It turns out that Devvy has an extremely painful left arm, which is hampering her activity; but she is still in there, fighting the good fight, after all these nearly 30 years on the front lines; first as a Republican, and then, when it turned out to be part of the problem, as an Independent.)

Dear Devvy:

I was terribly sorry to hear about your arm.  I didn’t know.  I will hold the vision for a successful treatment for it, and in any event, that it doesn’t cause you to stop writing.  

I can’t imagine not hearing your voice, in these dark days.  I cheer you on silently every time I read one of your pieces.  I also am an ‘extremist’.  For example, I believe that, when Truth catches up with the Usurper, and he is jailed (for fraud, perjury, and treason), all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (and therefore, all the decisions that they figured into crucially) - go with him.  Into the trash bin.  (For it to be as though he had never occupied that office.  For, he was never there legally.)  But not only that   Since it is obvious that both the Democrat AND the Republican Parties colluded in his illegal candidacy for and occupancy of that particular office, they need to be tried as well - under RICO statutes - and, when found guilty (by an American Common Law court; no more of these Admiralty courts that infect this nation), their officials jailed, the parties fined, and driven out of business, as the corrupt entities that they are, and have then been legally found guilty of.  And not only that.  Since Congress failed in its constitutional duty to act as a check and balance to this usurpation of the Executive branch, it needs to be dissolved, and the country put under Martial Law, until new elections can be held (within 120 days, according to the terms of the NESARA package), with newly configured political parties.  And elections cleaned up, according to federal law; never to darken this nation again with their arrogant and satanic corruption, which has been leading us inexorably towards the totalitarian New World Order long planned for this country, by such as the CFR gang of conspirators.

So as you can see, I dearly appreciate such voices as yours, in the econo-socio-political arena.

Please keep up your excellent work, Devvy.  And may the pain of us all be at least diminished somewhat.  Maybe we can’t get rid of it all.  But we can certainly do all that we can do, to make this a better world.  

Yours in the battle,

Stan’ Stanfield       

P.S. And yes, please, sign me up for your email alerts.  (I already get the NWV.)   

(Her website:

Is It Time To Leave?

from ‘Is It Time to Leave America?’ - Dave Hodges - August 26
(Hodges asked his audience to answer the question, as to what they would do, with the advent of calamity facing the U.S. with all that is going on.  My response:)

ue: August 26, 2018 at 10:35 pm
(Your comment is awaiting moderation.) 

Pres. Trump is compromised. He needs to declare Martial Law, abdicate, and let the NESARA package take over, including a Resetting of the nation’s and the world’s currencies and replacing them with sound money, backed by precious metals. For a start, into a, the, New Order of Things on the planet.

If I were the Acting Officer in charge, before new – and cleaned-up – elections (to follow legally within 120 days), I would: Arrest and put on trial – in a proper, American Common Law court, not one of these current Admiralty courts (which are part of the problem, to be fixed by the NESARA protocol) – the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama (for not having been eligible for the office of POTUS, for not being a “natural born” citizen, which is a person born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof); ditto the same treatment for Bill and Hillary Clinton, for crimes too numerous to list here; ditto the same for the Bush Jr. administration officials who are suspected of having been involved in the 9/11 false flag op (with[the facts of] that whole caper to come out in the process of the court case); and we will go down the line from there, of federal officials who are suspected of crimes against the country. And actually, the need for Congress to be dissolved, for having failed in its constitutional duty to act as a check and balance against the usurpation of the office of POTUS by the Usurper. And to note: When he is found guilty, all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued, and all the appointments that he made – including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts – go with him. Into the trash bin. For it to be as though he had never been there. For, he was never there legally. And we will thereby learn, unfortunately the hard way, that actions have consequences.

There would be more, to the Resetting of the country (including the neutralizing of the threats to it from without and within). But you get the idea.

And then we move on.  And Up.  As many of us in this collective of souls as possible.  For, we are part of a realm, not of Judgement.

But of Love.

And lessons.  To grow from.  

Not get stuck in.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

On Purpose

                                  On Purpose

Just like money, life is, properly speaking, a means to an end, not an end in itself.  Taken in and for itself only, it is a merry-go-round, going nowhere really.  Get off it, and start the climb up the spiral stairway to the heavens.  You will be glad you did.  And so will your Creator Source, and your fellow souls on The Path - the Journey from Unity and back; qualitatively different, and better, for the experience.  The Purpose of life not being to make money; but to gain Self-realization.  About who you and we are, why we are here, and what we are here to do - to say, in sum: to find out what it is all about.  Not to get stuck in The Process, and dawdle along The Way.  

Oh, you can do that.  But you are defeating your, and the, Purpose, if you substitute means for ends.

That is not to say that you shouldn’t enjoy the fruits of your labors.  You earned that.  But not to get fixated on them, as the be-all and end-all of existence.  They are ephemeral.  Go for what lasts:

Your immortal soul, the richer for your experiences.

And part of that richness is the degree of your gratitude to your Creator for life with meaning. 

P.S. As to that latter point:
     I never cease to marvel at the minds of atheists, who cede so much ability to ‘evolution’, as if Nature were a marvelously intelligent Being, and yet their minds utterly reject the notion that there could be a marvelously ingenious Intelligence behind all life.
     The mind boggles.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

How Fares Humanity

How Fares Humanity

How fares Humanity?
    Have they caught
The wind in their sails yet,
        blowing them to
Their New World??
Ah well.  They will get
There soon enough, don’t
You worry, 
     with their new flag
To be unfurled,
Their new beginning.
          Because they
       are made
   of sterner stuff
Than thought by lesser beings,
To enslave them, as in
The old order of things.
Is that the wind I hear
As in filling canvas??
Here we go, then.  Here

And where we go One
We go All.
                  Except those
Who don’t qualify
This time around.

And you, friend?
How fare you??
In this classroom 
Apprentice gods???

Set your sails, friend.
          Set your sails.  
You don’t have much time
           to consider
           the weather

   the near horizon.

On Giving Thanks

I want to thank all those frontline Bolsheviks on the far Left and their background financiers on the far Right for helping to separate the wheat from the chaff.  As to he latter: Some of those ass souls, it will turn out, were just playing parts in the Drama, to help along The Process.  But it will all come out in the end.

And now, let's get on with

the real thing.

Friday, 24 August 2018

What Did We Come Here To Do

What Did We Come Here To Do

            We came here
            To remember.

We Are Red China

from ‘Facebook secretly tracking “trust ratings” for users with “social score” algorithm right out of communist China’ - Ethan Huff - August 23

“Under the guise of combating “fake news,” social media giant Facebook has unveiled a new censorship scheme that basically allows the platform to either award or penalize users based on what it deems to be the overall “trustworthiness” of their browsing, liking, and sharing habits.

“Similar to a social engineering program already being used throughout communist China to control people’s speech both online and off, Facebook says its new “trust ratings” system will track the online behavior of its users and assign secret ratings that ultimately determine whether or not users are “visible” online.

“So-called “malicious actors,” as defined by Facebook, might have their content blanked out from other people’s Facebook timelines, for instance. Users who are determined by Facebook to be purveyors of “fake news” can expect to be similarly censored, or taken less seriously when reporting content to Facebook moderators – and all of this in the name of improving the “credibility” of the Facebook experience…”

FB considers it part of their fight against “misinformation”.*  But as we have seen, the Left has a different definition of such than conservatives (the sources they use for ‘fact-checking’ having a solid leftist lean to them).

So, it’s right in your ‘faces’ now, American patriots.

What are you going to do about it.  Plus about the Red Chinese military personnel hiding in plain sight in such as their solar farms, and Chinese restaurants.  Plus units in Mexico, just waiting for The Signal to flood over our southern border and attempt to cut the U.S. in half; the easier to swallow it, my dears.  Plus...

But you get the idea.

I trust.

P.S. “To keep up with the latest news about technocratic totalitarianism, visit
Sources for this article include:

* “‘The reason we do this is to make sure that our fight against misinformation is as effective as possible.’

“But those familiar with China’s so-called “social credit” system say that Facebook’s new trust ratings system is eerily similar to it. In case you’re unfamiliar with it, the Chinese government basically tracks people’s social media, online shopping, and other habits and assigns them a score that affects their ability to function in society.

“Chinese citizens with a lower social credit score might have more trouble than others taking out loans or even using public transport, while those with higher scores are granted more freedoms by the authoritarian leaders of their country.

“It’s all a matter of how obedient Chinese people are to the government status quo that determines their overall social credit score. Those who best comply are considered “model” citizens, while those who engage in online behaviors that the government doesn’t like are oftentimes “blacklisted,” preventing them from traveling, buying, and selling…”

And going on to higher education.  And even living in their apartment.  And even living.  Being more valuable to the State for their organs than living in poverty somewhere…

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Sanctuary Cities Vs. Cities Of Light

In a recent blog I talked about how all the statues and other monuments that have been taken down forcibly by mobs need to go back up, and as much to the costs of the miscreants involved - both the individuals and the financial backers of their enterprises - as possible.  Why?  Because it was done by violent means, not by legal means.  We need to learn to live by law, as reflection of the higher Law, that governs life itself.

Having said that, a situation has arisen that demonstrates qualification to that general position: that of bad law.  I refer to the matter of what is called Sanctuary Cities (and even States).  And I bring this subject up here and now because I have just received word that brings the whole subject rather closer to home for me, in discovering that I live in such a Sanctuary City (or at least, Area).1

To quote from a mailing from an outfit called the National Police Association:

“You’ve been selected to participate in the enclosed National Sanctuary Area Crime Impact Survey because you live in or next to Long Beach, an area designated as an official Sanctuary Area by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.2

“As you may know, Sanctuary Areas are where individuals who are in the USA illegally and who are known by law enforcement to be engaged in criminal activity such as sales of illegal drugs, assault, rape, robbery and other felony crimes can safely avoid arrest by local law enforcement officers.3

“We’re conducting the National Sanctuary Area Crime Impact Survey to measure the effects of Sanctuary policies in Long Beach and the 300 other localities in the US that are designated as Sanctuary Areas…”

And then the latter goes on to clarify:

“Because of Sanctuary policies in your Area and in other Areas around the nation if law enforcement tries to turn these known criminals into federal immigration for prosecution and deportation - it’s the law enforcement officer who will be in trouble and not the criminal!  All of this is why dangerous criminals who are in the country illegally flock to Sanctuary Areas because they know they can safely plan their crimes, expand their criminal or terrorist enterprises and be safe from prosecution.

“And because illegal immigrants who are career criminals make a beeline to Sanctuary Areas like where you live - individuals living in Sanctuary Areas are much more likely to be victimized by crime than those who live elsewhere.  For example, in Texas, New York, Florida, California, where Sanctuary policies are common, and in Arizona, almost 40% of all murder convictions involve individuals who are in the USA illegally.  In Sanctuary city Los Angeles, California an incredible 95% of outstanding warrants for murder are illegal immigrants!…”  (Emphases in original)

Etc. etc. etc. (with specific examples detailed).4  And it concludes:

“Remember, because you live in or next to a Sanctuary Area, you have the most to gain from our campaign, and as a voter and informed citizen you’re in a position to do something about the Sanctuary policies in your community.”

Ah - the nifty graft of it.  The s.o.b.’s amongst us cause the voting system to be corrupted, particularly by not following federal law to cleanse the Voter Registration Rolls, and then use the contaminated VRRs to pass such laws as Sanctuary City policies.  Sweet…

Leaving aside concerns about a ‘National’ police movement growing out of this corrupt Opportunity situation, I would like to make a basic comment about it.  Namely:

* This Sanctuary City/Area business is clearly ‘badf law,’ which needs to be rectified; and 

* it highlights all the more the need now for humanity to move Up a notch in consciousness, and start getting involved in the ‘real deal’:

Cities of Light.  Reflecting our spiritual maturity.

Which we are clearly being called on, now, to rise to.  As the occasion of our Ascension - to a higher level of consciousness - presents itself to us.  

And may as many as possible of our fellow souls on The Path - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of The All That Is -   

make the cut.

And you don’t make it by engaging in corruption.  In corrupt activity of any sort.  

Because that quality of being cannot exist on the level - the frequency level - that humanity has now the opportunity to move up to, wholesale.

Remember the expression, ‘I can get it for you wholesale’?

Take advantage, friend.  Such Opportunities don’t come along very often.

Say, every 13,000 or 26,000 years, or so???


1 I have lived away - and out of the country itself  - from my ‘old home town’ for many years, and am slowly discovering things about it - much like Rip Van Winkle - that I never realized were current reality.  Also much like Dorothy remarking to her dog, “This isn’t Kansas, Toto.” 
   (And I won’t go into the subject of her Red Shoes here.  One subject at a time.  And especially one as sore as that one.)

2 What the heck is this all about??  What does the DHS have to do with such matters???  
   Reading on… 

3 What do you mean, by “local” LEOs?  I thought the problem was with the local LEOs not turning over to the feds such illegal aliens who had already been arrested for various crimes locally - keeping the process local, so that the IAs wouldn’t be deported by the feds.  A subject in itself.  And what is this business about a “National” Police Assn. anyway???
   Reading on…

4 Plus recently to add to the shame list there is the tragic case of Mollie Tibbetts.