People are a bit peculiar, in my book.
Either there is a ‘God’ - something more than Man - or there is not. If there is not, then nothing really matters anyway, and one might as well live simply for oneself, independent of the effect of that pursuit on others, as not; for the end of the closed system of life can, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, a presumed evolutionary advantage in some degree of cooperation, or whatever. If there is, however, then certain things follow. (Including the fact that we should, then, be living as if there were, and not as if there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present.)
It follows, for one thing, that there is Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only; that there is a larger Meaning to life than just what is ‘normally’ presented to us. That we are, then, but playing parts, in what is, then, the pageantry of life - the Play of Life.
To what End?
Ah yes. Well, I’ll get to that in a minute But you get the idea, for now: That, given the latter alternative as 'the fact of life,' we are, largely, living below - far below - our potential. As ‘pieces of the continent, parts of the main’. The main Body - the Whole - of which we are parts. And thus, creators ourselves. But, first things first.
My position, after a lifetime of searching into these matters,1 is that there is, indeed, ‘something more than Man’. Is there any evidence, any real, hard evidence, to that effect, to support that conclusion? Indeed there is. Besides the fundamental fact of our even being capable of considering it,2 there are such ‘leads’ as a) the scientists of our day coming to the understanding that there are more dimensions than those we can perceive via our (limited) senses; b) what have come to be known as OOBEs (Out-of-Body Experiences) and NDEs (Near Death Experiences), and c) memories filtering through of other lifetimes, many of which have been confirmed.3
A note at this point. Perhaps the main reason that these ‘intimations of immortality’ haven’t been accorded quite the attention that they deserve is the dual matter of a) the Christian religion on the one hand (fixing our one incarnation as our soul having been ’saved’ forever or not), and b) atheism on the other. Both being but belief systems. If a belief system stands in the way of knowledge - just like the ‘belief’ of a vengeful god of some sort causing storms and such (and thus needing to be placated, by the likes of sacrifices) - then the belief system needs to yield, in the light of that new day.
But to move on, and continue, for now, here. And to wrap this short essay up (not to belabor the point).
So, there are evidences of a Play of some sort going on, in which we take on different roles - now a prince, now a pauper; now a male, now a female;4 now of one race or religion or nationality, now of another - all to a Purpose. Obviously of education. Of edification. And when a particular soul reaches a point of self-awareness beyond just that of being a conscious entity, as in the body and brain limitation of a higher primate, they ‘graduate,’ and move on, up the spiral stairway to the higher realms (aka densities, or dimensions), towards (I could even say, back towards) Unity. Both for their own accomplishment, and to move them on, up and out of this lower grade, so that they don’t ‘spoil’ the lesson-learning for the others still on this level, of consciousness. Except for those souls who have chosen to act as guides, to help others on their paths.5
As have flooded into incarnation at this time; to help, not just individuals, but in a process of a collective graduation. Up through 4D to 5D - and beyond. Because
it’s time. And Time. For such a Harvesting.
And may you be included, this Time around.
And may you be included, this Time around.
1 So far, what I have presented here, as argument into The Matter, is what I had concluded over sixty years ago, when I first started out on my search into the Truth of things, and quit school/university - my formal education - to further that search, and Cause. Everything that I have learned since has just embellished on this basic premise.
2 beyond the attempts of early humans to make some sense of the likes of storms and earthquakes and droughts, and thus the beginnings of the likes of the moves to ‘placate the gods’, the unseen powers seemingly behind such manifestations of power
3 See, e.g., Dr. Ian Stevenson’s ’Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation’. And there have been a plethora of such evidences since the time of that publication (1966); especially with the advent of medical advances that have been able to bring people ‘back from the brink’ of death. Of termination of the physical body. The vehicles, vessels, for our souls to incarnate through, into this reality. Such as it is.
But to continue.
4 Or some gender identity in between. Which is another subject. But just to say: Although we are in our essence, our essential Self, beyond the duality of male and female, that is a natural polarity in this realm (for various lessons to be learned in each ‘role’), and the current flooding of ‘gender identity disorder’ persons into our society is due more to environmental pollutants/influences than to any ‘natural’ process.
And the clue to that conclusion is the low consciousness of so many of those so afflicted; who are lashing out at their ‘tormentors’ indiscriminately, rather than taking the time to look into the nature and matter of their dysphoria.
An Opportunity - for growth - lost.
5 Called bodhisattvas, in Buddhism.
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